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And so we finish another show!

Thank you to everyone that has supported me through this shows journey.

I am forever thankful for everyone and this show is amazing.

OneHub link: https://ws.onehub.com/files/7sjga34y

Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4a4r1rger3ls0m2/The%20100%20S07E16%20-%20The%20Last%20War%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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I actually like this ending, they finally have a happy ending, although i would have changed a few things but i like what they did with the ending. Im just glad everybody is at peace but the things i would change are letting them have offspring to repopulate the earth, allowing the dead to transcend as well so we could get lexa, finn, bellamy etc. If they are going to do the whole transcend thing might as well go all out. Have that beach filled with everybody from the past we love like Jasper and Maya and monty etc. Also the reason why the original host dies is because they wipe their mind but with murphy they didnt wipe his mind. Clarke survived because of the chip from season 3. I disagree with you about season 5. I think season 5 was great and season 6 is when the cracks started showing. Season 5 felt very much like the same show and hand a natural progression from season 4. My actual perfect ending would be them not leaving earth in season 5, have them sleep for hundreds (or thousands) of years in cryo and then come back to earth after everything grew back. Then have 2 more seasons of storylines on earth with the final season being a big giant "Final War" but it actually being a normal war and obviously our main characters win and we see them finally start to build a life, have a montage of them building houses, having kids, and getting older and also showing a montage of the entire series with our favorite scenes and moments just to show how far weve come. That would be my perfect finale, although its cheesy but i think it would fit well with them all just wanting to survive and then at the end they can start building civilization again. Also thank you for helping me see that the last 2 seasons werent as good (especially season 7) Season 6 was still good but not as good as the first 5. I would say it was pretty decent but season 7 i would say for the most part is ok i guess but it does have a couple good episodes. I just dont like being negative but i can see how this season hasnt been good. Its honestly the only season i got bored of halfway through. 1-5 and even 6 kept me wanting to watch the next episode and kept me invested. I have a season 8 pitch where it follows the events of the series finale and we see clarke and the group just living life when stuff starts to happen and we find out the higher power being is actual an evil alien species with just higher technology and clarke and the rest of people find a way to get everybody back and defeat them and then season 9 would be them BACK on earth. I know its a silly pitch and wouldnt make sense but i think they could fix all of the problems this season and bring us back home to earth but it would just be even weirder and more of a jumping the shark moment. Im honestly just sad this show is over and i want more. Sorry for annoying you with all my ramblings. I just loved this show so so much. Still mad at the canceled prequel bc it would have given us what we wanted but oh well i guess.


Yeah that was not good. Like I just wanted to be in that writers room to understand how many drugs they were on when they wrote the final season. Everyone transcends and become glowing trees? WTF. Plus nobody dies and everyone transcends... oops sorry that's wrong. Bellamy (The only guy here who actually believed this crap) died and didn't transcend three episodes before the ending. I will say I did find it funny when Clarke didn't transcend and was upset. She was like "Was I the only human to do bad things?" and the alien was like "no you idiot its cuz you literally killed a guy then proceeded to shoot the rest of the bullets into him after he was already dead... DURING THE TEST". Idk I thought that was funny. Overall I just think since the end of Season 5 this show lost it's identity. For the good of the show, I think it should have ended at Season 5. Given what it gave us afterwards, I would have been okay with that. The most disappointing part about this show is it had so much potential. Midway through season 3, this was one of my favorite shows on TV. I personally think by season 3, this was the best show the CW had ever made (excluding Smallville cuz that was on WB) and one of the best shows on TV at the time. It's such a shame they left what the show was originally to get here. It almost seemed like the writers felt like they need to "jump the shark" every season to keep people invested. By the end, the show had become recognizable to where it began. A YouTuber by the name "Dylan is in Trouble" did a video watching the First episode of The 100 and the Last, having never seen the show before. He actually talks about a similar "jump the shark" explanation in the video. PS: Your cosplay was fantastic 10/10


This show is still one of the best shows ever. The last 2 seasons doesnt change that.


There were many deaths in the last episode. Clarke and Octavia killed a bunch of New Dawn troops while making their way to the Stone. By the rules, they didn't get to ascend either. But hey, they are not main characters, so they don't count! As far as final resolutions go, it's a meh. Whatever the flaws of the show, it would suck to have the surviving characters live out their lives in misery. On the other hand, an all powerful arbiter deciding who gets to ascend or go extinct, species by species, is highly problematic. To have something positive to say after the end of the show, I'd rather remember the moments that had made me like it a lot. I liked how Lincoln explained to Octavia that hating outsiders was against his nature, even when his entire world expected him to. I liked how Maya (and by extension her dad and their like-minded friends) admitted to Jasper that none of them were innocent. Neither of them deserved their fates, but in the real world bad things do happen to good people. Their characters were reminders that good people exist even in oppressive environments and are ready to fight for change. I liked the subtle social commentary, which was not once thrown in anyone's face, of Mountain Men being predominantly white, while Grounders being much more represented by people of color. (Guess who was left outside the bunkers after the nuclear apocalypse!) I liked the drive that Clarke and Kane had to save everyone, both Skaikru and the Grounders, after the terrible choices they had to make at Mount Weather and on the Ark. Both of course wavered in their resolve at different moments. This created in my opinion some of the most interesting drama in the show. I liked how the obvious "meet cute" between Echo and Bellamy in Season 2 was subtly developed, with ups and downs, until it paid off a whole three seasons later. I liked how certain events left indelible marks on the characters and influenced their behavior for the rest of the show (ignoring the travesty of the final seasons): Raven's leg, Maya's death on Jasper, Mount Weather on Clarke, Bellamy's actions under Pike's influence, etc. I liked the problem solving aspect of the show. The characters almost never got away with picking the most obvious approach and succeeding with it. The show made them go through multiple rounds of trial and error, as well as mitigation of unexpected circumstances, with the eventual working solution coming out of a surprising, but well motivated direction. To me, this added a lot of excitement to the show. The resolution of the Mount Weather threat, the fight against Ally, and figuring out ways of surviving Praimfaya were all portrayed in this way. There are more things to list, but this comment is already too long. Throughout the show, there were always things to criticize. But I'm willing to cut it some slack when it comes to certain characters being unexpectedly killed off or written off in some other way. Being a smaller show, The 100 had to constantly compete for talent with other projects. That's just one of the realities of television. So it's understandable that an actor leaving the show, outside the producers' control, had to somehow be reflected in the story line.