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Injection molding! Such an important process, but one that I think is not well understood by the general public. 

Almost every plastic thing that is produced in high volumes has to be injection molded. It's the only way to drive the costs down low enough to make many consumer products realistic! And designing parts for injection molding is its own specialty skill. I've been lucky enough to go through the process a few times myself, and it really opens your eyes to how complex every single plastic thing really is. Even the "cheap" things have dozens of people working together to make it possible. 

Someday I'd love to do a little explainer on how to tell how something was made, because I've picked up so many interesting tricks. I geek out about this kind of stuff... 




“explainer on how to tell how something was made”. I’m interested!


That's what I love about watching AvE's tear-downs, he loves to point out little blemishes/designs that indicate how something was made. Sometimes he's caught flaws that indicate worn-out tooling, or spots where the tooling was modified/repaired.


I'm very interested in this! And things get way more complicated when a simple two-part mold just won't do...


Yes, stuff like this is so interesting when you learn to see it


It's almost like a puzzle trying to figure out how something was made sometimes! Very fun for me to try and learn about new techniques.


"Gate"? I've always known them as a "sprue" (both the channel and the plastic part that gets cut off). For our molding process, the parts just had to be pulled off, not cut (a lot easier). Some of our parts had metal pieces inserted into the molds and plastic was injected around the metal part. That added an extra bit of fun to the mold making. As it was, we only went outside for two of our molds (the very first one and one that had two connecting holes at a 90° angle), the rest were made in-house.


thanks for the tip, great technical content and amusing vocabulary ^_^

Faith Nelson

oh man, I would be so interested in a "how things are made" explainer! The kids grew up winding down at the end of the day curled up on my bed with me watching "How It's Made" on the science channel. It's always fascinated me to see how they do things like that.


Hmm, you're not the only one who has given me this feedback, it might be a case of regional terminology. I'll do a bit more research and determine what is the most industry-common term.