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Welcome to new Patrons 🎉 Andrew Kunz, 🎉Edward Eade II, 🎉Katelin Posthuma, and 🎉Noradrenalin! :)

Wow ok, what a week! Hahah, I hope you're all staying safe and strong out there, whatever happens we will have a lot of work to do but hopefully we'll be able to breathe a little easier for a minute. THANK YOU to everyone who voted and helped get out the vote <3

Here's what happened on Wasted Talent...

It's really fun to remember the 2010 Olympics :) What wild times...

The best of WT is updating every Tuesday and Thursday on the site and on webtoon :)

$1 Early Access

The last page of the food zine went up, and then I released the whole thing for Patrons! :D The local art store unfortunately doesn't carry the foil I need to do more print editions, so I'm hunting around for a good online source that will ship quickly to Canada so I can set up a proper preorder for the physical edition. 

$2 Sneaky Peaks

More pencilled pages of the Career Zine, and then a comic about the US election

$5 Behind the Scenes

Beta test of a secret surprise which should be ready to launch this month :) 

$10 the LAB

A sad comic about volunteering in the community garden. And about, like... time and poverty and stuff... :(


This month I bought a new Cintiq!! I have to upgrade my system a bit to run it, so it's not quite installed yet but I'm so excited to invest a bit more in my workflow. I got a good Craigslist deal on it. Woo! :)

I did a book contest recently and two of the winners were longtime Patrons and friends who already had the books :) So I did some sketches for them instead. 

NJGR requested Flitzibon meeting my foster cat Parker. 

[Parker went to his forever home in October!  Yayyyy! I have two fuzzy new charges who I have called Temari [black] and Kankuro [grey] because their system names are a bit weird to me. ]

The other prize went to Jonathon Dalton (who coloured the book 1 comics for Wasted Talent!) He requested a redone version of a VERY old in-joke called Story is King. The idea is that my philosophy for writing is that ALL of your creative decisions should be in service of the story hehe. 

It was fun. Ok! Onwards to another month!




Hoooow do you get them to look at you?! And THANK YOU again for the sketch. I love it so much! ♥

A Patreon of the Ahts

Ok, but Damon Runyon said plot is what happens to characters you care about....


Ha! We try that, but Rosie just moves her ears about a bit and doesn't look at us. She's too old and wise, maybe. ;)