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Brandon Wiesner (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-03 06:10:02 Ok, so first of all, since when does Ally drive? They always show her walking to and from work. Yes, this was a great episode for Lucy Liu and her character. Of course I love her sassy and dangerously witty side but this really showed her heard and I adored her for it. That was really sad what happened to her friend. I had a friend who was older as well. We played music together and he was a great guy and a good friend. He got cancer and they made the decision to pull the plug on him in the hospital. I was there when it happened and this episode reminded me of that time.
2023-03-03 04:00:25 Ok, so first of all, since when does Ally drive? They always show her walking to and from work. Yes, this was a great episode for Lucy Liu and her character. Of course I love her sassy and dangerously witty side but this really showed her heart and I adored her for it. That was really sad what happened to her friend. I had a friend who was older as well. We played music together and he was a great guy and a good friend. He got cancer and they made the decision to pull the plug on him in the hospital. I was there when it happened and this episode reminded me of that time.

Ok, so first of all, since when does Ally drive? They always show her walking to and from work. Yes, this was a great episode for Lucy Liu and her character. Of course I love her sassy and dangerously witty side but this really showed her heart and I adored her for it. That was really sad what happened to her friend. I had a friend who was older as well. We played music together and he was a great guy and a good friend. He got cancer and they made the decision to pull the plug on him in the hospital. I was there when it happened and this episode reminded me of that time.

Tony (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-06 02:27:22 1. True... We're living in a day and age where we are kiiiiiinda starting to accept eachother without judgement of what you're wearing or how you're behaving... Sadly there are some who will still judge and hopefully these people will find their way too ...But it's true ...Perhaps someone like Elaine.. The way she behaves around others ...The way she sometimes dresses... Would be considered just another quirky person nowadays ...Everyone has their own personality and just cause you dress a certain way or act a certain way doesn't mean you should automatically be put in a certain category ...Be yourself 2. Yeeeeaaah... That rain looked fake as fuck ...Like someone had a green screen effect of rain dropping down and put it in front of a moving aerial shot ...The camera flies around but the rain doesn't match ...Talk about some bad VFX 3. Well Froots... Some people look really good with blonde hair.... And then there's Billy 4. Why is she sueing the firm?? She should be thanking Cage & Fish for opening her eyes to who Billy truly is ...And I HIGHLY doubt that it was the firm that made Billy "Billy" ....Dude was probably just really good at hiding who he was from her and Georgia sadly fell for his fake persona 5. This whole case so far (3x11) has been dumb as hell ...It's just Georgia lashing out at the wrong people ...Bringing up shit that really has nothing to do with her and Billy ....Georgia.. Mah gurl... You're wasting money on Megatron... Take a vacation or something ..Meet a new guy ...There PLENTY better guys out there.. Trust me 6. Nelle...... Whatta you doin??? Why are you dressed like Beetlejuice?? What's up with that? ....Wait hold on ....Nelle ....Nelle ....Nelle (looks around) ...Dammit.. I was hoping she'd show up 7. Yeeeeaaahhh... Nooooo... Billy is wrong and yeah Froots... You don't belittle ...But you do BE. little ...And you?? Vindictive?? HA! ...Maybe as a joke in a game which then comes back to bite you in the ass when I or circumstance turns it around on you... But aside from that you're a bit of a goody two shoes 8. Froots I'm right there with you... I wanna just go full agent of chaos in that room and kick over all those glasses of water John put down 9. John goes off on Georgia ....I haven't seen such an epic battle preceded by the sound of bells since I watched Dragonball Z .....John just went full on Vegeta on Georgia /nerdalert 10. Yeah I don't agree with everyone telling John off for what he did... What he did was deserved ...Georgia is a good person but she deserved all of that 11. Personally I was thinking she was dressed as Wednesday now... But yeah... Nelle could pass as a nun too I suppose 12. You got confused but Billy was standing just to the left OUTSIDE of that shot ....He was standing in front of Elaine and Nelle who were also not in that same shot and when they left Billy looked towards Ally like