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Fun episode but they could have went a lot further with the different members of the alt sg1, Janet and Matouf were good to see again, but they could have also brought back RDA, Kawalsky and Jonas. Or even as a bit of fun had the film actors for Daniel and Jack pop up for a random cameo but I guess that would cost to much. wow a room full or Carters, that was like 14 year old me's dream .... eh... I mean cool visual shot apart from the one you pointed out that clearly looks like they have used a stand in instead because the hair looks different and the shoulders looks a lot narrower, apart from that all the shots of the sg1 members and their alts look pretty good. I was recently listening to a Stargate rewatch podcast and the hosts were discussing who would they want if stargate is ever continued/remade and their unanimous choice was Jensen Ackles playing a Jack O'Neil type character. I'm curious what your thoughts are on this. Also all my knowledge of Australia comes form you, that stargate podcast and the film kangaroo Jack, so I'll take your word on what ever you say about the land down under


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. Yeah I guess that would be one fucked up way of looking at it... If Carter HAD. told Orlin she was seeing someone ...Some weirdos could take it to imply that IF. she wasn't seeing someone she'd totally be down to date Kid Orlin 2. HA! I didn't say Australia was all outback ...Notice how my note said "Australia is a big place ...Those idiots probably got lost in the outback" ....The outback being PART. of Australia... NOT. the whole damn thing.. I did NOT. say that it was all outback.. That is what YOU. implied ....You decided to put me on blast ...Big mistake Froots... Biiiiiig mistake ...I will have my revenge when you least see it coming ......Although technically I put you on blast with over half my notes... Soooooo... Business as usual it is 3. You: "I dunno much about seizures... My grandma used to have seizures and fits..." Ah.. And you inherited those "fits" aswell did ya Froots? ..Oh.. Sorry.. The correct term for the ones you get are "Bitch fits" ...There... Told you I'd get my revenge ...Am I done?? ...Bish.. Am I ever?? ...evil smirk... 4. Yup.... Daniel is wearing glasses every once in a while lending further proof to my theory that the dude is a total hipster ....He hasn't had a need for glasses in a long while 5. Yeeeeeaaah... You're not supposed to be looking at the names and neither are you supposed to look it up due to spoilers and wasting my time keeping you safe ...Buuuuuutttt... In your defence ...This one time I'll let it slide ....I SHOULD. have realised both Teryl Rothery and J.R. Bourne's names would pop up and I SHOULD. have blurred them out ...Whoops ....Shame on both of us 6. Yeah what the fuck is going on with the uniform colours!?!? Last episode they were off-world wearing black ....In the briefing room wearing blue ...NOW. in this episode they're in the briefing room wearing green!?!?! Like... GHWAT!?!? ...The fuck is the dress-code at the SGC!?!? ...added later... Nope... That was NOT. why I made a note about the difference in colour when it came to their uniforms ...It was a legit observation ...But I have to admit it's kinda bothering me now ...First Benny... Now the uniform colours ...I'm getting uncomfortable with the coincidences of these things happening during the same episodes I make notes on a certain topic ...It's NOT. on purpose I promise 7. I suppose Carter explained the multiple earths theory again since we both have a few new characters on the show and 2 of them were sitting at the conference table (Landry and Mitchell) AND perhaps Season 9 and 10 are SOMEWHAT. considered to be a new show and thus PERHAPS. the writers figured that potential new viewers had never seen the show before Season 9 .....That's the best reason I can come up with ....Other than acting like the viewers are dumb and need to be reminded of shit ..Which is kind of insulting 8. It's odd... The way Shanks conveyed his lines ...It's like Daniel wasn't fully onboard with believing Carter's explanation about alternate dimensions ....But he was LITERALLY. the first one to visit one ...I dunno ...I bit of an acting nitpick there I guess 9. Dammit... Alternate Teal'c just told our Daniel that Carter rejoined SG-1 after her honeymoon .....WHO. did she marry!?!? .....It better be O'neill.... Cause if it's not and it's Pete than Alternate SG-1's dimension deserves their fate 10. You: "If these guys are wearing blue.. I'mma ...Fight you" ...shot of the gate... SG-1 comes in ....You're right Froots! I'm fairly certain they're wearing some sort of navy blue camo gear ...But... Don't fight me cause of the note about the colours of the costumes ...You can't win that fight 11. Yeeeaaaah naaaaaahh... Bill is right... Why were there no other alternate SG teams coming through the gate ....Why ONLY. SG-1?? ....Carter's explanation was flimsy at best ..."We had to turn down at least 50 different teams not just SG-1" ....Realistically there SHOULD. have been a buttload of alternate teams at the SGC NOT. just solely alternate SG-1 teams ....But yeah ...Budget reasons ofcourse would prevent them from hiring that many actors 12. Good job Froots! You worked out Martouf's name