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OMG! How did you know that was a ZPM? Have you seen this show before!!!1!!111 😲 😜

Retro Tom

I said this before in the Discord but can say it here now too. I knew Atlantis was coming & that SG-1 was looking for the lost city of the Ancients. I never put the 2 together though & when Daniel confirmed that Atlantis was the lost city, I felt like such an idiot because in hindsight it seemed really obvious but I never connected the dots Also, when this originally aired I was a little disappointed that the episode was called Lost City, yet they never actually found it


If Atlantis was indeed on Earth, it makes sense that out of all places, it would be on Antarctica, since that's where we found the 2nd stargate back in season 1 and the Ancient woman back in season 6. So we know the Ancients had some sort of presence there millions of years ago. According to the Ancient Knowledge in Jack, Atlantis should have been on Antarctica. So why didn't we find it there? Was he wrong?


Ok here how you watch they next series. Watch StarGate SG-1 Season 8 two parter premiere first. Then switch over to Stargate Atlantis, season one episode one-two premier. After that simple switch your viewings from SG1 to Atlantis. It will pay off in the long run.


Battle over Antarctica is one of my favorite scenes. Don Davis (General Hammond) had to leave the show for health reasons; hence the new leadership. Also, if i recall, season 7 was one of those they think was going to be the last? I can't remember but SG1 was "cancelled" a couple times lol

infamous hvher

You should watch 1 episode of sg1 and 1 episode of atlantis on every wednesday


No worries, I've made a Gateverse Watch Order for her. If you like you can go to Discord and go to the spoilers-stargate channel, it's posted there in a pinned comment. We'll be doing 8x01 and 8x02 and then 1x01 and 1x02 the next week. You can also find some of it listed on the schedule on our site linked below: https://www.aftershowreactions.com/schedule


No worries I got her covered, if you'd like you can find the Gateverse Watch Order I made for her on our Discord. It's a pinned comment in the spoilers-stargate channel. You can also find some of the thus far scheduled episode on the schedule on our website linked below: https://www.aftershowreactions.com/schedule