he was standing far enough away to not be in said shot ...Mystery solved 13. I can't blame Ling ...Pretending to be blind so she can cross the road a bit early ...Seems like the kinda shit I'd try and do if crossing the road illegally was a big deal here 14. Yeeeeeaaahh... Ally is coming off a whole lot of desperate rear ending this dude to get a date ...If I was him I'd steer clear of her ....After I'd get my car fixed 15. Also.... Ally's defense of her "Being near 30" and so it's ok for her to do this kinda shit ...Nah... It's pathetic ...That's all it is ....Also... Who says you NEED. to be in a relationship before your 30ies???? Who made that shit up?? 16. PAUSE... Did this dude find out Ally is a succesful Lawyer??? Is THAT. why he's all of a sudden feeling like he should apologize?? PLAY. 17. That IS. Archie from OUAT yeah! ...I was wondering where I knew him from... Good thing I have you ...My own personal imdb ...But more accurate than the real thing 18. Yeeeeeeeahhh... When you snort it's cute ....This guy however... His laugh/snort ....It's like he has some sort of tic or something... That CAN'T be a real laugh 19. They hunt cannibals at this old folks home??? I guess they didn't build a good enough fence 20. Yeah if Ling wins this case then that's just wrong.... Dude just full on hallucinated a bunch of pygmies storming into court... He needs help ...So if he's allowed to stay in this old folks home without the supervision he needs then they won a case that should NOT. have been won 21. Again.. Yes... Fun is good... I'm all about that life... I figure that IF I'd ever live in a home like that (not happening but hypothetical) I'd make that place fun too... But this old geezer was having full blown hallucinations which would make the old folks home liable if anything went wrong ....Dude needs proper care and if that place can't provide such care then he's better off somewhere that can give him that care ...And in turn the other old folk there are safer 22. Yeeeeaah nooo... Ally better not have paid the dude... He was completely fine.. Walking around without a neck brace for days ...Multiple witnesses can back Ally up on that fact ...If Ally paid him then she's not as good a lawyer as I thought 23. You wanted to know what Ling said to Marty on his dead bed? Just to be clear... There were no subtitles for this.. Believe me I checked with multiple sources and found several available subtitles in a few different languages (English, French, Polish) ...I also checked a bunch of sites for transcripts but they all just said "Speaking Chinese" ....But no worries... I'm Tony.. I find shit.. And so I got you... I found a way to translate what she said by having the audio translated into text and then translating the text from what I assumed to be Mandarin into English... Ling to Marty: "It's time for you to meet god" ...Aaaaand another mystery solved by yours truly
2023-03-05 23:49:07 1. True... We're living in a day and age where we are kiiiiiinda starting to accept eachother without judgement of what you're wearing or how you're behaving... Sadly there are some who will still judge and hopefully these people will find their way too ...But it's true ...Perhaps someone like Elaine.. The way she behaves around others ...The way she sometimes dresses... Would be considered just another quirky person nowadays ...Everyone has their own personality and just cause you dress a certain way or act a certain way doesn't mean you should automatically be put in a certain category ...Be yourself 2. Yeeeeaaah... That rain looked fake as fuck ...Like someone had a green screen effect of rain dropping down and put it in front of a moving aerial shot ...The camera flies around but the rain doesn't match ...Talk about some bad VFX 3. Well Froots... Some people look really good with blonde hair.... And then there's Billy 4. Why is she sueing the firm?? She should be thanking Cage & Fish for opening her eyes to who Billy truly is ...And I HIGHLY doubt that it was the firm that made Billy "Billy" ....Dude was probably just really good at hiding who he was from her and Georgia sadly fell for his fake persona 5. This whole case so far (3x11) has been dumb as hell ...It's just Georgia lashing out at the wrong people ...Bringing up shit that really has nothing to do with her and Billy ....Georgia.. Mah gurl... You're wasting money on Megatron... Take a vacation or something ..Meet a new guy ...There PLENTY better guys out there.. Trust me 6. Nelle...... Whatta you doin??? Why are you dressed like Beetlejuice?? What's up with that? ....Wait hold on ....Nelle ....Nelle ....Nelle (looks around) ...Dammit.. I was hoping she'd show up 7. Yeeeeaaahhh... Nooooo... Billy is wrong and yeah Froots... You don't belittle ...But you do BE. little ...And you?? Vindictive?? HA! ...Maybe as a joke