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Ok episode. I do like when they do there's a traitor amongst us episodes cause they normally bring back characters to use as red herrings such as ponytail douche science guy and hot bomb expert chick but I didn't suspect blad spaceship guy, so that was a nice twist. But also nobody even suspect Zelenka, so that would have been the ultimate twist. Teyla's singing was very good but I just felt it seemed out of place with the tone of the episode. I feel that whole B plot didnt mash up well with this episode, not that I didn't like the old woman's story of being happy that she lived long enough to die naturally rather than being drained by a wraith.


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. Ok Chocolate Mouth... If I see any chocolate on your face... I won't point it out ...Scouts honor ...Although I do have to warn you... I've never been a scout ...Sooooo .....You do have chocolate on your face though ....Probably ...I dunno ...Just thought I'd make you second guess 2. I believe... Well.. I choose to believe (since it wasn't shown in the episode) that Sheppard was out exploring outside the cave (in 9x12) WHILE. McKay stuck the stick through the portal and that this is why Sheppard never saw it .....But the real reason is probably so they didn't have to write a scene into the episode where Sheppard sees a stick hanging halfway through the portal for 2 hours straight and DOESN'T pull on it causing anyone on the other side getting yeeted into the cave (I would've totally done that and screwed someone over just for funsies) 3. Yup... Lego flowers are far superior to actual flowers ...You never have to water them ..I mean.. Unless you feel like it I guess ...Don't know why you would ....But you're a weird one Froots ...If you wanna water your lego flowers ...You do you Home Slice 4. Beeteedubs... I'm NOT. pointing out the re-used actors cause YOU don't mention it... I'm just showing off my nerd-cred 5. Also.... I wish you'd record longer more often... Cause as we both know... The longer you record the more stupid (in a fun way) you get and it's absolutely hilarious ...While I'm watching this comment reading section of the video I know you're recording TWD and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for lots of dumb shit to happen 6. You: "Let me tell you something... All you men out there.. All you people out there that identify as a man ...If you've got a beard... I think you're sexy ...True story" ......Thanks.. I'd say the same about you... But we've already established you look kinda weird with a beard... Soooooo... Sorry.. I guess you'll never be as sexy as me 7. AH! This is the episode where Zelenka goes to the planet with the kids on it from Season 1! ...I remember this! ...Dude comes back all fucked up looking.. It was funny! 8. Also I do remember this episode for one other thing ...Teyla singing (NOT. dubbed by the way.. That IS. Rachel) ....And the song she sings ...It WILL. someday be played at my cremation.. Echoing the halls as I leave this place ...Meanwhile I got it on my car's playlist ...It's not on Spotify ....That stupid app doesn't have any of the good stuff on it 9. There's no real given ship name for McKay and Zelenka ...Wiki just states their names like "McKay/Zelenka" or "Rodney/Radek" .....There's a forum post about some slash fiction that calls them "McLenka"? Maybe that's the most proper name for them? 10. Jeebus Froots you still hadn't finished that smash cake by this time?? I feel like the fact you felt sick during this recording maaaaaay have had something to do with the fact that the cake was a few days old by now ....Or ..Well.. Knowing you you just ate too much chocolate 11. I feel like The Trust is not THAT. big of a threat that THEY'D have to concern themselves with a potential threat from The Wraith coming to our galaxy ...Considering they're basically made up of Has-Been-Goa'uld ...It just sounds like the show is trynna make The Trust still sound relevant ....In my opinion it should've been some other way that Atlantis was being threatened that merited us having these SGC scenes happen ...Something more credible than a little group of loud-mouthed snakes 12. Aaaand the coincidences