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TL;DR: You will now ONLY get charged when I finish a comic! 

Hi everyone! 

I wanted to write about an important change I'm making to this Patreon. Back when we started, I was updating every week with a full colour comic... monthly billing made sense. Now that Wasted Talent is over and I'm entering a more experimental phase with my work, it doesn't seem to fit! So I changed it. Now instead of once a month, you will only get charged by Patreon when I post a finished comic. 

My goal is still to make comics, and whenever I finish a short comic... whether it's 2 pages or 20 pages... that's when I will charge. 

Otherwise.. nothing else is changing! The tiers are largely the same, and I will keep posting as much as I can. You're just getting this content for less money so I don't have to stress about making "enough" within a given month. 

Back when I ended Wasted Talent, I created this comic to explain my plan going forward.  

Despite the original time estimates in this comic, I sort of feel like I'm just now getting back into the process of rebuilding my life. Through that process I posted early access to everything I was making for KS, including the hundred custom bookplates I drew. 

I even did a few AMAs in that time... (Check tumblr if you missed them!)

But what about the other goals from that comic...

My goal is Short Comics, and so far that has been what I've been focused on:

- Finished short AMA comics

- Finished Beyond Inks with Sfé 

- Next: Finish those hiking hourlies (will not be charged... they're bonus!)

- Working on Swan Song with Jonathon Dalton 

- Tiny zine about Moss (thumbnailed)

- Yukon travel comic (written)

Beyond those I want to make short trial comics of some of my longer ideas (Interpolation - the SciFi Comedy about engineers, or Flitzybon), and new original short fiction stories.

Besides the highly collaborative comics I'm making with Sfé and Jonathon, I've already put feelers out for partners I want to bring in with me on Interpolation. I don't want to say who until we get a bit farther in, but I have two co-writers and an artist who I'm looking to collaboarate with. I'm really excited about these partnerships and I can't wait for them to bloom into awesome new comics :)

I'll also soon be resuming Lost Omens beta read club by email.

As for Wasted Talent...

I have ten+ years of content, and I want to see if I can bring it to new audiences. To that end I've hired Jonathon Dalton to colour the earliest comics...

... and I want to start posting "reruns" a few times a week. 

So that's my plan and how it's going. I'm still going to be making the same great content you've been enjoying, but from now on you'll only get charged when I finish something major. This will give me more space to experiment, and you'll get an even better bargain!

I'll be forging ever onwards and I'm so happy to have you along with me on the journey :) Thanks so much again for all of your support!



Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 01:50:52 A great update and happy to hear that you're investigating ways to get more of your existing content out there to new audiences! One thing I would love to see that may be an interesting small project would be an iMessage sticker app (<a href="https://developer.apple.com/stickers/)." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://developer.apple.com/stickers/).</a> It would allow your fans to have a bit of Wasted Talent they could use in their everyday conversations, could drive new audience outreach by advertising the site with the sticker pack, and possibly drive a little revenue from re-packaging existing content (since it's just PNGs, with or without animation depending how you go). I know I for one would love to be able to get a Wasted Talent sticker pack for iOS. If you end up investigating that and need any engineering support, I'd be happy to volunteer work as an iOS developer as it's a bit ridiculous Apple hasn't made it easier for artists to just drag &amp; drop their artwork into an app to build these things without any iOS knowledge.
2017-08-20 21:38:10 A great update and happy to hear that you're investigating ways to get more of your existing content out there to new audiences! One thing I would love to see that may be an interesting small project would be an iMessage sticker app (<a href="https://developer.apple.com/stickers/)." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://developer.apple.com/stickers/).</a> It would allow your fans to have a bit of Wasted Talent they could use in their everyday conversations, could drive new audience outreach by advertising the site with the sticker pack, and possibly drive a little revenue from re-packaging existing content (since it's just PNGs, with or without animation depending how you go). I know I for one would love to be able to get a Wasted Talent sticker pack for iOS. If you end up investigating that and need any engineering support, I'd be happy to volunteer work as an iOS developer as it's a bit ridiculous Apple hasn't made it easier for artists to just drag & drop their artwork into an app to build these things without any iOS knowledge.

A great update and happy to hear that you're investigating ways to get more of your existing content out there to new audiences! One thing I would love to see that may be an interesting small project would be an iMessage sticker app (<a href="https://developer.apple.com/stickers/)." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://developer.apple.com/stickers/).</a> It would allow your fans to have a bit of Wasted Talent they could use in their everyday conversations, could drive new audience outreach by advertising the site with the sticker pack, and possibly drive a little revenue from re-packaging existing content (since it's just PNGs, with or without animation depending how you go). I know I for one would love to be able to get a Wasted Talent sticker pack for iOS. If you end up investigating that and need any engineering support, I'd be happy to volunteer work as an iOS developer as it's a bit ridiculous Apple hasn't made it easier for artists to just drag & drop their artwork into an app to build these things without any iOS knowledge.


HI Alex, This is an interesting idea! I've never used stickers before so it didn't really occur to me. Do you need a mac OS to do this?

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-23 22:12:40 Yes, you'll still need a mac OS computer since Apple is doing this via their existing developer tools (Xcode) which are Mac only (though there I've heard of folks using VMWare solutions to work around this). That said, if you've pre-created all the PNGs and APNGs you want in a set, it shouldn't take longer than a day for someone inexperienced to get those dragged into a project and building if you can borrow a Mac or an hour if you know someone who does iOS dev work who can help jump you through the hoops of app provisioning &amp; iTunes Connect. Here's a 5-minute video that shows the basics of how you'd set up the project: <a href="https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/tutorials/building-sticker-packs/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/tutorials/building-sticker-packs/</a>
2017-08-24 21:54:20 Yes, you'll still need a mac OS computer since Apple is doing this via their existing developer tools (Xcode) which are Mac only (though there I've heard of folks using VMWare solutions to work around this). That said, if you've pre-created all the PNGs and APNGs you want in a set, it shouldn't take longer than a day for someone inexperienced to get those dragged into a project and building if you can borrow a Mac or an hour if you know someone who does iOS dev work who can help jump you through the hoops of app provisioning & iTunes Connect. Here's a 5-minute video that shows the basics of how you'd set up the project: <a href="https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/tutorials/building-sticker-packs/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/tutorials/building-sticker-packs/</a>

Yes, you'll still need a mac OS computer since Apple is doing this via their existing developer tools (Xcode) which are Mac only (though there I've heard of folks using VMWare solutions to work around this). That said, if you've pre-created all the PNGs and APNGs you want in a set, it shouldn't take longer than a day for someone inexperienced to get those dragged into a project and building if you can borrow a Mac or an hour if you know someone who does iOS dev work who can help jump you through the hoops of app provisioning & iTunes Connect. Here's a 5-minute video that shows the basics of how you'd set up the project: <a href="https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/tutorials/building-sticker-packs/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/tutorials/building-sticker-packs/</a>


Ack forgot Apple restricts even their videos to Apple products. Here's a more meandering YouTube video which covers the same things (just more drawn out). <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZG85-OeAJs" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZG85-OeAJs</a>