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What should we do with the final 4 episodes of The Flash?

Keep in mind, I probably will not have time to do a review of the season or series after the final episode. I'll be reading your comments on my own time, not in a video. I haven't been able to keep up with reviewing shows for a long time now.

Option 1: Reacting to all 4 episodes together.


Finishing the show quicker and on regular schedule.


No discussion with you in the comments section during the final arc.

Date of Reacting & Posting: 9x10, 9x11, 9x12 & 9x13 - 21st July.

Option 2: Split the 4 episodes into two weeks.


Can discuss the first 2 episodes in the beginning of 9x12.


Finishing the show slower than the regular schedule would have me finish it. (Instead of 4 episodes a week, it's 2).

Date of Reacting & Posting: 9x10 & 9x11 - 21st July | 9x12 & 9x13 - 28th July.

Option 3: Reacting to 3 episodes in the final arc then reacting to finale the week after.


Can discuss the first 3 episodes in the beginning of 9x13.

9x13 stands alone as well and we can go into it with a fresh mindset for that week.


Finishing the show slower than the regular schedule would have me finish it. (Instead of 4 episodes a week, it's 3 then 1 the following week).

Date of Reacting & Posting: 9x10, 9x11 & 9x12 - 21st July | 9x13 - 28th July.

Option 4: React to one episode per week for the final 4 episodes.


Can discuss episode by episode in the final 4 episodes.


Finishing the show slower than the regular schedule would have me finish it. (Instead of 4 episodes a week, it's 1 per week).

Date of Reacting & Posting: 9x10 - 21st July | 9x11 - 28th July | 9x12 - 4th August | 9x13 - 11th August.


The poll will close in one week.



I wish we could have a discussion after the series because I'm sure there will be a lot of thoughts on it, whether we love it or hate it (I haven't seen the series finale yet). But if you can't do that then I would rather you watch the first 3 episodes and then the last episode the next week.


I agree with James on this. Doing the first 3 and the the finale a week later opens up the opportunity to talk about more of the show on the final reaction.

Jim Lewis

All 4 in one sitting. Make it a Flash day. 😊

David Brown

If one of the options does not get a majority (50% + 1 vote) you should do a run-off poll between the top 2 vote getters.


Agreed. Especially when you consider that the people that voted for options #2 and #4 are more likely to vote for option #3 than option #1.