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I've been really into this show (Mushishi) lately. It's very gentle and calm and nature-heavy, with a little bit of mysticism... I dunno I'm just really appreciating its vibe lately :) 

The story follows this guy (Ginko) who wanders from town to town in 1920s...? (vague)-era Japan helping people with their "mushi" problems. Mushi are ancient spirit-like creatures that have strange powers and are not very well understood by modern people, but Ginko has been studying them for a long time. I like that he's always aloof and calm and always seems to know what to do :) Every chapter is its own little story, so it's a nice kind of series to pick up when you have a few minutes. 

It's a very odd series because the anime is such a direct adaptation of the manga.. not quite shot-for-shot but definitely scene-for-scene. And yet... I do recommend BOTH the manga AND the anime. I think they both have their own appeal!

The manga is stunning, I really like the way it's paneled and the eerie vibe really comes through well with the art. It's almost poetic.

(they're good comix, Bront)

And the animation in the show is just STUNNING. I'm finding it really worth a watch even though I know 100% of what's going to happen. 

Anyway if you're looking for a good anime to crunch on, I heartily recommend this one, and I hope you enjoy my little tribute. 

If you're curious, here's what the watercolours looked like before I put down the gouache layer. I like the end result, but I also like this "softer" one, too!



Jeph Jacques

ahhh mushishi is so good! You should also check out Kino's Journey if you haven't already, similar vibes


I haven't heard of that one :00 I will definitely check it out :)