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Oh what a year it's been! Patreon is kinda terrible at search and finding archives of stuff, so here's an easy-access post of all the year's best content. 

If you want to explore all the content, Patreon does allow you some filters by pledge level

And I do my best to tag things (I'll mention some key tags below)

And here's a link to the round up I did in 2019 in case you wanna dig a bit deeper back :)

$1 Patrons - Early Access

2020's big project for $1 Patrons was the Food Zine! 24 full-colour illustrations with my favourite easy meals, split up by season. Here the link to the tag , and here's the finished "making of" post where you can download the whole thing :)

There were also a few patreon-exclusive autobio comics.

The Patreon-exclusive special monthly events included:

The higher the overall pledge level ($/month I receive), the more types of monthly bonus exclusives unlock. In the future this could include hourly comics or other kinds of challenges.

Also every month includes a newsletter update which contains all the links from 'round the web in one easy location. 

$2 Patrons - Sneaky Peaks

The big project for the sneaky peak level was Shenzhen Fast. If you wanna see a ton of pencils, process, roughs and making-of content, you can find it here in the tag :) I'm also starting on the Career Zine so many pencils can be found for that in the tag.

I also did a few book reviews (with fanart!) and the occasional study :)

$5 Patrons - Behind the Scenes

At this level there's lots of extra development content for Shenzhen Fast, Food Zine and Career Zine (so check those tags). I also brought back the vlog (which includes speeddraws of my inking work). At this level I also post a lot about my process, which this year has included a project rebinding my old sketchbooks

There's also one big surprise thing that's pretty much done! You can go try it out, Scenesters! I'll be "launching" it as soon as I get back to this :)

$10 Patrons - the LAB

This year in the Lab there was a lot of interesting and diverse content!

Labmates also get occasional gifts in the mail, this year I sent some zines and some stickers :D

Thank you so much for being Patrons!

Your support has enabled a lot of great creative work to come to life. Patreon funding allowed me to hire a flatter and colourist for Shenzhen Fast, paid for zine materials and printing, helped me pay for software and other services that make me more efficient! I love the community we've been building here :)

I'd love to hear your feedback! How did you find the structure this year? What kind of content was the most fun for you? Is there anything missing that you really wish I'd include? Let me know :D

Onward to 2021. Let's make the best of it




I just love the content you've decided to put out this year. From the "sad comics" (should just call them Real Life Comics! :D) to the making-of/process work to the super interesting ideas and more in the Lab -- it all has been interesting and often thought-provoking. I've also loved a glimpse into how the year was for you, which made me feel less alone in my own views of the year. Thank you, Jam!