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Fun fact, the guy that plays the brother in this episode also played Chaka in the last episode. He also played Fifth from the Human form replicators.

Retro Tom

It's the same character, but like with Chaka in the previous episode Dion Johnstone was recast with Alex Zahara. I'm not sure offhand why Dion never came back for these 2 episodes Also Warrick's brother was played by Patrick Currie who previously played the human for replicator 5th in season 6

Patrick - Excelsior

Yeah, I didn't think you were going to like this one. Not your cup of tea. I thought it was ok, very reminiscent of movies like Cannonball Run, Deathrace 2000, or even the anime series Speed Racer. It was more to appeal to fans of those.


How dare you dislike my favorite episode??!!! Just kidding this time, I too find this to be a forgettable episode.


Although I'm a big NASCAR and IndyCar fan, "race" episodes are ironically usually my least favorite of shows, so I shared your pain. For example, there's a VERY similar race episode on one of the Star Trek series that's quite possibly my least favorite of that show. However, although Star Trek is very episodic with mostly bottle episodes so much more than Stargate, Star Trek's writers just happened to throw in a major series plot development in the middle of the boring race that makes the episode unskippable. Thankfully, this SG-1 episode is indeed very skippable on rewatch.


1. HA! You try to throw my joke back in my face by having Siri talk through your watch and this bish just ain't having it ...Get wrecked Froots! Get... Absolutely... Wrecked! 2. I believe that RDA comes up BEFORE the SG-1 title in the intro cause he's considered the lead star of the show... Same way as Michael Shanks is credited "And Michael Shanks As Daniel Jackson" ....It's a status thing that happens during credits 3. Not a "Yolk" you dum dum.... A "Yoke" ...It's a thing people used hundreds of years ago... They'd wear it around their neck so they could more easily perform difficult tasks ...Like for instance before people had tractors to plow a field.. They'd use a yoke to pull the plow through the field manually ...You could also hang buckets or water from them or something else heavy when you'd have to travel large distances 4. I'm assuming Amanda Tapping wasn't present in 7x07 much since she was perhaps already filming parts of 7x08 which was a Carter centric episode 5. Apparently according to Bobby's friend Rufus... The Prometheus is still stranded on that planet we saw last season ...Y'know.. Where they had to land and some xenophobic military leader wanted to attack SG-1 and the crew of Prometheus while they tried to find a buried stargate 6x20 Memento 6. In case you didn't notice... Chaka was played by a different actor this time around... Sadly the actor who played him before was unavailable 7. You didn't understand what Chaka said in the Gateroom... Lemme just help you with that ...Chaka: "'Uman 'elp Chaka... Chaka 'elp 'Uman" (Human help Chaka, Chaka help Human) 8. Hmmmm... A story about people trying to invade the land of someone else cause they want their resources for themselves... And they want to relocate the people living there .....I've heard this story before ...You'd think we'd have learned to be better by now given that this kinda stuff happened on OUR. world a BUNCH. of times 9. Welp I suppose this is a better outcome than anything we've managed on our own world... An alliance between the Humans and the Unas ...Good job Daniel and Chaka! 10. Warrick is obviously the alien we met back in Season 6... (Although again... As with Chaka.. Also played by a different actor since the original actor Dion Johnstone was unavailable) ...The one that was being hunted down by those prisoners who claimed THEY were the ones who crash landed ...Your memory is getting shotty Froots 11. Am I the only one who finds it odd that we all of a sudden find out that Carter apparently rides a motorcycle to work? It's like they all of a sudden made her an adrenaline junky for the sake of this "space race" episode 12. Since you don't remember.... Back in the other episode ...Warrick stated that his people saved the humans on Heberdan or whatever the fuck his world is called ...From the Goa'uld... Since then his people and the humans have lived side by side ...Hence why there's humans living on this futuristic looking planet ....Futuristic... But their TV quality fucking SUCKS. ASS. 13. Teal'c you sneaky son of a..... You didn't wanna go to the capitol building cause you figured it'd be boring ...So you tricked O'neill into thinking Carter needed you during the race ....I see you 14. No worries about not caring much about this episode Froots... It's about racing... It's boring... Also.. Less talking makes it more easy for me to edit this shit 15. There is coincidentally an episode of Star Trek Voyager Season 7 where one of the characters takes a newly designed shuttle out for a race ....It came out in 2000 ...This episode came out in 2003 ....I feel like one of the writers saw that episode and thought "I can do that too" .....Sadly they missed the mark ...I mean... The Voyager episode wasn't all that good to begin with... Sooooo... Not every episode is gonna be good Froots ...added after... Yeah like you said... There's bound to be a dud here and there ....This was definitely one of them for me too 16. The actor with the horrible alien prosthetic (which is probably the reason why their TV quality is so bad) ...We've seen him before ....Getting interrogated by Teal'c in that dark room.... Remember? Teal'c just staring at him and him telling Teal'c all he needed to know? .....A.K.A. the guy who voiced Goku 17. Oh... Bee Tee Dubbs.... Speaking about people we've seen before... Warricks brother Eamon ....You've seen this actor before as well ....Last episode he played Chaka and before that he played the Human Lego Monster "Fifth" ...The happy one that O'neill and them screwed over to get off the overrun Asgard planet

Zach Hershman

(I know I'm way behind.) 11. Carter is a fighter pilot. Most fighter pilots I have known have been adrenaline junkies.