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Dear Shan, you introduced me to the first season of The 100. I was surprised by how quickly what I expected to be "just another teen show" developed maturity and depth. I was intrigued, so I sped ahead. Binging the following seasons, I discovered several things that I liked about the show: it created cool and diverse characters that you naturally cared about; these characters were frequently faced with tough but almost inevitable choices; they made mistakes and learned from them; they tried to solve problems to the best of their abilities and were forced to discard their first, second, third or sometimes even more attempts before finding a solution, which rings true of real life; and with confident regularity, at times cruelly but mostly justifiably, the show also took away some of these characters, leaving a palpable and indelible mark on the survivors and you the viewer. Overall, it did so with good, coherent writing, which took minimal storytelling liberties, much less than you would expect from a typical CW show. You could say I was hooked. :-) Few other shows have had me holding my breath at their tense moments like I did as Bellamy's group themselves struggled for breath on the Ark at the end of Praimfaya. Then came Season 5, which for me started the steady downward spiral of the show. The most painful aspect of Season 5 was the character assassination of Clarke, and to a lesser degree Octavia. Clarke is lost to motherhood in the worst possible way. She uses the maternal drive to protect Madi as an excuse to make morally dubious decisions that may give her a short term advantage while losing the long term perspective of the survival of the human race, let alone of Madi's own agency. This overprotective mother trope is the first trickle of the flood of bad writing that eventually washes away the whole show in the remaining seasons. There were still many things that I enjoyed about Season 5. The biggest part was the puzzle of trying to find a peaceful compromise between the Convicts and the new Grounders, excluding Clarke's and Octavia's chaotic efforts to sabotage the whole thing. Another part is delving into the bunker's Dark Year, which was both brutal and compelling. Overall, the strength of the writing took a considerable dip over the previous seasons. Finally, the whole thing went off the rails in Seasons 6 and 7. Among the many things one can criticize, my main gripe is about the strength of the writing and the consistency of the story, which took a huge further nose dive. I won't go into the details, as you've already pointed out many of the problems in your reactions. My position is just a bit more negative. But I have to make a special remark about the Second Dawn backdoor pilot. I feel that its massive retconning is guilty not only of bad writing, but also of erasing Grounder culture: their language is not their own, instead of having organically evolved and deformed from English over more than 100 years it was created by a precocious kid; their tribal names are not their own, instead they are imitations of a name of some lame environmental group; their mistakes are not their own (burning Becca at the stake), instead they are committed by the villainous Second Dawn, etc. I won't even go into the further character assassinations of Bellamy, Echo, Abby and in part Raven. There were a few things that I still enjoyed in the last two seasons, mostly character moments. Murphy's character arc springs to mind. But in the ideal world of my imagination, the show ended with Season 5, on a compromise that allowed the last remnants of the human race to peacefully share Shallow Valley and what remained of the bunker. I'll probably never know what changed after Season 4, but I'd like to believe that it was something major like their best writers leaving, or unbearable pressure from the studio, or creative conflicts within the production team. In some older video, you asked us who our favorite characters were. Mine was Monty. He was the most compassionate of the lot, had solid and intelligent moral core, and he learned quickly not only from his own but also others' mistakes. Close behind him, and for similar reasons, were Lincoln, Kane, Raven, Maya. It was a nice ride. Thank you, Shan. I'm sorry you had to suffer through the last two seasons, but it was vindicating seeing your frustration and anger over it. :-)


I think season 5 is better than season 1 in my opinion. This is my personal ranking 4,2,5,6,3,1,7 but i still like season 1 alot and i like alot of moments from season 7. I actually personally loved the backdoor pilot. I thought it did a really good job at combining all the seasons lore into a backstory that made sense. Most of the choices they did for the backdoor pilot made sense to me and by far the best episode in season 7 and one of my favorite episodes in the series as well. Im sorry you didnt like it.


Shannon: This makes no sense, what the fuck is happening? Me: This makes perfect sense, I've never been happier about a last season.


