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Brandon Wiesner

Yeah, the show is still not doing anything for me. I don't mind all your nitpicks, because I have to laugh in agreement. Also, Misha Collins is basically playing Castiel, just without the charming naivety. But yeah, DA's are definitely not one stop shops that can do everything, like police work, detecting, etc. They are lawyers that try cases and convict criminals but everything leading up to the court date is left to actual cops. But you know....(cue your little voice recording device)


Production wise I feel its in the middle of how superman and lois looks vs Arrow S1 but yea i'm curious to see where things go but Turner is so weird choose any of the other robins , idk I'd rather see you watch Justice league unlimited and batman beyond than this

Tony (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-30 01:28:59 1. I've said this in a comment on YouTube but I'll say it here too... It's sad that these days people don't give shows a chance... They see a trailer and/or perhaps one episode and they've already decided it's the worst show ever ...Now I AM. guilty of it too... But I've seen/heard people talk about this show and other new shows (The Winchesters for example) and the bashing is getting frustrating ...People complain they want a new show and when they get one they immediately start overly critisizing it... They pick it apart sometimes for no good reason... Then it gets cancelled and these same people cry that there's no shows for them to watch ...And then the only thing we've got left is re-watches (boring) or streaming shows where you get 8 episodes and then have to wait a year before the next season which also might just be 8 episodes ...Sorry Froots this isn't directly aimed towards you... This is aimed to ALL. the people all over the internet that seem to think they can judge something after having only watched a trailer / pilot episode ....Again... ...points to self... Guilty!.... But it IS. something we need to get over ......That said... Anyone who DOES. complain when a show gets cancelled that's geared towards them and ends up having nothing to watch... They deserve to be bored /rant 2. Yeah no... I looked at the writers and producers of the first 2 episodes... NONE. of them worked on Superman & Lois ....There's some Batwoman credits ...The Vampire Diaries and Krypton ...But no... Not Superman & Lois ....Which I guess might give the negative nellies some more fuel cause Batwoman and Krypton were kinda shit 3. Like I've said in the pilot notes though ...They can have this Turner Hayes guy end up not actually being named Turner.... It could be an identity given by Bruce to throw us off ...Some sort of Batwitness protection type thing.... Cause Bruce would take every opportunity to make that a thing.... And it turns out the dude IS actually Damian or some other well known character ....BUT... Considering everyone is shittalking the show... We might not even get to such a reveal IF this is the plan (again.. IF I were a writer... I'd plan this ...Since again... Who the fuck is Turner?! ..I'm expecting this to be a thing) ...added later.... YEAH! It'd be HILARIOUS to me if the show did get better and they'd reveal it was Damian in the Season Finale and then the show gets cancelled ....A nice middle finger to all the haters who ended up liking she show in the end ..I'd support that ...Maybe it'd teach people to not be so nitpicky 4. You gave up on the Gotham Knights game when you watched a review video of it and got told about the negative sides of the game... I remember this ....Sadly that and the horrible experience you had with Batgirls glider mission convinced you to quit ...The Court Of Owls being part of the story was just a small detail Froots 5. That's not what I meant with that note.... Gotham Knights... The game... Bruce gets killed... Since we KNEW. that the Court Of Owls was part of the game.... And we also KNEW. (cause were not braindead) that this show is called "Gotham Knights" and from having seen the trailer we KNEW. Bruce got killed... It was a very easy conclusion to make that the Court Of Owls would most likely be part of this show too ....There might even be comics dealing with same exact storyline and it's more than likely also called "Gotham Knights" ... Ofcourse this is The CW and they take creative liberties but come on ...I'm honestly baffled about how people were surprised by this 6. Yup.... Shitty security on the Batcave... It took the GCPD 1 episode to find the Batcave.... They must've been searching Bruce's home office and accidentally hit the side of that case I guess... If I were Bruce I would have had the cave self destruct if it sensed the wrong person entering though 7. Yeah... Oscar Morgan (Turner Hayes) is Bri'ish ...I noticed some slipups in the pilot ...I originally thought I heard an Aussie accent... But no.. I was wrong on that 8. I was thinking that yeah... Those halls look VERY similar to the Legacies set... I can't say for certain but I do know that several of the people behind the show did previously work on Legacies in some form or another ....Maybe they took over the set ...Wouldn't be the first time I've seen one show/movie use the set of another to avoid spending money 9. Bruce's elevator code is 1939 ....I had a hunch and looked it up... And yup... 1939 is the first year Batman appeared in comic books ....That was an easy easter egg to figure out I suppose ....No explanation on why Turner knew that code though ....I dunno about you Froots... But I've got a BUNCH. of different codes for everything ...The fact Turner knew that code seems a bit far fetched... But then again... The security on the Batcave sucked so it's not surprising Bruce used the same code everywhere ...Dude probably took the same class in security as Barry and them from S.T.A.R. Labs 10. Yes... You are nitpicking ...But then again... So am I ...To a lesser extent though... But still