in a game which then comes back to bite you in the ass when I or circumstance turns it around on you... But aside from that you're a bit of a goody two shoes 8. Froots I'm right there with you... I wanna just go full agent of chaos in that room and kick over all those glasses of water John put down 9. John goes off on Georgia ....I haven't seen such an epic battle preceded by the sound of bells since I watched Dragonball Z .....John just went full on Vegeta on Georgia /nerdalert 10. Yeah I don't agree with everyone telling John off for what he did... What he did was deserved ...Georgia is a good person but she deserved all of that 11. Personally I was thinking she was dressed as Wednesday now... But yeah... Nelle could pass as a nun too I suppose 12. You got confused but Billy was standing just to the left OUTSIDE of that shot ....He was standing in front of Elaine and Nelle who were also not in that same shot and when they left Billy looked towards Ally like he was standing far enough away to not be in said shot ...Mystery solved 13. I can't blame Ling ...Pretending to be blind so she can cross the road a bit early ...Seems like the kinda shit I'd try and do if crossing the road illegally was a big deal here 14. Yeeeeeaaahh... Ally is coming off a whole lot of desperate rear ending this dude to get a date ...If I was him I'd steer clear of her ....After I'd get my car fixed 15. Also.... Ally's defense of her "Being near 30" and so it's ok for her to do this kinda shit ...Nah... It's pathetic ...That's all it is ....Also... Who says you NEED. to be in a relationship before your 30ies???? Who made that shit up?? 16. PAUSE... Did this dude find out Ally is a succesful Lawyer??? Is THAT. why he's all of a sudden feeling like he should apologize?? PLAY. 17. That IS. Archie from OUAT yeah! ...I was wondering where I knew him from... Good thing I have you ...My own personal imdb ...But more accurate than the real thing 18. Yeeeeeeeahhh... When you snort it's cute ....This guy however... His laugh/snort ....It's like he has some sort of tic or something... That CAN'T be a real laugh 19. They hunt cannibals at this old folks home??? I guess they didn't build a good enough fence 20. Yeah if Ling wins this case then that's just wrong.... Dude just full on hallucinated a bunch of pygmies storming into court... He needs help ...So if he's allowed to stay in this old folks home without the supervision he needs then they won a case that should NOT. have been won 21. Again.. Yes... Fun is good... I'm all about that life... I figure that IF I'd ever live in a home like that (not happening but hypothetical) I'd make that place fun too... But this old geezer was having full blown hallucinations which would make the old folks home liable if anything went wrong ....Dude needs proper care and if that place can't provide such care then he's better off somewhere that can give him that care ...And in turn the other old folk there are safer 22. Yeeeeaah nooo... Ally better not have paid the dude... He was completely fine.. Walking around without a neck brace for days ...Multiple witnesses can back Ally up on that fact ...If Ally paid him then she's not as good a lawyer as I thought 23. You wanted to know what Ling said to Marty on his dead bed? Just to be clear... There were no subtitles for this.. Believe me I checked with multiple sources and found several available subtitles in a few different languages (English, French, Polish) ...I also checked a bunch of sites for transcripts but they all just said "Speaking Chinese" ....But no worries... I'm Tony.. I find shit.. And so I got you... I found a way to translate what she said by having the audio translated into text and then translating the text from what I assumed to be Mandarin into English... Ling to Marty: "It's time for you to meet god" ...Aaaaand another mystery solved by yours truly

1. True... We're living in a day and age where we are kiiiiiinda starting to accept eachother without judgement of what you're wearing or how you're behaving... Sadly there are some who will still judge and hopefully these people will find their way too ...But it's true ...Perhaps someone like Elaine.. The way she behaves around others ...The way she sometimes dresses... Would be considered just another quirky person nowadays ...Everyone has their own personality and just cause you dress a certain way or act a certain way doesn't mean you should automatically be put in a certain category ...Be yourself 2. Yeeeeaaah... That rain looked fake as fuck ...Like someone had a green screen effect of rain dropping down and put it in front of a moving aerial shot ...The camera flies around but the rain doesn't match ...Talk about some bad VFX 3. Well Froots... Some people look really good with blonde hair.... And then there's Billy 4. Why is she