1. You about me misremembering something happening in an episode from a few weeks ago: "Maybe you haven't edited that episode yet" .........You do realise who you're talking to.... Right?? 😛 2. Wait... Hold up... Sheidheida's name is Malachai???? ...Who names their kid Malachai!?! ..That's just asking for him to be evil 3. I meaaaaannn... Bellamy was misguided... Not crazy ...He got shown a way to stop the needless violence.... He went about it the wrong way though ...Decided to follow Bill and his nutjobs instead of informing Clarke and the rest of his friends about what he saw in a RATIONAL way ....Instead he put on a white cloak and he became an emotionless drone and THEN. tried informing Clarke and them 4. While editing: I'll put this here since the scene happened in between these notes... Bill and his loonies are trapped in the nuclear reactor ....It is established in the next episode that he has some sort of pill or whatever that lets him teleport back to Bardo .........Why not just use it there?? Why pretend to be trapped?? ..."We planned this from the beginning" ....Ah huh... Suuuuuurree 5. So Abaddon's boyfriend got killed by Raven and Abaddon decides to let Raven live with it (I mean.. Good.. But still) ....Then we have Indra... Whose father I think got killed by Sheidheda but she lets him live as well .....I'm sensing a repeating pattern in this ONE. episode 6. Clarke could've shot Bellamy in the leg and then the remaining people there.. Take the book and NOPE. out of there ....But yeah... Needless death for the sake of drama ...I guess we hit the quota for letting people live this episode 7. I'd like to just take a moment and point out that Clarke and them just gated to Earth ...Not only is Earth supposedly uninhabitable (which we find out miraculously restored itself) ....But also ...They got yeeted into the bunker underneath Polis ...A place where for some odd reason there's never been ANY. sighting of an anomaly 8. Disciple Dude to Gaia: "The closing bridge defaults to the planetary origin of our DNA" .....You mean to tell me that this DHD stores the information of EVERY. single lifeform in the universe and knows EXACTLY. where to teleport them in case of malfunction??? .....Froots... Keep in mind there's a 100 BILLION stars in OUR galaxy alone and then lets say a BILLION of those stars have planets orbiting around them with the potential of life on them ......These DHD's store the data on ALL. of those lifeforms so that they can safely bring them back home in case of emergency!?! ....NOPE. 9. See here's the issue... Clarke to Echo and Octavia about why she killed Bellamy: "Madi's sketchbook......" ....I don't even care what she said after that ....If this were me in such a situation I wouldn't be like "Welp... He was gone anyways" ...Bodies would've dropped ...She could've tried finishing the story while drawing her last breath ......I'm not saying I care about Bellamy ....I'm saying the response Clarke got was VERY. unrealistic 10. Also YEAH! She didn't try to get the book back AT. ALL. ...She killed Bellamy and then just bounced! 11. HA! Octavia and Echo say they're ok and you're looking around the room like you're trynna find your sanity ...I am deceased 12. LOL.. Furious typing during the intro... I see when you DM'd me 13. Why? You mean to tell that Jordan and them NEVER. figured to look down to try and find the anomaly stone?? ....Oh y'know we're in a bunker but suuuuurely the anomaly stone isn't on one of the lower levels... Right?? /facepalm 14. So not only does Bill have the book.. He ALSO has Sheidheda.. Who proooobably has the memories that Bill needs to start his last war ....Good job Clarke... You killing your bestie had absolutely ZERO. impact 15. Yeeeeeeaaahhh.... I always knew you'd like the early seasons of this show and would find a fuckton of issues with the last 2 seasons... I uploaded it for you when you said you wanted to watch more since I wanted you to have a show to actually look forward to ...But you and me are the same ...And since we're nearing the end anyways... I'mma let you in on a little secret ....I finished this show for the sake of completion ...These last 2 seasons were NOT. the show I signed up for ...In fact... I very much remember that I thought Season 6 was the last season and imagine my surprise I found out it got renewed about a week before Season 7 started airing... And so I reluctantly watched it only to find out how it ends ....Let's end this Froots 16. Why does Bill need Madi? Can't he just use the mind machine thingy on Sheidheda?? I'm sure the same information he seeks is in his mind as well ....Or does Sheidheda ONLY. remember the things he specifically has done and not anything regarding those that came before him? ...And if so... Why does Madi remember more??? ...None of this makes sense 17. Why would they send a bomb through to Earth if they still needed Madi?? I know we're dealing with time dialation here but she just noped out to Bardo 2 seconds earlier... Even WITH. time dialation there's no way Bill could've met Madi on Bardo and then decided to bomb Earth ...That decision was made while Madi was still on Earth ....And so the writers decided to up the stakes for no valid reason 18. Also you're right... The bunker has withstood several ends of the world ...But a little bomb? Nah bish .....This was stupid


For future reference, it's Shannan with an A. It's a big pet peeve of hers when people spell her name wrong. :)