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Story Time: My Hospital Visit

My dumbass made an error in judgement!


Timotey Kuhn

You poor thing! I've heard of those machines for slicing chips having a bad rap. There's another YouTube reactor that I follow called Downward Thrust who was making a video game based sandwich and chips recipe in one of his videos and he badly sliced his pinkie while cutting the chips.

Timotey Kuhn

I've actually done something similar. I was helping cut tomatoes on one of those deli meat slicing machines for a charity kiosk at a park in my city and I partially amputated the flesh of my left pinkie. So I truly feel your pain🤗 Terrible wait time though. I know that those parts of the hospital operate on a basis of " whomever is closest to death gets to go first", but that still seems pretty excessive.


The wait time is usually based on triage severity. They give heart attacks priority over a cut finger or hernia. Don't know about Aus, but in Canada we have major nurse and doctor shortages, which doesn't help with timelines either. Height of covid, our emergency room wait times were over 24 hours. It's not a scam to get more parking revenue :)

Retro Tom (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-30 01:31:22 Nearly 20 years ago I got sick & like I usually do i decided to just ride it out. I started getting worse. When I laid down it felt like there was a heavy weight on my chest, I couldn't eat more the a few mouthfuls of anything before I felt full, I had trouble sleeping & my legs swelled up. After a few weeks of this I finally went to a local walk in clinic, I had my mother drive me. They did a few x-rays & found out I had a fluid build up around my heart & that only 1/2 of it was working. My legs had swelled because of low blood circulation & they told me I had to go to the hospital right away. I declined an ambulance & said I would drive myself. As I was walking out I considered not going & lying to my mother as to what they said, I told myself they must be wrong it couldn't be that bad & that I would be ok. By the time I got to the car I decided that since I felt the worst I had every felt in my life, to tell the truth & we went to the hospital ER to get me checked in The hospital brought in a local cardiologist who did a few tests of his own. He said I had a viral infection that caused the fluid build up & on top of it I had pneumonia & I was a lot closer to dying then the clinic thought, possibly only days away. It was on a Friday & the doctor had stuff already scheduled for the day & then the weekend he was off unless there was an emergency so he was going to schedule a procedure for Monday. At this point I was really focused on how badly I felt & didn't want to wait the weekend especially if I didn't even know I would last the long so I told the doctor just how bad I felt & I wanted it to stop & practically begged if there was something he could do. He ended up giving in, made a phone call to rearrange his schedule & did the procedure to drain the fluid that day. At the time I was not thinking about others at all because I just wanted to feel healthy again, but now I do sometimes wonder who got pushed back for me & it something important got delayed for someone else because of me. I spent a week in the hospital & the 1st thing every new nurse said was "how are you still alive" I had enough fluid around my heart that the whole thing should failed a lot sooner but the doctor said I had a really strong heart & that the fluid built up slowly so the heart had time to adjust & adapt until finally one side stopped pumping. Thankfully though the procedure worked so I'm still here when all the odds said I should've died
2023-03-23 09:25:10 Nearly 20 years ago I got sick & like I usually do i decided to just ride it out. I started getting worse. When I laid down it felt like there was a heavy weight on my chest, I couldn't eat more the a few mouthfuls of anything before I felt full, I had trouble sleeping & my legs swelled up. After a few weeks of this I finally went to a local walk in clinic, I had my mother drive me. They did a few x-rays & found out I had a fluid build up around my heart & that only 1/2 of it was working. My legs had swelled because of low blood circulation & they told me I had to go to the hospital right away. I declined an ambulance & said I would drive myself. As I was walking out I considered not going & lying to my mother as to what they said, I told myself they must be wrong it couldn't be that bad & that I would be ok. By the time I got to the car I decided that since I felt the worst I had every felt in my life, to tell the truth & we went to the hospital ER to get me checked in The hospital brought in a local cardiologist who did a few tests of his own. He said I had a viral infection that caused the fluid build up & on top of it I had pneumonia & I was a lot closer to dying then the clinic thought, possibly only days away. It was on a Friday & the doctor had stuff already scheduled for the day & then the weekend he was off unless there was an emergency so he was going to schedule a procedure for Monday. At this point I was really focused on how badly I felt & didn't want to wait the weekend especially if I didn't even know I would last the long so I told the doctor just how bad I felt & I wanted it to stop & practically begged if there was something he could do. He ended up giving in, made a phone call to rearrange his schedule & did the procedure to drain the fluid that day. At the time I was not thinking about others at all because I just wanted to feel healthy again, but now I do sometimes wonder who got pushed back for me & it something important got delayed for someone else because of me. I spent a week in the hospital & the 1st thing every new nurse said was "how are you still alive" I had enough fluid around my heart that the whole thing should failed a lot sooner but the doctor said I had a really strong heart & that the fluid built up slowly so the heart had time to adjust & adapt until finally one side stopped pumping. Thankfully though the procedure worked so I'm still here when all the odds said I should've died

Nearly 20 years ago I got sick & like I usually do i decided to just ride it out. I started getting worse. When I laid down it felt like there was a heavy weight on my chest, I couldn't eat more the a few mouthfuls of anything before I felt full, I had trouble sleeping & my legs swelled up. After a few weeks of this I finally went to a local walk in clinic, I had my mother drive me. They did a few x-rays & found out I had a fluid build up around my heart & that only 1/2 of it was working. My legs had swelled because of low blood circulation & they told me I had to go to the hospital right away. I declined an ambulance & said I would drive myself. As I was walking out I considered not going & lying to my mother as to what they said, I told myself they must be wrong it couldn't be that bad & that I would be ok. By the time I got to the car I decided that since I felt the worst I had every felt in my life, to tell the truth & we went to the hospital ER to get me checked in The hospital brought in a local cardiologist who did a few tests of his own. He said I had a viral infection that caused the fluid build up & on top of it I had pneumonia & I was a lot closer to dying then the clinic thought, possibly only days away. It was on a Friday & the doctor had stuff already scheduled for the day & then the weekend he was off unless there was an emergency so he was going to schedule a procedure for Monday. At this point I was really focused on how badly I felt & didn't want to wait the weekend especially if I didn't even know I would last the long so I told the doctor just how bad I felt & I wanted it to stop & practically begged if there was something he could do. He ended up giving in, made a phone call to rearrange his schedule & did the procedure to drain the fluid that day. At the time I was not thinking about others at all because I just wanted to feel healthy again, but now I do sometimes wonder who got pushed back for me & it something important got delayed for someone else because of me. I spent a week in the hospital & the 1st thing every new nurse said was "how are you still alive" I had enough fluid around my heart that the whole thing should failed a lot sooner but the doctor said I had a really strong heart & that the fluid built up slowly so the heart had time to adjust & adapt until finally one side stopped pumping. Thankfully though the procedure worked so I'm still here when all the odds said I should've died

Brennon Booth

I'm just amazed at the attitude of doctors to patients - it's just disgusting! I'm sorry that you had to wait a long time, and I'm sorry for that old man with a hernia who waited a long time....


Imagine you were a doctor in a busy hospital and had to see hundreds of patients a day, maybe not even stopping to eat all day because you're so busy. Is the wait your fault? Would you be a super happy nice person after dealing with this sort of work load for years on end? It's a bit more complicated than what's on the surface.