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today i wanted to make some home made wedges. I got one of those cutting contraption things where it like cuts into a box. I thought I was so smart using it to peel my potatoes. I cut them all. washed them and then realised one still had a little skin left on it.
I grabbed it out and went to shave it on the cutter And ended up slicing my thumb vertically from the point.
it sliced half my nail and my skin.  
blood gushed everywhere and I went into a panic

decided to go to the hospital and have been here for 4 hours now.
they offered me meds within a half hour of being here (they put a temporary suture on my thumb) and then told me to sit back down. I got my meds 3 and a half hours later and have finally been seen.

i was told it wont need stitches but I will need a tetnis shot and some antibiotics. I finally got 2. neurofen and 2 Panadol and am back to waiting again to get my shot.

there are screaming children here and i have a pretty bad headache.

also parking here isn’t cheap either. The longer I stay the more expensive it gets.

today had been wild

ps I’ve written this with my left hand and I’m right handed. Go me 



Oh dear lord. The injury and hospital trip sound painful and annoying respectively. That'll probably take a couple weeks to heal, in my not so expert opinion. Hopefully you'll heal quick!

Jordan St. James

Yikes... So sorry to hear that. Hope you get better soon. We're rooting for you and always will be

Mike Simonton

Good things! Those hurt.


Oh no. I'm sorry about that. I hope you feel better soon. 😊

Just James

But what about the potatoes! Jks Hope your okay Shan x


Feel Better Soon!!!❤️‍🩹

Brandon Wiesner

Damn. Was there no one you could call to help bring you? Hopefully you are home by now and resting. Take your time and recover. Reactions will wait.

Patrick - Excelsior

sorry to hear you got hurt, heal quickly, heal well.


Feel better

Tim Xi

Wow, that sounds horrible, but also at the same time, I’m very happy that you escaped a worst case scenario. Why is it that we do things right a hundred times, but then we go to fix something real quick only to unexpectedly make a huge mistake? It’s bizarre. Get well soon!