2023-03-27 15:13:21 1. I've said this in a comment on YouTube but I'll say it here too... It's sad that these days people don't give shows a chance... They see a trailer and/or perhaps one episode and they've already decided it's the worst show ever ...Now I AM. guilty of it too... But I've seen/heard people talk about this show and other new shows (The Winchesters for example) and the bashing is getting frustrating ...People complain they want a new show and when they get one they immediately start overly critisizing it... They pick it apart sometimes for no good reason... Then it gets cancelled and these same people cry that there's no shows for them to watch ...And then the only thing we've got left is re-watches (boring) or streaming shows where you get 8 episodes and then have to wait a year before the next season which also might just be 8 episodes ...Sorry Froots this isn't directly aimed towards you... This is aimed to ALL. the people all over the internet that seem to think they can judge something after having only watched a trailer / pilot episode ....Again... ...points to self... Guilty!.... But it IS. something we need to get over ......That said... Anyone who DOES. complain when a show gets cancelled that's geared towards them and ends up having nothing to watch... They deserve to be bored /rant 2. Yeah no... I looked at the writers and producers of the first 2 episodes... NONE. of them worked on Superman & Lois ....There's some Batwoman credits ...The Vampire Diaries and Krypton ...But no... Not Superman & Lois ....Which I guess might give the negative nellies some more fuel cause Batwoman and Krypton were kinda shit 3. Like I've said in the pilot notes though ...They can have this Turner Hayes guy end up not actually being named Turner.... It could be an identity given by Bruce to throw us off ...Some sort of Batwitness protection type thing.... Cause Bruce would take every opportunity to make that a thing.... And it turns out the dude IS actually Damian or some other well known character ....BUT... Considering everyone is shittalking the show... We might not even get to such a reveal IF this is the plan (again.. IF I were a writer... I'd plan this ...Since again... Who the fuck is Turner?! ..I'm expecting this to be a thing) ...added later.... YEAH! It'd be HILARIOUS to me if the show did get better and they'd reveal it was Damian in the Season Finale and then the show gets cancelled ....A nice middle finger to all the haters who ended up liking she show in the end ..I'd support that ...Maybe it'd teach people to not be so nitpicky 4. You gave up on the Gotham Knights game when you watched a review video of it and got told about the negative sides of the game... I remember this ....Sadly that and the horrible experience you had with Batgirls glider mission convinced you to quit ...The Court Of Owls being part of the story was just a small detail Froots 5. That's not what I meant with that note.... Gotham Knights... The game... Bruce gets killed... Since we KNEW. that the Court Of Owls was part of the game.... And we also KNEW. (cause were not braindead) that this show is called "Gotham Knights" and from having seen the trailer we KNEW. Bruce got killed... It was a very easy conclusion to make that the Court Of Owls would most likely be part of this show too ....There might even be comics dealing with same exact storyline and it's more than likely also called "Gotham Knights" ... Ofcourse this is The CW and they take creative liberties but come on ...I'm honestly baffled about how people were surprised by this 6. Yup.... Shitty security on the Batcave... It took the GCPD 1 episode to find the Batcave.... They must've been searching Bruce's home office and accidentally hit the side of that case I guess... If I were Bruce I would have had the cave self destruct if it sensed the wrong person entering though 7. Yeah... Oscar Morgan (Turner Hayes) is Bri'ish ...I noticed some slipups in the pilot ...I originally thought I heard an Aussie accent... But no.. I was wrong on that 8. I was thinking that yeah... Those halls look VERY similar to the Legacies set... I can't say for certain but I do know that several of the people behind the show did previously work on Legacies in some form or another ....Maybe they took over the set ...Wouldn't be the first time I've seen one show/movie use the set of another to avoid spending money 9. Bruce's elevator code is 1939 ....I had a hunch and looked it up... And yup... 1939 is the first year Batman appeared in comic books ....That was an easy easter egg to figure out I suppose ....No explanation on why Turner knew that code though ....I dunno about you Froots... But I've got a BUNCH. of different codes for everything ...The fact Turner knew that code seems a bit far fetched... But then again... The security on the Batcave sucked so it's not surprising Bruce used the same code everywhere ...Dude probably took the same class in security as Barry and them from S.T.A.R. Labs 10. Yes... You are nitpicking ...But then again... So am I ...To a lesser extent though... But still

