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I honestly really enjoy this episode. And yes, Deathstorm is a full CG creature but honestly I really like his design. He actually looks kinda terrifying, imo. Also love the blue/black flame effects. Earth-2's Deathstorm was just regular Firestorm wearing a black leather outfit. It worked for the vibe of Earth-2 but I don't think it would've fit this literal cosmic entity made out of living flames of grief. Barry using his gold boots to run on his own speedforce energy is probably my favorite moment of the episode. It's totally zany as a concept but I think it fits right in with all the other Flash abilities, like comic Barry being able to run on clouds by vibrating his feet at a certain frequency that causes the water vapor to react like a solid. Also Eddie is back to haunt Iris. One thing that I honestly appreciate this season is how many story threads and characters they're picking up from earlier seasons. It really feels like we are in this lived in world, with a notable history. It's a nice contrast to how much the early seasons of Flash heavily focused on the future legacy these characters will have.


In the comics Deathstorm was the third entity inside Firestorm after Ronnie was resurrected ...I mean... Maaaaaaybe we'll get Ronnie back somehow... Wouldn't be the first time Arrowverse deviated from the comics... But Deathstorm itself is NOT. Ronnie The look on the show is pretty similar to the comics ...Obviously can't be AS good since they probably don't have the budget to do it right ...In fact the CGI is rather bad when it's walking around Ok seriously... Why were Allegra and ''her sister'' showing off their Spanish vocabulary??? After like a solid minute they.. FOR NO FUCKING REASON WHATSOEVER.. All of a sudden change to English!? ...How's about we just do the WHOLE. thing in English next time?! I don't like reading subtitles unless I feel I'm gonna miss something ...I don't need characters to needlessly speak a different language when they can CLEARLY speak English I mean hey... If Red Hood can for some reason do it in the Gotham Knights game... Then sure... Let Barry be able to walk on lightning ...Why not Flash to Caitlin: ''Where's Deathstorm?'' Caitlin: ''He said I'm not ready yet'' ...Aight I'll fill in the missing part ....Me: ''...and the episode is almost over so we need to wrap this up ....Also... Apparently it's got a wedding event to plan'' Ok... I'm no scientist but even I know they just used a whole FUCKTON. of non-sensical bullshit to explain that they can take the fight to Deathstorm ...A black hole emits trans-dimensional particles?? The FUCK. even are those!?!?! And does that mean there's other Earths!?! ......And a black hole allows you to travel through space??? ....GHWAT?! SINCE FUCKING GHWEN?!!? Do the Arrowverse writers just have a board with random science words on it.. Which they then throw some darts at... Or do they use an intern in a full on Velcro-suit and just lunge them into it and whatever sticks they use .....Whatever it is... They definitely DON'T have a consultant to back up their bullshit Sad thing is though.. They just expect their viewers to ALL be gullible idiots ...I'm just nitpicking for the fun of it though.. You'd have to be some kind of special to watch these shows and be like ''Yup.. That makes sense''


Honestly I don't care what science BS they said at this point I just rolls my eyes at this point so writers can write whatever Now Barry running on his lightning is a pretty good scene is just the music choice I will change I know is the ride the lightning by Metallica but still pick something else So we got a another villain in love with caltin again honestly I think caltin should just stay single that a better option for her Okay Cecile powers I don't understand at all like she got them when she was pregnant so when she gave birth the parent should have gone away but the writers are like nope we need her on team so let's get her power the show runner Eric Wallace is her in situations that makes no sense Still I like for death storm design pretty accurate to the comics so I'm okay with that hopefully they can stick the landing