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Hey everyone! I wanted to give you all an update on how Shenzhen Fast is going. I passed the comic to a non-technical beta reader, just to see how the whole thing was flowing and what needed clarification. I got some really good feedback on what can be tightened up (and you can see those marks in red.) 

So now I'm working on Tight Pencils. Working digitally is a bit strange... it's not like I'm redrawing the whole thing, I just make each subsequent version of the page more detailed and streamlined and less sketchy. When I move to "inks" i'm editing lineweights and clarifying detail. 

I'm also working in a funny order... the pages that have a red star in the corner are pages that I want to send back to my contacts in China for feedback and approval, so I'm finishing those first. 

Here are the first few that are almost ready to send:




In that first page, last panel: "We specialize in ultra fast turn prototyping" Should it be "...ultra fast turn around prototyping" or is it just lingo I'm not used to?


Have you ever thought about a Spanish translation?


Of the Shenzhen Fast zine? I am very open to translations, but I don't know much about where to post comics and promote them. I think I would need some kind of partner who would handle that.


Yeah fast turn around makes more proper sense, but it's usually abbreviated to "fast turn".