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My favorite kind of romance is the forbidden or unusual romances like alien and human or witch and whitelighter and demon and witch from charmed or anything thats not normal and forbidden but the love is so strong. I eat it up every time.


God I forgot how great the chemistry between Max and Liz was. This episode never fails to make me cry. I thought shiri appleby did a great job with her acting this episode.


People like me and Tony who know, know and educate those unaware that this show needs to be experienced with the original music intact. The music that was chosen for scenes was always that little unexplainable special something that put scenes over (I don't think I've ever seen a TV show not counting musicals since that did that so consistently). This show is how I learned that they actually even did change music for DVDs! Jason Katims did manage to keep a few of the important songs in certain milestone tentpole scenes, however conversely there are a few certain scenes that he did not or could not and that's what irks people like me and Tony and makes us so passionate about this. I wrote an article in 2019 (that I'm very proud of) for the 20th anniversary of the show explaining how important the music was in both the major and minor scenes that I selected, which you obviously can't read yet - however 1 of the minor scenes I did choose was the start of this episode with Mandy Moore Candy. It's just the subtle nuances of when Max first walks in the lyrics blast "I'm missing you like CANDY", and then when Liz finishes talking to the orthodontists and starts walking towards Max, the music starts up again with "oh baby won't you come to me." Little things like that were magic on this show. Oh 1 of the before they were famous actors in background or bit roles was here (I thought it was a few episodes from now), 1 of the nurses wheeling Grandma Claudia into the hospital was Oscar winner Octavia Spencer.


I remember reading about Roswell fans being upset about the change a while ago Personally it's been a long time since I've seen the show and like every other show (even favourites like Stargate and Smallville) I only remember bits and pieces I however don't half-ass shit and so made sure to look for the best quality with the knowledge that music was an issue This does make editing the episodes a bit more difficult I finished editing 1x04 earlier and it got claimed due to the song at the end which ended up with me having to re-edit it.. Which in my opinion sadly makes the ending look less good But at least the people here (mainly Shannan) get to see it the way it was intended to be seen


I manage.. Luckily I get these things done pretty much the same day (or at least in the usual 48 hours) and we won't be posting them on YouTube until we've dealt with claims. So I have plenty of time to fix unforeseen hiccups.

Jeremy Burch

Those guys asking Liz to see her bite, orthodontist convention or not, that's just weird, lets not do that. I feel like Maria has anxiety, with her strong reactions to things like Isobel fixing the ac, but not just alien related things, also having to see the guidance counselor and talk about the future and work, having to smell that stuff to help her calm down, but I know shows back in the day didn't really talk about anxiety, it would just be she's high strung. But maybe that's just me projecting because I'm diagnosed with multiple kinds of anxiety and I just see a lot of similar anxious reactions. I like that Kyle wasn't the one who told his friends to beat up Max, I feel like a lot of shows, especially in the 90's and 2000's would have the boyfriend she's not supposed to be with, like Kyle be the guy who goes after Max with his friends all the time, so I like that the show went in a different direction in this episode. I really thought Liz and Max were great in this episode, I think when I was watching it the first time, this is the episode that really sold me on them together.


1. Yeah it's pretty insane to think about the fact that their parents DON'T know they're aliens ...I mean... They're teenagers now but that means they've supposedly been in their home for 8 years or however long since they got adopted (since they're in school and are supposedly 16-ish even though they don't really look like they are) ....You'd THINK. the mum and dad would've caught on by now 2. Oh.... Ok... There's an orthodontist convention in town... I was wondering why the fuck they were asking Liz to show off her overbite or whatever ....Still kinda weird... But it does make just a tiny bit more sense I guess (even though they should probably still keep that shit to themselves if they're not at work) 3. Creepy Dude: "Would you mind if we..... Took a look at your bite?" ...You: "Book an appointment" HA! I am deceased 4. Kyle is the "casual boyfriend" of Liz ...I'm not sure what that means... You're either with someone or you're not ...But since the word "boyfriend" is involved... In my opinion.. The answer to your question is.. Yes.. They're dating ...added later... And now they're not 5. Yup... Same... Maria's hairdo looks fucking wack ....But I suppose cause this is a show about aliens they wanted to go for a character with a scifi-ish looking hairdo ...And ofcourse they couldn't use the look on any of the alien kids cause it'd be too obvious 6. Aight... Apparently Kyle can teleport... Dude shows up in front of Max's car when last we saw him he was in the hospital with Liz 7. Yeah Michael is just playing some harmless pranks on those dudes after they went after Max ....I approve ...I can understand why Max is a bit hesitant about that kinda stuff though.. He doesn't want their secret to be found out .........I STILL approve ..I'd do the same if someone went after someone I cared about 8. Gurl.... You're in a relationship ...If you like another dude... Be honest with your feelings 9. Some people have jobs and some people are slobs ......And then there's people who pretend to be slobs but really just rigged the system to work for them and meanwhile they do a LOT. of stuff for free just to pass the time ....Isabel's friends sound like they're just slobs though 10. Aaaaaaaand NOW. they're broken up ...It makes the whole thing between her and Max less frustrating to watch now 11. ....Ok Liz had a moment with her oma... That was kinda sweet.. BUT... The scene ends with hearing the beep of her oma's heart monitor flatlining and all I could think was "Oh... Guys.. Microwave is done" ...Not only ruined the whole moment for myself ...Now I'm also hungry and I don't have anything good to eat 12. Yeah true.. BIG change in Maria this episode ...She's MUCH more comfortable with Isabel all of a sudden.. I suppose the ending of last weeks episode kinda confirmed that change was happening ...Kinda sudden still... But it was good nonetheless ...And she was being a good best friend as well yeah ....There's hope for her