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"Judgement" remember when becca went into the portal and came out and then said she saw judgement day?

AshLand Writer

And, suddenly, Echo isn’t brainwashed. Her mental state has been too messy for me to believe she’s been playing spy this entire time. Was this supposed to be for shock factor? I don’t understand. Side note: “Get the flock out of here” is such a creative way to swear. I love it.


1. On the subject of Trig as a language spoken on The 100 ...It doesn't make sense regardless if it's a language made up by a teenager or a language that "evolved" over time ...The 100 came down from the Ark about 140ish years after the bombs went off ...A language like modern day English would still be very much spoken down on Earth among the descendants of the survivors ...At the lowest it takes about 500 years for a language to evolve into something else and MUCH. longer for it so change into some as different sounding as Trig and I find it very unbelievable EVERYONE. would jump on the idea of speaking Trig cause the teen who made it up thought it was cool ...Especially not the adults who would still be around and most likely be in control of any left over large groups and would super-neigh a drastic change in spoken language after it would be suggested by a teenager talking about how she's go a "chip in her head" (crazy person?) ...Trig SOUNDS. cool.. But it is a super unrealistic development in such a small time span 2. Echo is a Grounder... She's reacting to the things around her the way a Grounder would ...Would we EXPECT better from her after all her character growth? Yes.. But ...If we're talking "psychotic break" (kind of an insult to me but whatever.. heavily re-edited note here) ..I think I can speak from experience having taken preventative medication for this for half my life... You'd be surprised how easy and how tempting it feels to want to give in to the feeling of just acting and not just thinking ...It's probably the reason I say whatever is on my mind... I've learned to live with it but that's besides the point ...I think the show/actress is portraying the character slipping back into her old Grounder ways perfectly... Grounders all come across a bit borderline psychotic anyways ...And besides it's not like the show is undoing everything she's become... Echo is obviously having a breakdown and has reverted to doing things the way a Grounder does them to avoid dealing with her loss... It's the old classic defence mechanism ....HOWEVER.. She's also clearly seeing the errors in her ways as she's seen getting emotional and hugging Octavia ....Indicating she's not lost and I think the struggle she's going through just adds to her character growth.. It doesn't take away from it ...It also shows us a true message behind every person whether they're real or fictional.. That even the strongest person we know can have their weak moments 3. Even IF the prequel would have gotten green-lit ...The character of Ughtan would have gone to another actor ...The character on Legacies would still be boring... Whether it was this actor portraying it or another one would not have mattered... And in my opinion the premise of a prequel to The 100 sounded kinda meh anyways... I'm not a fan of prequels mostly cause they often fuck up the already established canon 4. I edited 7x08 a few days ago... You don't remember Madi being part of this hostage situation ....Prooooobably cause she wasn't there in 7x08... This was a meeting Emori set up for the Children Of Gabriel to meet their parents... Last time I checked.. Madi isn't one of them... Unless they brought her in without anyone knowing theeeenn.. Whoops.. Plothole.. Mind your step ...added later... She wasn't even needed in that entire scenario ...Nothing to add to the plot ...Indra didn't even act concerned about her ...Why was Madi there? 5. Ok this is weird... Damian just said they have limited resources???? ...Mah dude... You have a frikkin stargate ...You've got SEVERAL. planets out there with a FUCKTON. of resources on it to which you know the addresses! ...Sorry writers.. But "limited resources" doesn't apply to a civilisation with high tech and easy access to other planets 6. Echo played dirty to win ....I like it ...She's right.. You don't win a war by playing by the rules 7. Yeeeeeaahhh noooooo... Diyoza and Octavia killing Hope in that simulation? ...Naaahh that wouldn't happen ...In fact replace Hope with Echo in that scenario and I'd have a hard time believing Octavia would kill Echo given that Octavia and Echo had the heart to heart moment a couple episodes ago when Echo broke down ....Odd writing this episode 8. And continuing right from my previous note ....Odd writing ...Octavia and Diyoza would NEVER. turn on Hope ...I think it was pretty obvious they were planning something and given the heart to heart Octavia had with Echo ...I'm betting Echo came up with the plan ...added later... But ofcourse she left out some minor details 9. I think neither Sheidheda nor Madi should be Commander ...Sheidheda is a bad guy.. Lacks the experience of the many Commanders that came after him and would turn the Grounders back into complete savages and Madi is a kid who should just lead a normal life given she doesn't have the chip either ....I think Indra should lead her people 10. You keep complaining that Sheidheda never had the chip... But you forget that this ISN'T Russell... That argument is invalid ...This is literally a person who was a former Commander who DID. have the chip ...So yes that makes him just as worthy to the title as Madi ...BUT.. Like I said.. I believe Indra should be the leader cause the time of the Commanders should be over 11. added after... I read that the title for the proposed prequel would have been The 100: Second Dawn ...Can you imagine?? A show set on Bardo? Cause that's where the Second Dawn went in this backdoor pilot ...So assuming we'd follow them there we'd have a show set on another planet where they'd be stuck inside a bunker since we know from this weeks episodes that the outside is not habitable ...We'd have a story either set ENTIRELY. within that bunker OR. them finding addresses to other worlds (and then forgetting about them at some point to not screw up the pre-established canon... They'd still know about the planets we know of now ofcourse) ....Yeeeeeeaaaah... Second Dawn would've been a greeeeaat shooow /sarcasm