sueing the firm?? She should be thanking Cage & Fish for opening her eyes to who Billy truly is ...And I HIGHLY doubt that it was the firm that made Billy "Billy" ....Dude was probably just really good at hiding who he was from her and Georgia sadly fell for his fake persona 5. This whole case so far (3x11) has been dumb as hell ...It's just Georgia lashing out at the wrong people ...Bringing up shit that really has nothing to do with her and Billy ....Georgia.. Mah gurl... You're wasting money on Megatron... Take a vacation or something ..Meet a new guy ...There PLENTY better guys out there.. Trust me 6. Nelle...... Whatta you doin??? Why are you dressed like Beetlejuice?? What's up with that? ....Wait hold on ....Nelle ....Nelle ....Nelle (looks around) ...Dammit.. I was hoping she'd show up 7. Yeeeeaaahhh... Nooooo... Billy is wrong and yeah Froots... You don't belittle ...But you do BE. little ...And you?? Vindictive?? HA! ...Maybe as a joke in a game which then comes back to bite you in the ass when I or circumstance turns it around on you... But aside from that you're a bit of a goody two shoes 8. Froots I'm right there with you... I wanna just go full agent of chaos in that room and kick over all those glasses of water John put down 9. John goes off on Georgia ....I haven't seen such an epic battle preceded by the sound of bells since I watched Dragonball Z .....John just went full on Vegeta on Georgia /nerdalert 10. Yeah I don't agree with everyone telling John off for what he did... What he did was deserved ...Georgia is a good person but she deserved all of that 11. Personally I was thinking she was dressed as Wednesday now... But yeah... Nelle could pass as a nun too I suppose 12. You got confused but Billy was standing just to the left OUTSIDE of that shot ....He was standing in front of Elaine and Nelle who were also not in that same shot and when they left Billy looked towards Ally like he was standing far enough away to not be in said shot ...Mystery solved 13. I can't blame Ling ...Pretending to be blind so she can cross the road a bit early ...Seems like the kinda shit I'd try and do if crossing the road illegally was a big deal here 14. Yeeeeeaaahh... Ally is coming off a whole lot of desperate rear ending this dude to get a date ...If I was him I'd steer clear of her ....After I'd get my car fixed 15. Also.... Ally's defense of her "Being near 30" and so it's ok for her to do this kinda shit ...Nah... It's pathetic ...That's all it is ....Also... Who says you NEED. to be in a relationship before your 30ies???? Who made that shit up?? 16. PAUSE... Did this dude find out Ally is a succesful Lawyer??? Is THAT. why he's all of a sudden feeling like he should apologize?? PLAY. 17. That IS. Archie from OUAT yeah! ...I was wondering where I knew him from... Good thing I have you ...My own personal imdb ...But more accurate than the real thing 18. Yeeeeeeeahhh... When you snort it's cute ....This guy however... His laugh/snort ....It's like he has some sort of tic or something... That CAN'T be a real laugh 19. They hunt cannibals at this old folks home??? I guess they didn't build a good enough fence 20. Yeah if Ling wins this case then that's just wrong.... Dude just full on hallucinated a bunch of pygmies storming into court... He needs help ...So if he's allowed to stay in this old folks home without the supervision he needs then they won a case that should NOT. have been won 21. Again.. Yes... Fun is good... I'm all about that life... I figure that IF I'd ever live in a home like that (not happening but hypothetical) I'd make that place fun too... But this old geezer was having full blown hallucinations which would make the old folks home liable if anything went wrong ....Dude needs proper care and if that place can't provide such care then he's better off somewhere that can give him that care ...And in turn the other old folk there are safer 22. Yeeeeaah nooo... Ally better not have paid the dude... He was completely fine.. Walking around without a neck brace for days ...Multiple witnesses can back Ally up on that fact ...If Ally paid him then she's not as good a lawyer as I thought 23. You wanted to know what Ling said to Marty on his dead bed? Just to be clear... There were no subtitles for this.. Believe me I checked with multiple sources and found several available subtitles in a few different languages (English, French, Polish) ...I also checked a bunch of sites for transcripts but they all just said "Speaking Chinese" ....But no worries... I'm Tony.. I find shit.. And so I got you... I found a way to translate what she said by having the audio translated into text and then translating the text from what I assumed to be Mandarin into English... Ling to Marty: "It's time for you to meet god" ...Aaaaand another mystery solved by yours truly