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One of the problems I have with this episode is that for some reason not everyone knew that Weir and John were possessed? For example how did Ronon not know that John was possessed? Did they not tell everyone that John has apparently consented to being imprinted before he went through with it? And even with Weir, one of the other teams apparently didn't know that Weir was possessed? Why did they not update everyone about the situation when John agreed to the imprinting? Also, John agreeing to the imprinting felt very quick and very forced. I don't buy that he would agree to go through with that so quickly, especially when you haven't informed everyone (including Ronon and Teyla) about it? Idk.


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. I mean true... Atlantis was supposedly the answer to stopping Anubis ...HOWEVER... That is where the legend ended ...We knew of a lost city ...I add.. Ascended Daniel said: "The tablet talks about a lost city that has weapons giving you a great advantage over Anubis" ...."A lost city" ..Not "The lost city" ....I DO. however agree that with this city from 2x15 being out there Atlantis lost SOME. of it's status as being a special place though ...Hopefully we don't run into another city any time soon (or at all) ....It would've been more acceptable if that run-down city ship wasn't a ship at all but like someone said in the comments that it would just be an outpost ...Like ONLY. the tower itself and perhaps the underground catacombs which acted as an extension of that outpost... Sadly McKay said it was equal in size to Atlantis and that the layout was identical ...It was a city ship 2. Yup... Caldwell is free of the Goa'uld symbiote ...Remember... You even referenced it later on... As pointed out in the episode where he turned out to have been taken over.. Hemmeroid was able to use the Asgard transporters to beam the Goa'uld out of Caldwell ...Good old Samuel Campbell is back in action ready to go hunting for Wraith 3. Nooootttt entirely ...This comes from Joseph Mallozzi (writer/producer on all 3 Gateverse shows) ...The only lyrics to have been written for the Atlantis theme were "We're in Atlantis, we're under water" ....According to him that's all they came up with before they were told to get back to writing scripts (I guess they were just bored) ...And there's no better person to give confirmation on the lyrics since HE. was the one who came up with them ...He was also 1 of the 3 guys who originally sung the SG-1 lyrics in the behind the scenes video 4. Why does Atlantis's military commander need to be the one who gets taken over by this alien guy??? ....Seems a bit dumb and it probably breaks several security protocols 5. Did McKay just say "They're 2 consenting adults" when it came to "Weir" asking for some alone time with "Sheppard" .....That doesn't make sense ...McKay of all people would have some serious issues with this mind melding tech and DEFINITELY would have issues with letting them be alone 6. I feel like the Atlantis alarms should go off when there's guns going off inside the city ...But TV show's gotta TV show I guess 7. Eeeeeehhhh... I dunno about that ...I mean sure there's a hostile situation going on right now ....But that's just another Wednesday on Atlantis ....Whenever shit goes wrong it doesn't mean Sheppard all of a sudden outranks Weir ....Soooooo... Teeechnically I don't think Caldwell should be outranking McKay here either (althought SURE. Caldwell would be more usefull in this situation) .....If Caldwell can outrank McKay ...Then Sheppard can outrank Weir ...And if that's true ...Then what the fuck good is Weir on Atlantis?? It would mean she doesn't have any control over an expedition that's SUPPOSED. to be led by civilians NOT. military 8. Security on Atlantis is a slacking ...Caldwell says he had people guarding the power room ...Well those guys fucking suck ...But also... The REST. of the people on Atlantis should have been called back to the central spire ...That way it would've been MUCH. easier to locate both "Weir" and "Sheppard" and this whole situation could've been dealt with much faster 9. Ronon... C'mon son... You can NOT. be this stupid ...Believing Sheppard is just playing a trick on everyone ...SMH 10. Buuuuuuuulllllshit ...Are they trynna tell us that in certain situations ...Weir... The person who supposedly can be outranked... Can put the city in total lockdown... And that NOBODY. can reverse it without HER. command codes??? That doesn't make any damn sense ....There should be at least SEVERAL. people with security access high enough to undo this shit without ANY. issue 11. So Weir got taken over first but "Fake Weir" lasted longer than "Fake Sheppard"?? That doesn't make sense .....But good... This pointless episode is over ...NEXT!