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This 'ecosystem' concept was really fascinating to me, and I hadn't seen it before in other regions. There is a little bit of geographic clustering -- in Windsor, ON for example, a lot of automotive assembly plants spawned a mini-ecosystem of fab shops and part suppliers -- but it isn't right next door the way it is here. It seemed very efficient. 

I'm also really happy with how I can walk you through the "flow" of the process linearly like this. In the facility the shop is laid out "wet to dry" with all of the chemically intense processes clustered in one area, and all of the dry, controlled areas in another. This makes obvious sense from a production standpoint, but as I was walking around the facility and taking notes, we were walking through all sorts of stages of the process! 



Aldous Russell

Thanks! "coper" should be "copper".


Ah you're right, good catch thank you


Also, page 2 panel, "chamical" should be "chemical." Are they still using a ferric chloride based etchant? (I used to do photoetch circuit boards.)

kaitou (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 01:12:17 Also pacakaging -> packaging.
2021-03-02 00:25:05 Also pacakaging -> packaging.

Also pacakaging -> packaging.


I must have had my glasses off when I typed this page hahaha


No worries. I never see my typos until after I hit the send/post/whatever button. (Rule of Maximal Embarrassment: You never see the stupid mistake you've made until someone else is looking at it.)