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Just a quick one today, talking about habitica, I recommend!

*** Transcript***

Habitica: https://habitica.com/

TCAF: http://torontocomics.com/ 

Okay hello Patreon it's Saturday! This is gonna be a quick one as I'm running out the door.

This past week has been interesting so after all that hecticness that work that big project of the door that the trip to California I finally had a week to basically just work through stuff and obviously they're still a large volume of work going through. Everything that I've had to kind of set aside in order prioritize what needed to get done immediately still... You know ...turns out needs to get done so even though there hadn't been anything actively on fire.

I've putting in a lot of time at work and then coming home I decided this week is the week I want to get myself back together so I've been really hitting the-- well-- it used to be called habit RPG, now it's called Habitica it's a task management and habit management system that I've been using for years and years I really like it. It's a way that you can track like all the things you need to do and if you do them you get points and if you don't do them you lose health points so as it's basically like transforming your chores and the things you need to do into a little bit of a videogame... Which is silly but it is actually really effective and it's a really good way to keep on top of all the things I need to do to make sure don't forget anything from day to day I'm so -- (muttered complaining about my hair) I have a haircut scheduled rate for TCAF and figure out what to do but I should just turn off this .. Looking at myself getting filmed otherwise I get distracted.

So yeah kind of a boring week from Patreon's perspective because I've been really headdown focused on getting myself together in a personal way and unfortunately a lot of personal bad stuff happened as well. Like nothing that'll bore you with --large adulty things that I need to deal with which were distracting and annoying and continue to be so and hopefully we'll be to get through that I am headed out to the valley for my nephew is turning one! Yayy gonna go celebrate that and then I hope I have the good solid day tomorrow to tackle art stuff which feels good I haven't had a good solid day to really just lean into art stuff in a while and I'm really looking forward to it and hopefully that will have results so again thank you so much for your patience. I'm coming around the corner really looking forward to digging into this a bit more so that's all I'm going to say for now so have a good one... have a good weekend!


vlog 2016 4 30

habitica and stabilization


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