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Retro Tom

I am one of the ones who liked & still like The Other Guys, so I offer my apologies. This episode wasn't as fun to me so I don't hold it to the same level of esteem

Patrick - Excelsior

I actually like this episode. Felger kind of represents all the nerds who wish they could be a part of SGC but never will. LOL When they cast the blonde assistant did they ask for a knock-off Bernadette Wolowitz, cute blonde, squeaky voice scientist. The Avenger virus affects the DHDs ( Dial Home Device) not the gate itself. It scrambles the buttons on it so that you can't dial out. The SGC doesn't have DHD, they use a computer system that is independent of the gate DHD system. Therefore the virus that affected all the other gates wouldn't affect the SGC computers. That's why they can still dial out but no one else can. Sorry you didn't like it, I figured you wouldn't based on The Other Guys.


I also sincerely offer my apologies for some of us' joy of these episodes that l led to their creation. In fact, it might have clouded my memory in regards to the last Felger episode because I don't remember you disliking it as much. I guess I'll ask which Felger episode you disliked more, lol?


Yup, you missed Carter's explanation right when you were complaining about it. The condition effected the DHDs. As Stargate Command does not use a DHD their computer was unaffected and they were the only gate able to dial out.


I liked this one far more than The Other Guys. Felger's actually doing his job as a scientist and not bumbling around trying to act as a soldier (although he's still bumbling) and the story actually forward a tiny bit of the plot as it shows us how smart, canning, and ruthless Baal can be. Plus it's not trying to be a lower deck episode, which the earlier episode was a bit of a fail as.


We have another Riley situation ("Look he's breathing, nobody breathes like that! Why isn't he Spike?"). You don't like him because you don't like him. And every complaint runs downhill from there.


Right. To explain why Earth can still dial out to the other gates even though they don't work, think about it this way. Think of it like a phone. Assuming you don't have any numbers memorized and your phone numbers get erased from your phone, you can't call anyone anymore. They can still call you, if they have your number. The stargate's have all lost their phone books, except for Earth's gate. So they can't call anyone because they don't know the right numbers, but Earth's gate still knows all their numbers and can dial out.

Mark Chrisco

Felger reminds me of Jar Jar Binks. That's not a compliment.


I grew up seeing that guy playing Harold on the canadian tv show RedGreen. I have a really hard time separating that role out whenever he gets goofy like that. If you know the character you'll know what I mean

Hector R Ayala

Why the Felger hate? he's an actual funny version of what The Big Bang Theory thinks a funny nerdy character is. He's half Ross and Joey in friends, he's garth or the ghostfacers in supernatural, Ralph in the flash etc etc. Think the real issue is he doesn't look like or overact like the 100 or vampire diaries characters.

Daniel (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-02 08:03:27 When you reached the end of the episode and started going through your phone, my initial thought was "WOW. She's really going to spoil herself". Somehow I knew you were checking to see if he's in another episode lol. Have you ever intentionally spoiled yourself like that before?
2023-04-02 04:26:17 When you reached the end of the episode and started going through your phone, my initial thought was WOW.... She's really going to spoil herself. Somehow I knew you were checking to see if he's in another episode lol. Have you ever intentionally spoiled yourself like that before?

When you reached the end of the episode and started going through your phone, my initial thought was WOW.... She's really going to spoil herself. Somehow I knew you were checking to see if he's in another episode lol. Have you ever intentionally spoiled yourself like that before?


Ya I didn’t like this episode either