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coming from someone that loves the new show i did not expect to like this one as much as i do. They are so so different but similar in many ways. The first few episodes didnt really get me invested but the last couple hooked me. Omg Micheal and Maria kissed!! They are so cute! Im glad it was faster bc it honestly feels more natural. With liz and max i can already tell its not gonna be until the end of the season at the earliest. I dont know why shows insist on waiting for an important episode to do stuff like this instead of just doing what micheal and maria did and just kiss in a random episode. I can see them pretending the kiss never happened and being awkward for a while while still bickering but im just glad they actually had their first kiss. I really enjoyed that episode alot. Cant wait for next week. Gonna be honest, its getting harder to wait each week, i dont know how you manage to wait a week between episodes on shows you like. I would instantly binge it all in 2 days 😭

Jeremy Burch

At this time I didn't have any solid favorites yet, but I did like Maria and Micheal as well as Isabel. Normally in a show like this I would say it was to early for the characters to kiss, but with the way Micheal is and honestly Maria as well, it doesn't really feel to early, it feels like it works for the 2 of them.

Zach Hershman

My memories of high school tell me that kiss wasn't too quick. It might be quick for a tv show, but that's more because they love to draw out the will they/won't they angle.


My 285 South post context: The popular Roswell Oracle website has a page where it shows a lot of the outdoor filming locations in and around the Los Angeles area. The bulk of the exterior shots were shot in the district of Covina. In 2010 a Spanish couple and 2015 another fan did a pilgrimage and took pictures which are posted on Oracle. The Spanish couple even recreated some shots from certain episodes and from the opening credits. In October 2019, my family went to LA to surprise my older brother for his 40th, the following day happened to be the 20th anniversary of the show's premiere so I had to do the pilgrimage myself. I took the 2010 and 2015 trips as my guide, saved their locations on my tablet's Google Maps and went to as many sites I could that afternoon with my sister as my photographer. My Uber driver going there said he used to do background in other shows, but his best friend did background for Roswell so he had a kick texting him after dropping us off. I was only able to visit locations that were in Covina and where the "final shot of the series finale" was on our way back to our Air BnB, but I got SO many shots in as all the Covina locations I did find and recognize are within a 10 to 15 minute walk in all directions of its main street if you use the Crashdown in the middle as your starting point ie Max/Isabel, Maria and Alex's homes and other recognizable buildings - such as the movie theater Darla speeds by (which still looks exactly the same), the sheriff's office and the alley where Michael climbs the pipe to the window of his office in episode 2 are directly across the street from the restaurant in the rear of the open businesses, and a bunch of others that you haven't reached yet. The restaurant has been passed through several owners over the years, the previous owners left the Crashdown sign up for a few years after the show apparently. It is currently a Mexican restaurant called Casa Moreno and of course I ate lunch there that day. I persuaded my waitress to give me an unopened bottle of Tabasco so next to my PC is a bottle of actual "Crashdown" Tabasco, which I consider 1 of my Holy Grail Roswell possessions. I made a lot of friends during Covid surrounding Roswell and Baron and Toluca as part of my healing process as my younger brother passed to Covid at the start of the pandemic. The 2 that I considered closest both live in Los Angeles. When restaurants started to let people in again, they went to eat at Casa Moreno for the 1st time. 1 of theirs favorite episode is 285 South, so she texted me to relay to her the address of the "Porno Aladdin" as I saved it on my tablet and what room Michael and Maria stayed in (3). So she went and posted on her stories her knocking on the door of room 3 of Porno Aladdin asking for Michael. It's actually a fully functioning Inn now in front of a vineyard - hence why I suppose security accosted them (LOL). The motel was used in at least 2 more times on the show, but it's not obvious because of the angles used and set decoration but if you looked close enough you can still recognize the shape of the main motel building. In July 2021 as part of Brendan and Majandra's crowdfunding, we all met each other for the 1st time in person (and Brendan and Majandra) in Roswell, New Mexico during the actual crash anniversary festival. On our free day, the main shot everybody had to get was by the 285 South sign on the highway leading to Roswell city proper. 285 girl was in obvious bliss at that moment. For Christmas last year, mom sister and me went to LA to celebrate with the older brother. It turns out his apartment now is only 15 minutes from Covina and I only learned that when I ordered the Uber. I ate lunch again at Casa Moreno this time with 285 girl and another friend I had made through the fandom who now lived in LA but had never been to Covina. I didn't get to show her as much as I saw in 2019 but we managed to get a few places on main street and the Evans home and the park directly across the street from it where many scenes were shot. Her eyes lit up when I met her outside the restaurant (she said what I said too in 2019 "It's Mecca") and when she saw the Evans home. There's a shit ton more to this but that's the cliff notes version and without spoilers.


1. Do I have a favourite character?? ...Eeehhh... As with many shows... There's aspects about characters I like but I don't think I can say with absolute certainty that I have a favourite character on Roswell ...I might like them and then I might hate them... It changes with characters all the time ....Same goes with Seasons of shows ...I mean I can't even say what my favourite show IS without second guessing myself half a minute later .....I've got favourite moments though ...If they're enough for me to hold on to them and still remember them years later and/or perhaps if they're accompanied by songs I'll have them on my playlist ...But asking me to pick a favourite character/season/show ...It's a difficult question to answer without me ending up second guessing myself later 2. Are you fucking joking Liz!?!? You see a rat scurry into a tarp and you decide to investigate!?!? Bish... I'd be heading the other direction ...And also... I'd probably give out a very manly scream ....Darla would've found me ...And y'know what? ...I'd rather face her than that rat 3. Ok now they're going INTO the pipe that the rat went into!?!?! ....Psssshhh... FUCK. THAT. 4. Y'know... It's kinda odd that some people took so long to figure out Darla was with the FBI ...I mean... LITERALLY the first episode she showed up in.. Max and Liz saw her while she was seen dressed in a suit talking with agents out in the hallway and again she was seen speaking to an agent by Max and Liz when they were in the eraser room ...The fact that anyone thought she was a guidance councellor is kinda mind blowing 5. Now hold just a damn minute Max.... Michael just told you that Maria wants to help with the research and you're like "She can't come" .....Who died and made you the leader?? That's a pretty hypocrite thing for you to say after all the times you had Liz join in on other alien related stuff ....And you said it all with a smile on your face too ....DUDE. 6. Yeah the FBI STILL needs a search warrant to go through someone's house ...But I suppose this being a TV show... The FBI has the right "to TV Show" ...Thems the rules ...They probably even have their own red button to enforce it 7. Native American Dude: "There will be a test.. If you pass.. River Dog will answer your questions" ....I'd be like: "A test!?!? FUCK. I hate pop quizzes and you know daaaaamn well I didn't study!" ...added later... Max: "Frikkin Eddie" ...My thoughts exactly Max! 8. Yeah for them to kiss this early is pretty unrealistic.. Imagine being that easy ..But I suppose they had to find SOME way to distract themselves from panicking ....Also they're teens ...They do stupid stuff all the time 9. Max and Liz are shown the Kawatche cave ...I'm sitting here expecting Clark to show up ...What is it with aliens and cave drawings?