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1. You: "I would love to wake up with curls.. Instead I wake up looking like a birds nest" ...I can totally picture that in my head and you look fucking HILARIOUS! ...And just so you know... When I have long hair ...Same. 2. Yeah nah... I looked this shit up.. IF "Young Ally" is supposed to be 16 in that beginning scene... They cast the wrong actress... That actress was 10 when this episode came out 3. I haven't really celebrated my birthday in a LONG. time ...At some point you stop giving a shit ...Or maybe it has something to do with another more.. Psychological issue that I'm not allowed to bring up ...But still ...I dunno ...Birthdays have kind of become meh to me 4. Soooooo... Ally is once again third-wheeling a case??? Can she not handle her own shit? 5. Ok this is kinda bothering me... Ally is seeing this Asian doctor... I'm SURE. I've seen this dude before on other shows and I'm quite sure he doesn't have a thick accent like that ...It's kinda annoying me that they're having him use this accent ...It comes off wrong.. Kinda racist on the show-runners to have him talk like that ...Poor dude is getting typecast? Is that the word? Stereotyped? I dunno 6. Yeeeeeaahh... Nelle been living up to her name "Ice Queen" lately ....She needs to be taken down a notch 7. Y'know what they're doing? ....This is the I dunno how many'th (yeah I made up a word.. fight me) case where they make a mockery out of Ally during a case ...They're putting her in all kinds of situations where she's made to look like an absolute dumbass ....Is this what the creator of the show thinks of women in general? 8. Ok I guess the dude signed up for appearing in the entire season then? ...It's kind of annoying he's still showing up after he died but I guess in a contract kinda way it probably makes sense ....As long as they keep this short I'll allow it 9. Ok.... Here's my issue with Renée complaining ....This song was Elaine's idea.. She's singing the first bit cause it's HER. idea ....For THAT. reason alone I'm siding with her on this one... Renée should be grateful she's even in this thing ..How shitty of a person are you if you get invited to go along with someone else's birthday plans for someone and then you get upset if you're not the main star to said plan??? ....Renée comes off as a horrible person here ...I bet she didn't plan a damn thing for Ally herself and this is her way to try and pretend she's a good friend ...But all she is is being a shitty best friend 10. Ehm... Even if the old geezer couldn't pitch a tent... It's NOT. a valid reason for her to cheat Froots ....There are NO. valid reasons to cheat in a relationship (if you get cheated on.. dump the person.. end of story) ...If anyone thinks there are valid reasons to cheat.. They DON'T know what love truly means 11. You asked if this character who formerly had something going on with the minister was played by the same actress... The answer is yes ....But from the looks of it she's put some new colour in her hair.. It was a lighter shade of brunette before.. This seems more like dark auburn almost 12. Renée.... Come on... The fuck are you doing?? This is Ally's birthday and you're ruining it with your annoying need to be the center of attention ...This WASN'T your idea!!!! Next time come up with something yourself! 13. I TOTALLY understand Elaine being upset ...Renée not only tried being the center of her birthday song.. She's secretly also planned something with John... UGH I can't stand her 14. John's birthday song for Ally... Still not the best birthday present on this show ....I'd say 2nd best ..I'll leave it at that 15. HA! Nelle being jealous of Ally... PERFECT!!! John was too good for you anyways! 16. I think Elaine hopping in at the end of John's (NOT. John and Renée's.... JOHN'S) song was completely justified ....I mean... Sure it was a bit mean to do it while it was John's turn to do something special .....But Renée deserved every bit of that payback .....You to Elaine: "You weren't invited" .....Neither was Renée invited to sing the main chorus during Elaine's song .......Poor John though ...But apparently he didn't really care soooooo