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Exhumation is defined as: the action of digging up something buried, especially a corpse. Excavation is digging up some kind of archaeological site.


God, this episode is so much fun. A mystery surrounding Deon and Iris' disappearance, easter eggs due to stillforce shenanigans (a newspaper that says Zoom and Godspeed destroy Central City in 2024 and Barry seeing Max Mercury when he connected to the stillforce) and a Flash/XS team up? Hell yeah. Love it.

Patrick - Excelsior

Caitlin as a Doctor should know the personality is the sum of the life experiences that a person remembers. Yes the initial formation of the brain from DNA defines the initial parameters. But the memories recorded in the brain physically alter it, making a person who they are. Recreating Frost from her DNA will not give them the Frost they knew because the changes to the brain are not recorded in the DNA, just the initial recipe for building the brain. The mind of the Frost they create would be like a new born baby. Also, part of the hair is outside the body is all dead cells and to clone someone, you need viable DNA. That's found in the hair follicle not the ends.


The writers of Arrowverse don't know how science works, they make shit up and think their viewers are all stupid


Yeah what was Chester thinking here?? He JUST got back from the police station where he found out that something he created got used as a bomb cause he shared the creation of his tech on stream ......Dude comes back to S.T.A.R. Labs and is basically like "Time to go on Twitch!!" .....What the fuck!?! ...And yeah all so ONCE AGAIN... Allegra can be right ...facepalm Oh ok so not only was Allegra right TWICE now ...Chester didn't learn a damn thing and is going to continue live streaming his tech ...double facepalm Aaaaaaand someone hacked into his computer and stole his tech ...triple facepalm


Honestly I just rolls my eyes when they show a flashback to something that literally happened a few episodes ago the show is treating us like we don't remember anything Chester was being a dumb ass like you know one of your inventions was use as a bomb and you go back to streaming and Allegra wasn't right because someone hacked Chester computer I love seeing Nora again because I love seeing dynamic between her and Barry and she so much better now than she was in season 5 Now I don't know what happened to deon maybe Barry should try to contact the other forces to see what going on because I will love to see how the forces look like Decent episode overall just some dumb decision


I loved seeing Barry and Nora team up, probably my favorite part of the episode. The flashbacks are so overused it feels like sticky notes the writers put in the script as they were writing the episode to remind them of previous things, except they forgot to take them out the final version of the script. If we can watch 5/6 seasons of this show without flashbacks, why would we need them in the later seasons? The reasoning I see for not saving Tinya's mom is they didn't know where she went and they only had a small amount of time to escape.