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I just want to say, i understand why clarke did what she did. She wanted to protect Madi, if they knew who made the book than Madi would be in danger and only bellamy knew who made the book. Clarke would do anything to protect her daughter. She lost everybody she ever loved and she will do whatever it takes to protect her daughter. Clarke is just over everything. Also clarke never really grieved her mothers death so that could also be why she is being so snappy and trigger happy. Theres only so many things a person can go through before they snap and clarke has been through more than most people. If im being honest i never felt anything when bellamy died. Im sorry i know thats a very unpopular opinion but i never cared about him. I did start caring about him more when i rewatched it with you though. At least the death was shocking. This is the final season so they are just going crazy and killing everybody off lol I really am sorry you didnt like these episodes and i understand and respect your opinion. I hope you can enjoy the last 2 episodes. (Honestly i think if it had another season they could totally fix all the mistakes from season 7, although it wouldnt bring bellamy back but it could have fixed issues and made it have a big impact on the show and have it known how important and loved his character was. It wouldnt fix the mistake of killing him but at least it would be better than just moving on.)


First I would like to preface this by saying I only started watching this show in season 5 because I started watching alongside you and that's the part you were up to so my knowledge of the characters and their personality is limited. Firstly, ever since they started this weird and sudden religious saga for Bellamy I've been wondering why? Not only was I, as a viewer, not convinced that his character would betray his friends and be brainwashed so easily, but it felt so sudden and random. I would ask myself why now? Do we really have time for this side story where we go through the typical cycle of betrayal, redemption and forgiveness? The series is literally about to end! I guess this episode showed us that the purpose of his religious journey was so that Clarke would have a reason to kill him for dramatic effect? Too sudden, too fast and too forced. Sorry. Not convincing at all. I'm not against characters dying, but why not something heroic for Bellamy's death? It would have been a more beautiful end to his character. And now let's get to that part that really shocked me. Echo and Octavia literally gave zero fucks lmao. Huh? Hello??!! That's your brother!!!!! And what about Echo? Didn't we just finish talking about her mental breakdown? Wasn't it over Bellamy being dead? Huh?? It's also illogical that both Echo and Octavia would believe Bellamy couldn't be saved. "We lost him a long time ago" my ass. The religious storyline literally just started. He definitely could have been saved. Oh and Madi voluntarily went to them anyway so Bellamy died for nothing.


It was probably easier for them to accept his death since before recently they were under the impression that he was dead for months at that point so they already grieved and it wouldnt hurt as badly, especially since when he did come back he was completely different so the line "we lost him a long time ago" does make sense to me. But i do agree with bellamy having a more heroic death. Maybe have him die protecting Madi and Clarke. I wish i could feel more about his death and character but i just cant. He was never one of my favorite characters. He was just neutral to me. But clarke definitely snapped here. Im honestly not surprised either, she showed a bit of that in the beginning of the season when she burned down the building and was gonna kill russel. Shes mentally messed up right now. If any of us went through all the stuff she went through we would be far worse if we even survived.


Sure. I can perhaps see it being easier to grieve Bellamy's death for Echo and Octavia since they already thought he was dead for months. However, to have an easier time grieving someone, you actually need to grieve them first lmao. What we saw was not good enough. Not even close to good enough for me. On the "we lost him a long time ago" line, I think you are only looking at the literal interpretation of that line rather than the deeper point. Of course this religious journey for Bellamy happened a while ago (although with all this time dilation and these time jumps back and forth this season, it's hard to keep track of how much time has actually passed for each character. Which is another criticism I have of this season by the way. If there's any more time jumps back and forth I'm going to have an aneurysm). The deeper point of Echo's line was that Bellamy was too far gone anyway which there was insufficient evidence for. Especially when you consider he only just came back and they've barely interacted since then. Overall, I just believe Echo and Octavia's level of emotion (or lack thereof) did not match what would be expected of them given that we know how much they love Bellamy.


Shan I know you are upset and confused. I know I was. At this point I legitimately thought they were trying to beat out GOT for worse ending to a show ever (Which is funny because I constantly called this show GOT Lite the first few seasons). Anyways, at this time I also realized a technique that helped me keep my sanity in these last few episodes. Instead of anger and confusion, try passive aggression and immediate acceptance. Bellamy gets converted to a cult? Sure, that might as well happen. It's not like something like this literally happened already and he could have learned from it. Clarke shoots and kills Bellamy? Sure, that might as well happen. That is definitely the best way to end that friendship.


Love this show deeply but this is one of the stupidest episodes in the whole series. To this day, it doesn't feel right his character ended on the note it did. He was such a huge part of their little found-family. Ugh.