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Hi everyone! So... I'm going to level with you. I am trying to sell my condo right now and packing like a maniac. **

[update] **Further to this note, the packing situation has escalated very quickly and without warning, so I'm a bit delayed on everything else for this month /:D I think I will be able to catch up after this big initial spike though. Apologies. 

June is supposed to be AMA month, because we're above $300, yay! Unless we get above $500/mo, I'll also do an AMA in November. I usually do one "big" AMA (where I answer with comics) and then a "kinda different" AMA if I do two in a year. 

Some previous AMAs are here, here, here and here  .

With everything I gotta do getting ready for the condo sale, I really don't think I'm going to have the energy to do comics AMA right now. I'll try to do them in November!

For today though, you can ask me anything (even personal stuff) and I'll do my best to answer in this post. I'll answer as honestly as I can, but there are some people who use what they find about me online to try and hurt me (it's managed and I'm fine it's just A Thing to deal with as an Internet Person), so please keep that in mind when you read my answers. Please also keep that in mind for how you treat information posted here on Patreon in general, thank you <3

You can ask me about fostering cats, or anime, or books, or some recent tech stories... whatever you'd like :)



Thanks for answering my comment on another post so quickly. I'll keep it light and fluffy: summer's coming, what's your favourite frozen treat (homemade, if you have one)?

Faith Nelson

If you had an entire evening to spend with one author, and could talk with him about any book or series you loved, in details, who would you choose, and what book? What would you ask him?

Ali Grotkowski

What are your favourite media to consume right now? Has it changed much throughout the pandemic?


What other Commonwealth country would you like to visit?


No question. Just hoping you've taken a breather at some point today.


No questions from the Jess portion of the NJ team, but I just wanted to say thank you for fostering cattes! I know that I would end up wanting to adopt them all, so your work to socialize, care for, and just love these cattes until they find forever homes amazes me. We have an only cat (she doesn't like other animals), so I live a bit vicariously through you and Mary Cagle. 💜 Also, we're moving in early July, so we are in packing purgatory with you. Solidarity and strength through the process!


What do you have with you most days? I have a small notebook, fountain pen, wallet most days.


Today was mildly chaotic but I have a bubble tea and I enjoy answering questions :)


Np, I try my best. The other day I was like "I want a hot chocolate..... but cold" and then I remembered that pudding exists. So I went to the shop but they didn't have the pre-made pudding, just jello mix. I messed up the instructions and made chocolate soup instead. Which was ok. then I poured it into a popsicle mould and now I have fudgsicles! That's not bad, imo. Normally my go-to is mochi ice-cream but I am batching my groceries and I haven't hit the threshold to get back to the grocery store that carries them yet. I can't wait to get two vaccines so I can can go casually into the store on my block again =_=


I think probably Ursula K. Leguin. I've read a few of her books now, and many interviews and she strikes me as such a conscientious writer who thinks very deeply about what she's writing and is well versed in speculative fiction. I'd be really curious about both The Dispossessed (writing about an anarchist society) and Left Hand of Darkness (for her interpretation on gender). I'd ask what it was like framing those ideas, especially at the time they were published.


It's still very tough for me to consume narrative TV like I used to. I'm working through season 1 of Sense8 but it's quite stressful! So more often than not I'm relying on TV that's a lot more relaxed... I watch a lot of TikTok compilations to be honest. And Taskmaster!!! When I have more energy I like to watch Drag Race or anime -- working through Tokyo Revengers and Fruits Basket right now.


Music wise I went through a period in the pandemic where I could only handle music from my high school days ("Alternative"). Now I can withstand a bit more variety again, but I still listen to a lot of vaporwave. I also really like DojaCat haha...


Book wise... it's been hard to read prose during the pandemic. I read a few books, I read some personal dev books and also breakfast of champions and some poetry. I'm trying to plow through my comics reading list though and I've read a LOT of comics. As it turns out... I like comics?


I had to remind myself of the commonwealth countries haha I've been to the UK, South Africa, Botswana and Namibia. I *really* want to visit Singapore, that's quite high on my list. So is Australia and New Zealand since they seem really beautiful and I've never been! I'm very interested in Sri Lanka as well, it's where my parents had their honeymoon. I really miss travelling so I hope it's possible in the future.

jam (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 01:06:01 It suckkkkkkkks solidarity in Box Hell Honestly I've always imagined that I would love fostering and as it turns out I love it even more than I thought I would! I love all cats, and I love that this process has given me the opportunity to really get to know SO many cats. I really enjoy the process of having a cat come to me in non-ideal circumstances and working with them to feel more stable, get healthy, and then find a loving forever home for them. Of course I miss them when they're gone, but I'm happy just having been a positive part in their lives &lt;3 I hope to continue this after the move.
2021-06-15 23:26:02 It suckkkkkkkks solidarity in Box Hell Honestly I've always imagined that I would love fostering and as it turns out I love it even more than I thought I would! I love all cats, and I love that this process has given me the opportunity to really get to know SO many cats. I really enjoy the process of having a cat come to me in non-ideal circumstances and working with them to feel more stable, get healthy, and then find a loving forever home for them. Of course I miss them when they're gone, but I'm happy just having been a positive part in their lives <3 I hope to continue this after the move.

It suckkkkkkkks solidarity in Box Hell Honestly I've always imagined that I would love fostering and as it turns out I love it even more than I thought I would! I love all cats, and I love that this process has given me the opportunity to really get to know SO many cats. I really enjoy the process of having a cat come to me in non-ideal circumstances and working with them to feel more stable, get healthy, and then find a loving forever home for them. Of course I miss them when they're gone, but I'm happy just having been a positive part in their lives <3 I hope to continue this after the move.


I've been working on my every day carry a bit. The pandemic had me carrying a lot more than usual so I upgraded to a backpack, and it has quite a bit... I carry a leatherman, battery bank, cables and wall USB port, water bottle, metal cutlery set, fold-away shopping bag, pen, kleenex, and a "sanitary kit" with IPA spray, hand san, spare mask, mask "ear saver" for when I'm out for longer than expected, and wet wipes. (and wallet/keys/phone). I want to add sunglasses but all my sunglasses are broken apparently. All of them!! No survivors...... When I'm on my bike I also have bike stuff (tools, spare tire, patch kit, pump).


Good news, I needed something from T&amp;T so I managed to get some mochi ice cream! I know everyone was very worried.