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Im gonna cry 😭 Murphy saying Emori is the most important person in the universe is so sad and sweet. He finally loves someone more than himself and i love him so much. They didnt chicken out. Theres a reason they did what they did, youll just have to see. Also maybe the network wouldnt allow them to do it like that because she was a child and thought it was too dark the way they were doing it. Since she is already paralyzed, the scene is already very dark. Same reason why Jasper didnt kill himself in the season 3 finale because they thought it would be too dark so he did it a different way in the season 4 finale. I hope you enjoy the series finale.


The fancy MCap technology is literally there to read people's minds. They didn't even think of using it to ask the (paralyzed but) still conscious Maddi herself how she felt and what she wanted to happen.


Does it even work like that? I thought it was only able to get memories but they had to go deep in the brain. I dont know if they can hear current thoughts?


1. Yeah... This show basically became a regular after you and I were in a call and you said "You know what? I'd really like to watch more of The 100" ....I was thrown off guard cause I honestly RARELY hear you say such a thing about a show... And so overnight.. Without you even asking for it.. I uploaded the entire show ...I hope that WHATEVER comes next are shows that give you that same feeling... The feeling where you watch an episode and feel like wanting to watch the next straight away ...Cause the only important factor to me when it comes to this is ...The feeling that you WANT to watch it cause you enjoy it and not that you HAVE to watch it cause it's your job ...The former can be fun for you and motivate you.. The latter can be boring for you and make you feel demotivated ...One leads to you being happy.. The other not so much... Guess which one I'd like to see Froots 2. HA! You've used that "TV Show's gotta TV Show" button so many times it's run out of battery! 3. Also.... To further shit on this whole "The anomaly stone defaults back to the planet of origin for your species" bullshit ......What if Earth was gone ....Or realistically STILL. radiated to fucking hell????? Good job DHD creator ...You just sent some innocent person to their death ....Worst fail-safe ever! 4. So these are my last notes on The 100... I'm not gonna type anything down for the very last episode ...We'll talk about it after you've seen it though ...But boy... Do I have a problem with some of this shit 5. Clarke has a breakdown: "If I lose Madi too... I'll have nothing" ...Words to remember 6. Yeah... Interesting things those Teleporty Knives are ...You stab yourself and come out the other end totally healed? 7. Y'know what? I've never said this before but ...If I was Madi.. I'd be so fucking weirded out by the fact that this mid-twenties to early thirties woman who found me in the woods one day would be so VERY. overprotective over me and self-appoint herself as my mum .....Am I the only one who is weirded out by this? ...Clarke went from "Oh look another survivor.. I'mma braid your hair one day" to "Nobody better fucking touch my baby or I'll end all life as we know it... Again" and everyone is just fine with this? ...C'mon... I can't be the only one who thinks this is weird.......... This is weird ....Right? ...Yeah it is. 8. Oh for real? They can just move the anomaly to where ever they want now? I thought it opened up next to the DHD? ....Buuuutttt for story sake I suppose the gateroom wasn't big enough for their war preparations... Convenient. 9. Clarke and Octavia gate into Bardo weapons drawn ....Need I remind you that's NOT. how they went in? 10. Also yeah... Kinda fucked up Clarke and them just left Madi there ...They basically did the same thing Bill did to her ...She's no longer important to what they're doing sooooooo... Peace out bish! ...Looks like Clarke has nothing now... Right? No reason to live? 11. Anyways... Enough notes ....Shanheda kom Dorkru.. Commander of Dorks ...It's time to end this ...One last episode and then..... Yu gonplei ste odon ..Your fight is over ...May we meet again

Jeremy Burch

I don't feel like Clarke feeling like and considering herself Madi's mom was that weird, considering she found Madi when she was 6 or 7 and raised her alone for 6 years, where it was just them alone, having only each other to rely on for all those years. To add some minor context the first 4 seasons took place in 200 days, they were alone together for 6 years. However I do think Clarke made some extreme decisions to protect Madi that I don't agree with, kind of like Bellamy did in season 1 to protect Octavia. But based on a lot of shows and movies I've seen, including some recent ones it seems a lot of people make extreme, rash decisions to protect someone they care about and based on audience reactions to some of these movies and shows a lot of people agree with the extreme decisions.