just keep stacking ...I did NOT. realise Cadman was in this episode ..I mention Beckett saying he's dating Cadman and then here she is ....This is weird 13. Bill... You're fucking up ...You're drawing a picture saying "This is Atlantis... This is the Daedalus and this is Earth" ....You drew a little spaceship for the Daedalus.. Nice ...A little circle for Earth.. Good job ......And the Earth gate symbol for Atlantis????? .....Should've done it the other way around mah dude! 14. Welp Froots... Who'se fault is it that you just got spoiled on a Lord Of The Rings reference huh? .....Sure as fuck ain't mine! ...You're a "reactor" ...You shoulda BEEN. reacted to EVERY. movie in existence a long time ago ...Do better Froots! 15. You: "Imagine you're bored and you figure.. Ah I'm just gonna dial a few minutes early" ....That's me... I'd do that ...Getting work done early cause I get bored 16. You want a ZPM?? I'm pretty sure I've seen props you can buy on Etsy ...Not ACTUAL. props ...But replicas of them ...Some even with lights in them ...It WOULD. be cool for in the background ...BUT... I'm not sure if it would fit on your shelf ...1:1 replicas are probably a BIT too big and you and me have the same shelves 17. Teyla... Who just made some soup for the old lady: "Hopefully.. Someday.. I will be able to cook as well as you" ..Old Lady: "I'm afraid that day is far into the future my dear" DAAAAMN!!! Did Old Lady just put Teyla on BLAST. for her crappy cooking skills?!! ....She did NOT. have to go that hard ...I guess once you know you're dying you just give ZERO. FUCKS. 18. They just name dropped Carter but then they didn't have Amanda in the episode? ...Rude 19. You: "I have a dress that has a zipper on it.. And it keeps hurting me" ....Have you tried not wearing a dress? ...Look... I'm just trying to help YOU. ok? ...I'm not suggesting an OnlyShans ..Just wear a T-shirt or something ..Or maybe your new dress DOESN'T have a zipper? .......Feeling uncomfortable yet??? Good ...More payback for putting me on blast ..Get wreck'd Froots! 20. Yeah nah... You're right Weir... Getting themselves blown up deeeefinitely doesn't sound like the M.O. of a terrorist ...raises eyebrow... Really? Do you hear yourself? Are you fucking stupid? 21. Yeah they're TRYING. to throw us for a loop and believe McKay in thinking the Cadman is the Trust operative ....But that was a weak one ...Sheppard is right ...If anyone should know it's NOT. her it SHOULD. be McKay 22. Kavanagh: "You think I did it?!" ....Bish... Even if he DIDN'T do it ...Throw this smug looking dingleberry out the airlock along with his dumbass ponytail! 23. Awwwww... Poor little Kavanagh didn't have any friends on Atlantis and his work wasn't respected??? Boohoooooo.. Maybe don't be such an asshole to everyone?? 24. You press your soundboard hoping to hear the word "balls" cause of something Kavanagh said ....It doesn't work ....I go into fingers crossed mode hoping it'll randomly play during an upcoming scene ...added later... It didn't ....Balls! 25. Teyla to old woman: "You are all I have left" .....Meanwhile... Somewhere else on the mainland ...Halling.. The tall Athosian guy we haven't seen in a while sheds a single tear 26. PAUSE. Alright I'mma guess who YOU. think tried to blow up Atlantis ...It's a joke that's been delayed by a week but I know you.. I figured you out a long time ago ...It's Mitchell isn't it??? ...Aaaaand PLAY. .....HA! I was right! Easy peasy.. I'm in your head Froots! 27. Not gonna lie ....Sending Ronon in to "interrogate" Kavanagh is proooobably not gonna look that good on Weir's record ...And Weir IS. the leader on Atlantis so it was ultimately HER. giving the go-ahead 28. True... How long was Caldwell a Goa'uld?? I'd like to know too ...It's not actually stated in the episode 29. One tiny little plothole I'd like to point out... Atlantis is capable of detecting anything out of the ordinary inside it's walls ....Why didn't it detect the Goa'uld inside Caldwell? ...Does it just not detect that kinda lifeform and/or consider it a threat? ...Did Caldwell manage to somehow prevent the alarm from going off?? ....I dunno... Maaaaaybe I'm overthinking it ...But it did cross my mind as odd so I noted it down ..Continue