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Patrick - Excelsior

The reason Mitchel and the General are wearing identical leather jackets is they were both Air Force fighter pilots. The A-2 leather jacket is part of their uniform by tradition.


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. Holy crap you're absolutely right... In 9x11 we're led to believe that Garak cured the SGC and from that we got a cure to save everyone on Earth ...BUT... There would ABSOLUTELY. be people who'd refuse to take it ...I never even thought of it that way and we'd probably never would have that view on it had we not survived a pandemic ourselves ....I wonder... In the Gateverse ...What kind of conspiracy theory would people spin on it ...Where DID. the virus come from? 2. As for the anti-Prior device ...From my understanding it works for a certain amount of time and then the Prior can overcome it ....I can't say whether or not the SAME. Prior can be subdued again later .....We MIGHT. have to wait and see if we'll get an answer to that ....For real... I honestly don't know 3. Yup... During the note reading you pushed a button on the streamdeck and I heard the sound effect ...I guess SOMETIMES. it doesn't work and SOMETIMES. it does ...Oh well 4. No... Dum Dum... That's NOT. what the note said.. Carter DIDN'T say she was seeing someone ....My note said.. Carter HAD. the opportunity to perhaps say "I'm seeing someone" to Orlin when he told her he still LIKED. her ....But she didn't say that ....It would have been the perfect opportunity to HINT. that even though RDA is no longer on the show ...Carter perhaps WAS. seeing O'neill when she wasn't at work 5. Aight... Touché Froots... Tou-mothertrucking-ché ....I did NOT. pick up on the fact that Orlin said he COULDN'T choose what information to take with him when descending ...I guess that answers my note ....Look at you.. Paying better attention than me ...To be fair ...I easily get distracted by colourful backgrounds and a goofy girl with a pink headset 6. You about my joke that idiots hiding from the outbreak are gonna show up in Australia: "Well joke's on you.. They never did!" ......And hooooow would YOU know this Froots!? ...You don't go outside.... Also... Australia is a big place ...Those idiots probably got lost in the outback 7. Aaaaaand we finally get to the episode part of the notes ....There's probably not gonna be much here cause I find this episode to be incredibly boring (ups speed to 2x) ...Let's go and see how many notes we'll get! 8. Yeeeeaaahh... Mitchell did it ...Send him to jail... Case closed ...Bring back O'neill ....Imagine if they did that though ...Introduce a new character to the show with the start of the season and then 12 episodes in they just boot him from the show 9. Why does SG-1 keep switching between green and black uniforms ...Use the black ones! They look cool! .......Aaaaand now they're sitting at the conference table and all of a sudden they're wearing blue!? MAKE UP YOUR MINDS!!! 10. Yeeeeah.. Implanting incriminating memories into someone and/or removing them seems a bit much.. I think a person who has murdered someone should NOT. be able to get off so easily 11. HOWEVER. this technology was supposedly to be used to for instance INSTANTLY. teach pilots how to fly ...As in... Basically Chuck's intersect technology like you said ....I'd very much would like to use that kinda tech ...Learn some interesting stuff within a matter of seconds instead of having to spend years to figure that shit out on my own by going back to school? ...I believe there's some people in the real world working on that technology as we speak and are I think making some big steps forward into making it a reality ....Sounds cool to me ...IF it's safe enough ...I'd sign up for it