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Well this is exciting! Today I figured out how to get some updates ready to go on Webtoon! Wow! It wasn't easy! haha

Their creator UI is... not great to be honest. But that's ok! I did eventually figure it out. The hardest part was getting a methodology for slicing up the images. (I made them in one big long image, but they can only be a maximum of 1280px tall in the app. Getting that to work seamlessly is not obvious. Shoutout to the creator of Let's Play for making a Photoshop script that got me half the way there :) My version of Photoshop is too old for it to work all the way maybe, but it was still a huge help.  I also made a bunch of Photoshop Actions and Presets to help with the work. All of this of course is very sexy and exciting. 

I also made a footer for all the comics (oooh ahh)

The image above is hopefully twooooo(?) weeks of updates. I'm thinking of launching with "hi" and the first two strips (Webtoon recommends three.) Next week the last two comics. Twice a week. 

On the website I tweaked some things that were bothering me, and I started drafting up some FAQs. Not bad! Onwards




It's funny, because I'm still on an email list of some kind for your site, so I've received a couple notifications that the site FAQ had been updated so I've been checking it out. ;) Also super excited about the Webtoons rerun! Another comic that I think has had to adapt layout was Stuffed, if I'm recalling correctly.


ohhhh yeah I've been trying to figure out if that was still working or not... I guess it is XD sometimes I forget to unclick "update newsletter" sorry if it's been spammy... u_u