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Andrew Polinski

By this stage in the season I was wishing they were going to announce that this was going to be the last season because lets be honest here by this stage it has barely been better than last season and that isn't a very high peak to climb. The problems with these past 1 and 1/2 seasons comes down to Eric Wallace taking over as Showrunner, some people will say covid didn't help but that gave them more time to develop a story especially for last season which is the worst season ever of the flash, yes worst than Cicada. Like Barry would never have done what he did to Caitlin in this episode and then only go "sorry" and speed off. If this was Iris that was dead then Barry would be doing everything in his power to get her back. You can't blame the writers for it either, this is a plan that the Showrunner works out in advance then goes to the writers here's what I want to happen now write it. I really could rant and rave about this show for hours but ain't nobody got time fo dat.


Its way way better than season 7. Like miles better in my opinion. I couldnt stand season 7 at all but this season actually has been decently good. I remember seeing shan really negative every single episode last season. It seems like shes enjoying this season much more. Also i find alot of it is the writers too. Good writers can make things feel more natural and not be so cringy or hand holdy. They like to over explain things and have alot of inconsistencies the last 2 seasons which the writers would be mostly in charge of. I really liked season 6A and i wonder if they had a sudden writers room change bc it does feel so much different.


The Flash done pulled a Smallville. THough there's still a debate on what season that show peaked, imo is when Lana became a vampire...or maybe the witch episode Idk but yikers

Patrick - Excelsior

I get they were going for comedy but it seems silly that when Barry was testing to see the effect on his speed at the beginning of the episode, why didn't he use the speed lab. Its literally what it was built for. But no, they wanted to do the jokes and have him mess up the control center.


Random useless fact of the day.. This episode was directed by Caity Lotz Does Joe just keep his front door unlocked? How did Singh get into his house to surprise him like that? I looked up the answer for your question... The term “Golden Years” was coined by Del Webb and his company in 1959 to cast retirement as a time for leisure. Instead of being dreaded years of decline, retirement would become something people longed for. Through marketing, retirement no longer meant only the end of work. It was sold as the beginning of a new, even better life. YUP. Stealing the life force for lack of a better term from everyone in Central City and putting it into himself I feel would NOT. make him immortal ...Cause you're right... How would the technology know when to stop de-aging the guy? .....And also... He stole the life force of Barry a.k.a. The Flash ....Someone who ages a LOT. slower than everyone else... How was that not enough already??? Interesting how earlier in the episode Barry ran to the Great Wall of China cause he didn't know where to go ...Then later on couldn't remember where the Star-chives were ....But dude needs to stop the bad guy and ran straight towards him in some random part of the city Yeeeeeaahhh nooooo... Barry didn't just destroy Caitlin's lab.. He also fucked up her apartment ...And probably her chance at bringing Frost back ...I dunno about her... But if someone betrayed me.. I'd be dying for some payback and I'd have fun with it too ....I'm expecting Caitlin to go big bad now ...Only 4 episodes left in the season.. No time to waste


I personally really like this episode. It's a simple story that I think has a nice emotional core, with both Barry and Joe having to deal with all the effects of aging, and some fun action scenes sprinkled throughout as well. Also loved the CGI this episode. The effects of Barry's lightning repulse at the end looked absolutely gorgeous. Showing Barry take down petty criminals in his day-to-day is a rare sight and I always appreciate it. Barry doing CSI work at superspeed was fun to see again as well and I'll never get tired of seeing a speedster save the day by running so fast they start to rapidly age. I never thought of it much, but this was just as much a Crisis reference as when Barry's time remnant got evaporated to save the multiverse in the season 2 finale, cause in the original Crisis Barry simply ran so fast he aged into dust. Him turning into pure energy was a retcon by Mark Waid's Flash run. Just on this rewatch I also noticed that when Barry finds the van of the crazy scientist, he actually notices the tiretracks matching up with crime scene evidence. With how much season 1 nostalgia season 8 has been throwing at us, I am inclined to believe that's a reference to the pilot episode, where Barry analyses the tire tracks of the Shelby 500 with asymmetrical tread, I think it was, that the Mardon brothers used to escape a bank robbery. I presume the scientist's machine works by reverting the cells of a person into their prime, so to speak. On average a human being's cells start to deteriorate around the age of 25, when the body stops actively growing. Turning a human back into a teenager or child would require to not just rejuvenate the cells you do have, but to alter what kind of cells you have, as well as the amount of cells you have. The process of growing up and getting old aren't opposites, they work very differently. Reverting one of the two wouldn't activate the other. If a child were to get hit with the energy blast that hit Barry, it wouldn't first turn into an adult and then go grey, the machine doesn't alter time. The child's cells would simply deteriorate as they are and subsequently the scientist's cells would do the reverse. There are actually cases in real life where a child, despite not being a fully grown human, show signs of old age. Yes, this is another sign that speedsters physically age much slower than the ordinary human. We basically got a look at how Barry would look in Bart and Nora's time. Which makes me think about how weird it would be some time in like the 2060's where Iris looks like someone in their 70's while Barry just has a little grey on the side and otherwise looks the same as he does now. Kinda sad to think about how Barry has to watch all his friends and family, except for his kids, grow old while he won't even look like he's middle aged. You were pretty close with the episode number where Barry learned phasing. It wasn't episode 7 but episode 17, Tricksters. I know, the moment when Barry destroyed Caitlin's lab is viewed as somewhat controversial but I think it makes sense. Caitlin showed that she wasn't willing to let herself be reasoned with and was also acting way out of line, trying to manipulate Barry with his mother's death. Him destroying the lab equipment and taking the mirror gun, while harsh was kind of necessary. I think he shouldn't have just left Caitlin alone in her apartment tho. Maybe speed her to her mom or something. That's really the only thing that bugged me in this scene.


For anyone wondering, what disease it is that causes children to show signs of old age: Progeria, also known as Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome, is an extremely rare, progressive genetic disorder that causes children to age rapidly, starting in their first two years of life. Children with progeria generally appear normal at birth.

Joseph Jimenez

Honestly they should had gone farther into the concept of turning old maybe put grant's hair a little more gray and make him wear glasses then the situation will be a little more dire Did Joe left his door unlocked I mean it's nice seeing Singh and him being surprised that Kramer already knows that Barry the flash gave me a chuckle Singh makes a good point if Allegra going to be more in the field she a code name and a costume What Barry did to Caitlin apartment was unnecessary like maybe Barry could had taken Caitlin out of the apartment talk to her and maybe said if she comes back she won't be the same frost we but no let's go destroy the whole apartment and saying I'm sorry because she won't be upset after barry you freaking idiot


I really enjoyed the scene of when Barry got lost trying to find the Starchives. I love when the writers give Grant a scene that lets him show off his acting skills. It was harsh for Barry to destroy Caitlin's apartment. I do see his reasoning though. Caitlin wouldn't have stopped trying to bring Frost back. She brought up his mother, who he tried to save with Flashpoint, but failed (in the sense that it messed everything up). Destroying the lab would also destroy the materials, DNA, etc. from Frost. Also, the last resurrection for Caitlin didn't go well, granted that wasn't Ronnie though.