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So, I lied a little bit earlier when I said that the writers said they were writing cancer as if it were a villain. That isn't what they said. What they actually said is that they were writing cancer as if it were the big bad of the season. Now we can see just how much cancer ties into everything this season. It drives everything Bruno's been doing, has causes Lois to make friends with Peia, and has pretty much touched every aspect of the plot. But I thought it wise not to say that until the time came.

Brandon Wiesner

Another solid episode. This show just doesn't seem to disappoint.


Clark... What the fuck!?!? It could hurt the greater good!?!?!?! Get... The ABSOLUTE... FUCK... Outta here with that BULLSHIT!! Have these writers EVER. dealt with a loved one suffering from cancer?? Cause I don't fucking think they have If you even for ONE. second THINK. that I wouldn't burn this world to the fucking ground if it would've meant it would cure my dad or my mom or ANYONE else I love... You are SORELY MISTAKEN. ...I would do WHATEVER. it takes CLEARLY these writers don't know SHIT. about dealing with someone suffering from cancer "It could hurt the greater good" FUCK. the greater good! Anyone who doesn't agree with me doesn't know what it feels like to see a loved one suffering through this shit disease and their opinion is meaningless to me First... You use it to save Lois and after that since you have the damn technology you give it to the world in a moderated form if you're so concerned about the goddamn greater good! Holy FUCK. did this scene piss me the FUCK. off. And now Jonathan is to Clark "I just wish there was more we could do" ...I can't even FUCK. cancer! ---- Anyways aside from that Ooooh fireworks! Yup that was my theory too from last weeks notes that the kid dating Natalie was Bruno's kid ....Too obvious really ...Rich kid from Metropolis showing up at the same time as Bruno ...They both have the same skin colour ....Classic tv trope that they'd be related ...Come on CW... Try harder!


I know I said on the Flash that not even Superman and Lois could save me from dropping the arrowverse, but I am so glad this show exist. Even a tame episode like this kept me captivated the whole way through. I love this show!


Fair and yea its annoying asf but if Clark uses it just for Lois then its not fair, and him sharing it to the world Lex could easily get his hands on it and use it to try and Kill clark easy or someone more evil could get it and turn it around. Like you don't see Batman giving the tech for his batplane and Batcave away to anybody do you


As I said "..give it to the world in a moderated form.." Perhaps a drug synthesised using advanced Kryptonian tech that is SOLELY purposed to eradicate cancer and is otherwise completely harmless/useless. Or station some Keelex's (Kryptonian robots) designed to treat people at major hospitals (salutes) all over the world with built in safety features in case of tampering You can't convince me a civilization which was thousands of years ahead of us wouldn't know how to cure something like cancer even IF they had never encountered it themselves and wouldn't have figured out ways to keep their technology safe. Again, speaking as a person who has lost people over this. I can still close my eyes sometimes and clearly see my parents in their hospital beds. This explanation that the show is trying to give me, the excuses which people are trying to give me. I will not now nor ever accept them.