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Patrick - Excelsior

While not as good as Season 1, I did like this Season. It had a lot of emotional impact, even if that impact was me yelling at Jessica’s mom or Trish on the screen. While sad, I do respect Power Ranger moving on to self-improve. I wish he picked someone else to work for besides Price but it made sense as Price did make him an offer earlier in Season. Looks like Hogarth is dealing with her ALS a lot better now. I guess her dealings with the Junkie nurse and the fake healer helped her that much, or it could just be her outwitting them when she tricked the nurse into killing the healer and then getting her arrested. Maybe he made her feel powerful again. I like they didn’t keep with the trope that all the cops/guards are corrupt theme that shows up so much. While some were horrible some were also really lovely. I mentioned before the female guard in Mother’s prison but I also really liked the police captain that was on Jessica’s side from the beginning for the season. He really went all the way to try and help and protect her. Yes, Trish has fallen big time. I can get why she has a need to feel powerful. She underwent a lot of abuse from people around her as a child. She was used by her mother, sexually assaulted by producers, obsessed fans hound, and her fake friends watch as she degrades herself for their gain. Jessica was the only one that didn’t use her, didn’t need to (at least in Trish’s eyes) because she was powerful. I feel this is why Trish was obsessed with becoming a superhero. She wanted to be strong enough to help others and not need it herself. Problem is in trying to ‘become a hero’ she became an abuser to the one person that always cared for her, Jessica. As for if Trish will be rewarded with superpowers, only time will tell. She is VERY different from her comic book character. She popped in half of Marvel’s comic book titles at one time or another. The only part this show and the comic have in common is in both she was a child TV star that played a character named Patsy. In the comics the show was written by her mother who based the show on events from Trish’s life. Those events being the Patsy comics. Another difference between the show and comics is Jessica’s mother. In the comics she did die in the car wreck that gave Jessica her powers.


I feel that it’s universally accepted that Jessica Jones season 2 is the least liked season. I actually like this season. The show deconstructed everyone's group dynamics. With Jessica technically being alone again. Power Ranger moving on, and no longer part of Alias Investigations. Hograth leaving her law firm, and creating a new one. And Trish becoming so unlikeable and doing horrible selfish things the entire season. At the end, the show is teasing at a powered Trish... smh Yes, I believe Jessica Jones Season 3 is the final Netflix marvel show in the timeline. I remember loving season 3 way more then season 2.

Brandon Wiesner

Yeah, I didn't remember much about this season, mostly because I do remember it being being pretty bad. Now that I've rewatched it with you, I have to say that I agree with just about everything you said throughout the season. The way they messed with the characters was really unnecessary, especially with Trish. My feeling is that they didn't have a really compelling villain like Kilgrave this time around, so they had to compensate by making otherwise good characters have wavering moral compasses. I'm glad this season's reactions are done. Now we can move on to more Luke Cage!