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Okay! Hello patrons it is Sunday. I'm coming to you from sunny Vancouver. The skies are finally clearing up and things are cooling

off a little bit which is a big relief for me. But I wanted to let you know that this is the last weekly vlog I'm gonna be doing. So I am tweaking Patreon and it's a good thing. So... right now it's charging you every single month regardless of what I produce, but because I'm taking a step back and really evaluating what I'm making and leaning into taking longer on higher quality, fewer things... I think it makes more sense to charge "per creation" And I also realize that that this vlog in particular is one of my biggest time sinks. It takes me only five minutes record but it takes me about an hour to do the uploading and the dictation and all that. So that's a little bit stressful... When I'm here at home it's not a big deal, but when I'm out on the road as I usually am, that ends up taking quite a bit of time. So I decided to change it a little bit. I'm now going to be... creating an update at least *monthly*, and then "ad hoc". So whenever I have something interesting to say I will come and record the vlog, but I'm not going to make it weekly thing anymore.

I have a huge announcement post going up very shortly, you can read all about why I'm changing to per creation and why that's a good thing and it's going to be the same content but for less for all of you.

In the meantime I wanted to do one of those ad hoc updates and tell you about this. This is a series that was done by Lucy Bellwood and it's called A Life in Objects. Lucy Bellwood, if you don't know them, they are a cartoonist who started out writing comics only about tall ships. So they're well known for going out on tall ships. Historic sail-driven ships that actually go out and around the ocean and she was a crew one on some of those. And that's kind of a "lifestyle choice" I guess? She is well known for making comics about that, but this was a different experiment that she did. She's on a few of these... where she tries to update 100 days in a row and then creates something interesting about it. And this one she [here I'll pull out one of these...] Every day she wrote about a object in her life and why that object is important to her and what it means to her life. And she did this over and over and over again every day for 100 days. 

And then she... I think she did preorders? I can't remember exactly for this one, I bought this a show... she made these booklets and this handsome little box..and I really admire the design of this. It's like the whole experience is crafted and that's something that I really admire Lucy for. So you can see there's spot gold on the front and these are etchings that resemble... or they they are taken from the objects that she drew. And then there's three notebooks on the inside and each one has this gold inlay and cut out for the numbers: one, two and three. And I find it really interesting... she created these booklets to match the field notes that she drew the original drawings in. So if you've ever seen field notes it's exactly this size and shape, it has this kraft kinda cover... so I just I really love the time and attention that she did into this


And she's releasing another one called 100 Demons and that Kickstarter's just finished. I'm really interested to see how she decides to collect that one and sell that one. So if you don't know Lucy Bellwood's work it's worth checking out. She's one to watch I would say. She's already blowing everyone 

away with her sense the design and her stories. The stories on the inside [there's a penis here hehe] are interesting and really personal and heartfelt and I find them quite interesting.

So that's all I wanted to say today. I wanted to tell you about this which I recently finished and I was just about to put away. And yeah I guess I will be managing the comments... if you have any feedback about this vlog and what you like about it and what you like me to continue with and other ideas about the changes that I'm making Patreon. But that's all I'm going to say for now, I hope you have a good weekend I will see you on the internet.

Baiee <3


vlog 2017 8 20 - Lucy Bellwood's a Life in Objects


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