1. I have a beard trimmer and so IF I shave my beard completely I use that ...I've actually never use the old fashioned razor blade so I can't confirm ....O'neill shaving that fast ...Not SURE if it's a real thing ...But I imagine him being a military guy he just gives zero fucks about getting cuts on his face 2. I think O'neill's stance at wanting to blow up the Ancient Repository Of Knowledge was a bit odd yeah ...I mean I get that he'd rather not go through that again ...But dude... This was the best shot at finding the information they wanted ...Blowing it up would be dumb ...And O'neill is NOT. dumb 3. O'neill: "Now, if you'll excuse me, my favorite television show starts in half an hour" ...I always thought this was another reference to O'neills (RDA's) favourite show The Simpsons ...However from what I could find online and judging from the runtime ...30 minutes after this very scene.. THIS episode was over and Syfy re-ran 7x02 ...It MIGHT have been an inside joke from the production team that O'neill was going home to watch Stargate SG-1 on Syfy ....I still think he was referring to The Simpsons though (Not Charmed you goof) 4. Random side note... Right after Weir exits the oval office President Hayes calls out to a woman named "Bonnie" ...This was actually a fan who won a walk-on-role or whatever it's called ...I believe Syfy did this a few times after this although I'm not sure when ...I just mention it cause I read about it earlier this week 5. Hammond shows up at O'neills place: "Well you're not the usual delivery boy" ......Imagine... Hammond just got fired from the SGC and his go-to back-up plan was to become a pizza delivery guy "Actually Jack.. You ordered a large pizza?" 6. Froots... I trust you to TRY not to look at any more thumbnails of people for Stargate reactions ...Even though it was accidental ...Guaranteed there will be spoilers in there and I try my hardest to protect you from those ...I've gone out of my way to do whatever is necessary to keep you safe ...Blurring names ...Replacing intros ...Insta-deleting comments if they mention even the slightest thing ....I CAN'T keep you safe from all of it though... It's not within my power to do anything about you looking things up and getting recommendations due to that... Ultimately I'm a GHUGE supporter of you doing whatever you want though ...But please... Be safe 7. Also... It technically IS a big spoiler ...Anubis coming to Earth ...You assumed he was coming anyways ...But we're dealing with a show where you can have a battle take place on ANY planet ...For all you know they could've had a big battle somewhere far away from Earth ...Now in this episode ...When Bra'tac comes to the SGC and informs people that Anubis is coming ...You were already aware of it ...Which takes away part of the shock value.. It can have a negative impact on the promise we make to people to provide them with a genuine reaction.. And it also kinda makes my effort of keeping you safe go to waste ...But again.. You do you Froots.. I got your back 8. Hammond: "As far as I know, you're all to report to work as scheduled on Monday" ...Teal'c: "Something must be done" .....HA! That really sounded like Teal'c did NOT want to go back to work 9. Eeeehhhh... Keep in mind that when the Stargate program first started NOBODY was qualified to run it... Not even Hammond... Let's give Weir the benefit of the doubt ...She's a total noob when it comes to this but so was Hammond in the beginning ...I'm sure she's a quick study 10. Kind of a plothole there ...Daniels "subtle" mention to Weir that when he first got to the SGC and got the stargate to work he'd stare at it for hours ....Not according to the movie he didn't ....In the movie he didn't see the gate until it was activated for the "first time" and he went on the mission to Abydos right after that ....Mah dude lied to suck up to the new boss 11. Even though Hayes is the president... It doesn't mean he has the ultimate say in everything... I'm sure Kinsey had something to do with the fact that the SGC had to go under new management ...Luckily Hayes probably chose the right person for the job 12. O'neill: "3 days from now is a Thursday, Thursdays not good for us" ....Yeah you're right Jack.. Let's get Anubis on the phone and tell him we need to reschedule his invasion ...This guy and his jokes 13. Right after being told they can't do anything until O'neill figures out where to find the Lost City... Bra'tac: "I must return to Chulak" Teal'c: "I too will go ...In the hopes to gather ships to defend this planet" ...Imagine if instead it would've gone like this "I too will go ......Y'all are about to get your asses handed to you ...I'm out.. PEACE!" 14. You: "I just want Anubis to walk up to Kinsey and be like THREAT'S REAL BITCH! and suck his face off" HA! Suck his face off??? I dunno if they'd air that on Syfy Froots ...But I loved your delivery there.. You're funny ....Sometimes 15. To add something to what your were saying ...If people want to view the Gateverse Watch Order in it's entirety (at least from Season 8 onwards) they can find it in the spoilers-stargate channel on our Discord ...I've personally prepped it and verified it with people on Discord ...It's all going to be watched in a way it makes sense continuity wise ...Universe is ALSO going to be watched .....Aaaaannd who knows ...Perhaps by the time we reach the end of the current verse (Early 2025) ...Maaaaaaybe the new show will have started airing 16. Also... Bra'tac said Anubis is coming to Earth within 3 days ....Buuuutttt... Is this 3 EARTH daaaaayss oorrrrr?? ...I mean... Every planet has their own sense of time ...Every planet rotates at it's own speed ....3 days for US could be 3 hours for some other planet ....Dude shoulda been a bit more specific 17. So full confession and I didn't mention it in voice cause it's a minor thing and you more than likely don't remember ...Back around I wanna say Season 2-ish ...We were talking about Stargate and I mentioned the Earth point of origin ...I called it the "At" symbol ....You probably didn't pick up on it cause you would have no idea what I was talking about but... Yeeeeaaahh... That was a slip-up ...It wasn't mentioned until 7x22 that every symbol on the gate can be translated into a specific sound to make up a word ...Or at least I guess certain addresses can end with a name like Proclarush Teonas At 18. I LOVE how O'neill starts talking Ancient in the chair "Terra Atlantus ...Subo.. Glacius" (Earth Atlantis ...Under ..Ice) THAT along with the subtle Atlantis theme always gives me a bit of the chills ...Almost there Froots!!! 19. They introduced the ZPM! This actually took a little doing trying to inform people that you've seen them before but that nobody could spoil you on when they'd appear ...Finally got a ZPM! Let's go! 20. Yeah this Jaffa dude escorting SG-1 with his cargo ship was so OBVIOUSLY a bad guy ...It wasn't much of a shock to me to be honest 21. Remember Aiyana from the Frozen episode ...The Ancient woman they found buried in ice in Antarctica ...I suppose O'neill gained the same kinda powers to heal people 22. KILLSHOT! THAT'S A KILLSHOT! (referencing to the secret service holding their guns side-ways and it's a movie quote from something) .....Side note... Notice how they are trynna shoot Anubis's hologram but NOTHING behind the hologram gets destroyed ...Kind of a fuckup in the production ...The president's desk shoulda been FUCKED. UP. 23. Anubis is kind of short ...I think President Hayes doesn't look like the tallest guy there and he's clearly a bit taller than Anubis ...THIS is their god?? HA! 24. Kinsey... You little weasel! Look at him.. Shuffling out of the oval office with his tail between his legs wanting to go to the Alpha Site ...Dude is a fucking coward ...Luckily he didn't get the chance to go 25. I gotta admit though... The way Ronny Cox (Kinsey) delivered that line "You will only live to regret this" before storming out Weirs office... It makes me smile every single time 26. Soooooo... The reason that 7x19 and 7x20 were probably a bit dull ...The Battle Of Antarctica cost quite a bit of the budget to animate ...This was at the time the biggest battle they had ever done VFX wise 27. Some things still don't make sense though ...Like the weapons officer (or whatever) of the Prometheus saying the shields were failing and one more hit would take them out yet they were fine for the rest of the battle still ....And Bra'tac smiling later on while NOT. getting fired at while he's just hanging there in his cargo ship (even though we saw him fly away earlier) ..TV Show gotta TV Show I suppose 28. You: "Yeah no that's definitely the end of Anubis unless he just shimmied out of there" HA! Can you picture it!? Shimmy ...Shimmy ...Shimmy (YOU know what I'm talking about.. Good times) 29. Total Dork moment ....The thing that O'neill says at the end ...Aveo Amacuse (rough translation is "goodbye friends") ...I used to have that as my signout whenever I ended a message online ...What can I say... This huge dork thought it sounded cool ..shrug.. 30. Daniel mentioning this outpost not being Atlantis is accompanied by another subtle theme ...You'll be able to recognise it later 31. I mean I agree with Pat ...It's called "Lost City" ...Not "Found City" ...Maybe they'll find it this week Froots ....What are you doing reading this? We got a city to find!