WITHOUT. trying to look it up and thus managed NOT. to ruin your experience watching the episode ...I'm very proud of you 13. Y'know what would be kinda funny? ....There's a scene in here where we see an Alternate Carter in the background who is wearing glasses ...And it made me think ...What if one of the Alternate SG-1 teams was actually the team we saw in the Season 8 finale ...It'd probably take too much time in the episode to try to explain THEIR. specific presence here but it'd be a cool little background easter egg 14. You suggested to keep all these SG-1 teams here ....I mean... Nice idea ...BUT... We had an episode a couple of seasons ago where an alternate Carter visited our world and it was established that a dimension couldn't handle having dopplegangers occupying the same universe ....So while it's a nice idea to have a bunch more SG-1 walking around ....They'd all die within a matter of days INCLUDING. our team ...If anything... This whole episode should've had a bit more moments in there where Carter would be freaking out since SHE. actually went through almost dying due to an alternate version of her being here ...She should have been more like "We have to send you guys back or we'll ALL. die!" ...Instead they're trying to stop this event from happening and carelessly shrugging that they might end up with a bunch of SG-1's stranded here ....A bit of plothole there ...Mind your step 15. Yeah there's multiple Carters in the room and it all looks like they DID. the work with having Amanda playing each character ...EXCEPT. for that one Carter of which we can only see the back of the head of .....That for SURE. is not Amanda 16. I swear... And I hope I'm using this the correct way ...But Martouf is like the Ross when it comes to Stargate ...His teeth are white as FUCK. ....Turn off the lights and you'd still be able to see those chompers ....And yes.. I've never said "chompers" in my daaaaamn life 17. Ok ...We have Michael Shanks ...There wasn't really any reason NOT. to have Thor ...I guess we just wanted to introduce another Asgard?? Thor and Heimdall are working on some sensitive project?? ...We've dealt with the Lego Monsters ...The fuck kinda shit are they getting their little grey butts into now? ...Find out next time... On Dragonball Z! 18. Another flimsy excuse ...Apparently the crew of the Prometheus isn't coming cause it'd be too dangerous?? ....I'm pressing "F" to doubt ....In fact the crew of the Prometheus SHOULD. be experienced enough to handle these missions ....This was obviously just another excuse to save on budget costs and also to make it more easy for the other SG-1 team to overpower our own team 19. Kvasir: "There is a chance that the Prometheus may not survive this voyage ...But courage and a steadfast resolve will prove the most valuable assets in this undertaking" .....Also Kvasir: "Welp.... Peace out bitches!" and he teleports to safety ...That little cheeky grey bugger just noped out! ....Little bitch 20. Another bit of a nitpick (perhaps?) ...Our SG-1 was EASILY. overpowered by the alternate team .....It made our team look like fucking weaklings 21. Yeah Alternate SG-1's whole plan was to go to Atlantis and steal the ZPM? .....I feel like all of this could've been avoided if they'd have just been honest and told us they needed one ...NOT. like we've got any laying around that are up for grabs ...BUT... We could've given them the locations of where we found several ...They could've taken that information back home and gotten their hands on their own ZPM without trying to fuck us over 22. Look at you being smart ...Suggesting Alternate Mitchell should pretend to be the good guy so he could fool our SG-1 into thinking he was one of us ...Sometimes you have your smart moments Froots ...Sometimes 23. Alternate Mitchell: "When the time comes.. Cut the green one" ....This was just a last middle finger to our SG-1 before he went off back to where he came from ...That's all 24. Next shot is of Frasier and Martouf's team leaving but the Asgard device that allows them to dial the specific alternate universe is gone ......Bit of a fuckup there I guess since without them they're not going anywhere 25. Yeah we're just gonna assume that the plague on the world Frasier and Martouf are from is the EXACT. same plague as the one on ours .....Technically there COOOOOUULD. be a difference in it somehow ....But we only have less than a minute of episode left ...No time to dive into that ...It's the cure and it's gonna work I guess 26. And once again I'm left envying SG-1 ...Getting to see some of their old long lost friends one more time ....I know ...It wasn't technically them ...But still 27. added while editing... Another thing I realised while finishing the edit and rewatching the last scene ....Frasier: "Have all the other teams left sir?" ...Landry with a smile on his face: "You're the last to go" ........The last to go ....Froots... Let that sink in for a moment ...The LAST.... To go ....Frasier, Martouf and the rest of their SG-1 come from a world where the Ori plague is killing hundreds of thousands of people... Frasier has stated MULTIPLE. times in the episode that time is crucial.. People are DYING!!1!!one!! .....And these mothertruckers decided to send them home last ......LAST.!! ....With. a. SMILE!!! ....That's pretty FUCKED. UP.