1. I've said this in a comment on YouTube but I'll say it here too... It's sad that these days people don't give shows a chance... They see a trailer and/or perhaps one episode and they've already decided it's the worst show ever ...Now I AM. guilty of it too... But I've seen/heard people talk about this show and other new shows (The Winchesters for example) and the bashing is getting frustrating ...People complain they want a new show and when they get one they immediately start overly critisizing it... They pick it apart sometimes for no good reason... Then it gets cancelled and these same people cry that there's no shows for them to watch ...And then the only thing we've got left is re-watches (boring) or streaming shows where you get 8 episodes and then have to wait a year before the next season which also might just be 8 episodes ...Sorry Froots this isn't directly aimed towards you... This is aimed to ALL. the people all over the internet that seem to think they can judge something after having only watched a trailer / pilot episode ....Again... ...points to self... Guilty!.... But it IS. something we need to get over ......That said... Anyone who DOES. complain when a show gets cancelled that's geared towards them and ends up having nothing to watch... They deserve to be bored /rant 2. Yeah no... I looked at the writers and producers of the first 2 episodes... NONE. of them worked on Superman & Lois ....There's some Batwoman credits ...The Vampire Diaries and Krypton ...But no... Not Superman & Lois ....Which I guess might give the negative nellies some more fuel cause Batwoman and Krypton were kinda shit 3. Like I've said in the pilot notes though ...They can have this Turner Hayes guy end up not actually being named Turner.... It could be an identity given by Bruce to throw us off ...Some sort of Batwitness protection type thing.... Cause Bruce would take every opportunity to make that a thing.... And it turns out the dude IS actually Damian or some other well known character ....BUT... Considering everyone is shittalking the show... We might not even get to such a reveal IF this is the plan (again.. IF I were a writer... I'd plan this ...Since again... Who the fuck is Turner?! ..I'm expecting this to be a thing) ...added later.... YEAH! It'd be HILARIOUS to me if the show did get better and they'd reveal it was Damian in the Season Finale and then the show gets cancelled ....A nice middle finger to all the haters who ended up liking she show in the end ..I'd support that ...Maybe it'd teach people to not be so nitpicky 4. You gave up on the Gotham Knights game when you watched a review video of it and got told about the negative sides of the game... I remember this ....Sadly that and the horrible experience you had with Batgirls glider mission convinced you to quit ...The Court Of Owls being part of the story was just a small detail Froots 5. That's not what I meant with that note.... Gotham Knights... The game... Bruce gets killed... Since we KNEW. that the Court Of Owls was part of the game.... And we also KNEW. (cause were not braindead) that this show is called "Gotham Knights" and from having seen the trailer we KNEW. Bruce got killed... It was a very easy conclusion to make that the Court Of Owls would most likely be part of this show too ....There might even be comics dealing with same exact storyline and it's more than likely also called "Gotham Knights" ... Ofcourse this is The CW and they take creative liberties but come on ...I'm honestly baffled about how people were surprised by this 6. Yup.... Shitty security on the Batcave... It took the GCPD 1 episode to find the Batcave.... They must've been searching Bruce's home office and accidentally hit the side of that case I guess... If I were Bruce I would have had the cave self destruct if it sensed the wrong person entering though 7. Yeah... Oscar Morgan (Turner Hayes) is Bri'ish ...I noticed some slipups in the pilot ...I originally thought I heard an Aussie accent... But no.. I was wrong on that 8. I was thinking that yeah... Those halls look VERY similar to the Legacies set... I can't say for certain but I do know that several of the people behind the show did previously work on Legacies in some form or another ....Maybe they took over the set ...Wouldn't be the first time I've seen one show/movie use the set of another to avoid spending money 9. Bruce's elevator code is 1939 ....I had a hunch and looked it up... And yup... 1939 is the first year Batman appeared in comic books ....That was an easy easter egg to figure out I suppose ....No explanation on why Turner knew that code though ....I dunno about you Froots... But I've got a BUNCH. of different codes for everything ...The fact Turner knew that code seems a bit far fetched... But then again... The security on the Batcave sucked so it's not surprising Bruce used the same code everywhere ...Dude probably took the same class in security as Barry and them from S.T.A.R. Labs 10. Yes... You are nitpicking ...But then again... So am I ...To a lesser extent though... But still