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Hey everyone! I just wanted to send a quick note to say "sorry it's been a bit quiet". What ended up happening is... I was laid off from my job :( Those who have been following for a long time know that NorthWind engineering was a very personal role that I was very invested in.  I don't want to get too deep into it for confidentiality reasons, but I'm ok and I'm putting this into the "it's for the best" category. 

What obviously followed was a pretty frantic month+ of constant meetings, job applications, interviews, social media updates, and portfolio building haha... but thankfully the result of that big push is that I have signed with another company. I'll still be a mechanical engineer doing green tech R&D, and I'm really excited about the team that I'm going to be joining. 

I start there in August, and I have the rest of July to just jam about and re-calibrate. I've decided to use this time to make a big push towards getting the Wasted Talent archive into a better state! I've hired a graphic designer to help me make a fresh version of the website, and I'm curating the archive to create a "best of" collection. 

Don't worry... each and every strip will remain on the website, but I have been thinking of doing a kind of "rerun" with the best ones. I don't want to say too much more right now in case I can't pull it together, but the plans that I have are exciting. Unfortunately they involve a lot of dangerously unsexy work like editing filenames and filling out paperwork. 

So that's what I've been up do. Still plugging along with Shenzhen Fast in the mornings, Wasted Talent stuff in the afternoon, and zine stuff in the evenings. 

I'm also trying to take advantage of the time off to get some time outside. I recently went on my first ever overnight hike with my friend Yuka ... who happens to be a professional youtuber! She recently finished that video so if that's something you're curious about, you can watch that here :) 


More soon, hopefully!




Sorry to hear about the layoff. It's happened to me more times than I could count in various start-ups. Each time brought something new and exciting, though, and if the last one hadn't happened I never would have ended up in CR and gone back to school. There's always some new opportunity to take advantage of that you wouldn't have found before because you were already focused on a job.


So glad you were able to come out the other side of the layoff in a job that you are excited about!