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Andrew Polinski

Not a favourite episode of mine. It was written by Kyle McVey who wrote two previous episodes "Inugami" that vengeful samurai episode from last season, and the Wessen Circus episode. He was a staff writer for all of this final season but was only a production assistant and assistant to executive producer before that. His lack of experience kind of shows in this episode. Just the way Nick was going to handle the Alpe at the end was just really weird

Patrick - Excelsior

Not surprising you don’t remember Bee Lady, that was waaaaay back in 1x3. You watched that one in Feb of 2019. We have a melatonin eating monster? You know they sell melatonin gummies. Just saying monster of week, go to the pharmacy, it’s in the vitamin aisle. It’s cheap, tasty and no one goes all bat shit crazy or falls down stairwells. Look into it. That goes for you too Rosalee, no need to stick a big ass needle into Monroe. Just gobble down some melatonin gummies, done. Letting the Alpen go seemed wrong, but it worked out I guess. The main plot did very little except determine that the drawings are some “map of the universe”. No wait, it’s a calendar pointing to March 24th. Not a lot for a whole episode. WTH was the deal with the old man in wheel chair turning into a red faced fish thing. Here is your answer. They mention the old man’s name is Charles 'Herring' Lynk. The way he is portrayed, we are led to believe he may be the Alpen. But in the end, he isn’t. His face later turns into a red fish and laughs at the audience. He is a “Red Herring” ... aka a deliberately misleading character. Ha Ha! The was a very meh episode. The Monster-of-the-week was boring and there was too much of it. In a final season I don’t expect to see MoW eps that take up this much time. Unless they are really good ones. The best stuff was Renard and Meisner. Evidently Meisner’s mission was the “haunt” Renard into being good guy again… I guess.