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" This might be too personal (and it's fine to ignore this, if so), but I know a lot of us with anxiety or other MHI are having a tough time with, well, almost literally everything going on in the world right now. Would you mind sharing how you're watching for signs of burnout/stress and counteracting those in the moment? I know you've been very much about self care in a long-term way and I love the zines, etc. to avoid getting to that point (burnout), but I still feel like I'm treading a fine line sometimes and am always curious about how others recognize that line themselves.  "

I'm sorry to hear you've been treading a fine line. To tell the truth... I have been also. All the things in the "red alert" section of my warning signs have come to pass. (I thought I was doing mostly fine until I cracked my tooth in half LOL)

I spent most of this week trying to get back to basics to try and stave off the worst of it, but there's only so much you can do sometimes!! 




Thank you for answering this! I have some of the same warning signs, but one that I hadn't even realized was really one: fixating on unimportant details. That was pretty eye-opening for me to read and recognize! I also haven't been getting into nature as much as I prefer, so I think I need to be doing that more. This was super helpful in making me stop and think about each aspect of this for myself, something I've done in bits and pieces, but not as a whole like this. THANK YOU! Sorry to hear about your tooth! I've done that as well (now I wear a night guard because, well, who has the time and money to be dealing with that all the time?), and it's a horrible time: 0/10 do not recommend. I hope you were able to get it taken care of with as little hassle (and pain!) as possible! -jess


I did get it taken care of recently, thankfully :) I'm very lucky to have a great dentist. I got my nightguard yearssssssss ago when I had kickass dental insurance, but then I *thought* I had taken care of the underlying issue (the stress). Thankfully it still fits. But yeah, the discomfort of wearing it beats cracking a tooth ANY day.


The "fixating on unimportant detail" thing is kind of hilarious because it happens a LOT and I need other people to tell me it's happening, and even when they do I CAN'T let it go. Things that I have gotten hyper-fixated on recently: - Rearranging a drawer of greeting cards I got for free from charities and sorting them by type... during a pandemic outbreak - Obsessing over the composition of a post scheduled weeks in the future when I'm supposed to be sleeping ahead of a trans-Atlantic flight - Turning my house upside-down and conducting deep internet research to try and repair a video game system that I haven't touched in literally years... at midnight in advance of an important early meeting. The main hallmark of these is that I CAN NOT let it go until it's finished, and it is always irrelevant and borderline absurd to be thinking about.

NJGR (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-23 22:10:32 A good dentist is worth twice her weight in gold! I finally just admitted that I need to wear my guard every night, unfortunately. My dentist was a lifesaver over the past two years as I dealt with severe jaw & head muscle issues (due to the job I finally left in January). I couldn't even open my mouth at times and the severe pain of my head, jaw, and ears was debilitating. I think stress just creeps up on me, and my jaw muscles know before my brain does! Glad you were able to get yours taken care of -- and that your nightguard still works! 🙌
2020-07-04 18:54:42 A good dentist is worth twice her weight in gold! I finally just admitted that I need to wear my guard every night, unfortunately. My dentist was a lifesaver over the past two years as I dealt with severe jaw & head muscle issues (due to the job I finally left in January). I couldn't even open my mouth at times and the severe pain of my head, jaw, and ears was debilitating. I think stress just creeps up on me, and my jaw muscles know before my brain does! Glad you were able to get yours taken care of -- and that your nightguard still works! 🙌

A good dentist is worth twice her weight in gold! I finally just admitted that I need to wear my guard every night, unfortunately. My dentist was a lifesaver over the past two years as I dealt with severe jaw & head muscle issues (due to the job I finally left in January). I couldn't even open my mouth at times and the severe pain of my head, jaw, and ears was debilitating. I think stress just creeps up on me, and my jaw muscles know before my brain does! Glad you were able to get yours taken care of -- and that your nightguard still works! 🙌


Ohhhh! That last one! Staying up to research a technical problem when something important is happening and I need to sleep? THAT sounds way too familiar... Or, this thing that I haven't used in months/years is missing, and I must find it right now. I don't neeeed it, but it is suddenly extremely important to me and I need to know where it went.