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Hi everyone, I normally like to have a nice, finished header image when I make a post like this but I just have to make peace with the fact that that's not happening yet and I can't delay any longer. 

Hi! Happy New Year! This Patreon is on pause until February :)

You might remember that I announced that I was going to take a break from Patreon responsibilities from December, and I wasn't sure whether I would need January as well. 

Well, December was about as tough as I thought it was going to be. But... thankfully I had the bandwidth to deal with it! In the last month many boring and un-fun things have happened such as:

  • My entire computer dying and needing to be completely replaced after all the components in the city sold out on Black Friday (lol)
  • My website dying and needing to be migrated and rebuilt
  • My internet dying and needing to be completely reinstalled

Wow! Fun and cool. The good news is that I am safe and well, I have a new more-powerful computer, more stable website and faster internet! Yay! And I was also able to get a lot of good rest. I spent three days in silent meditation and that did me a world of good. However, I think at the end of this I only managed to claw myself back to "zero" and I still need a bit more time to build up the buffer I wanted. 

I do have some things, though, and I'm feeling confident that I can get it together to resume in February. Then we can look forward to Shenzhen Fast pages, more of the career zine, a new short story I'm pecking away at... all sorts of fun stuff :) 

So please take care of yourselves, no one is being charged for January, I'll see you next month. 

As a last thing, please enjoy these paintings I did for my dear friend @alinapete for Christmas :)

So yeah! How are you? 




Sending good thoughts your way, computer problems stress me out so badly on the best of days and it sounds like you got a serious triple whammy! Take as long as you need. :) I took two and a half weeks off of work at the end of the year to use up vacation days (because lol 2020 and planned travel) and I'm still figuring out what it is I do at my job now that I'm back at work again. Hope your new year is starting off well!


Daaaaang, all technology revolted! Glad to hear it's all back on track now, though. Happy new year and new technology!


Yeah, I had the same situation with vacation, I was lucky in that regard! My year HAD been starting off well until the whole "coup thing" but overall I think it's going ok :) Manageable


Thank you! The computer was the biggest bear, thankfully, so I'm glad that one got sorted out.

Faith Nelson

oh man, computer problems stress me out so much, and right now I can't handle any more stress than I'm already carrying. I'm glad you got things sorted, and completely understand wanting to take some down time! Only thing is - I wish there was an option for "but I WANT to support you while you take down time!" =)


That's sweet of you! Remaining a part of my Patreon and being patient and understanding is incredibly supportive, I am very grateful 🙏🙏🙏