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Some major revelations this episode. Firstly, The ascended beings are the Ancients! There was a major hint that they were the ancients in season 5 episode 3, titled "Ascension" (the episode were that ascended being, who we now know was an ancient, was stalking Sam and hiding out in her house). Can you remember what the clue was? I'll give you a hint, it was something he built in Sam's basement. This revelation explains many things. First of all, why we haven't seen the Ancients in the past 6 seasons. A race as advanced as the ancients, that have populated not only our galaxy but the Asgard's galaxy with Stargates would surely have some sort of dominant presence somewhere in the universe. However, ever since their ascension, the ancients have had a non interference policy which is why we never see them and why Daniel was forbidden to help his friends when they needed him the most. Unfortunately, the second major reveal is that Anubis is also an ascended being (sort of). Somehow, his ascension means he has gained some limited access to the Ancients knowledge and technology. This explains how in season 5 episode 9, Anubis was able to defend against the Tollan's Ion cannons when no other Goa'ulds had been able to do so previously. This also explains how in season 5 episode 15 and 16, Anubis knew about the Tokra's new Symbiote poison and the location of the Tokra's base by capturing a Tokra spy. In the episode, it was suggested that a Tokra would not have given this information even if they were tortured however the response to this was "Anubis has methods that would impress you" (he likely used the same ancient device he used on Thor to download his knowledge) and finally, it explains how he was able to defend against and destroy Thor's ship despite Asgard technology being superior to the Goa'ulds. All of this also highlights that, perhaps, the Ancients are the most advanced alien race we have encountered so far. Now that everyone knows how Anubis grew so powerful so quickly and the seriousness of the situation, how will they possibly stop him? Does the answer really lie in this so called "Lost City of the Ancients"? Circling back all the way to season 3 episode 20 ( the weird monk episode where we first learnt about Ascension and where we met our first ascended being, Oma ), this is why this episode was popular to so many people; because they knew it wasn't some standalone episode but rather a continuing story that would build up to this moment. To be fair to you, it looked like you knew there was more to the story based on your comment about not being able to give a fair assessment of the episode because you do not know what happens later on and everyone else watching does.

Retro Tom

When tis first aired & Daniel said the others were the Ancients, my first reaction was 'what a load of crap" I think it was a bombshell, so close to the reveal earlier in the season that the Ancients were a race of humans that existed long before we did. After it sunk in I realized it made sense & did fit together


You keep harping about him intervening. Here's the thing, Oma's group of which Daniel is a member, don't follow the rules. The can get away with breaking a few of them a little bit, but if they go too far, the other ancients will go after them. If they only break them a little bit, they won't directly stop them. It doesn't mean they aren't being punished in some way. They seem to be shunned by all the other, for one thing, but they aren't being stopped. So Daniel warning them about thing, while intervening, isn't enough to bring down the wrath of the ascended. As fir Anubis, it's similar. He has never at any point used any of the powers he may have. He's only used some knowledge, but nothing more. Which still makes him an enormous threat, but isn't enough to get the others to stop him.


1. Your reply on someone's note about Daniel helping Teal'c: "So what you're saying is he intervened?" ....Yeeeeaaahh... As we've seen many times now and as you'll be seeing in 6x22 again later today (by this time you're recording 6x21) Daniel has this thing against rules ...Which ultimately got him into trouble ...I mean.. Good on him for not obeying ...Rules are meant to be broken 2. Oh yeah definitely... I had the SAME. problem with non-interference rules on Angel as I had with Stargate ....It's a bullshit rule to have ...All these powers and you can't use them!?!? 3. True.. Jonas and them were probably looking for the word "Chapa'ai" being referenced since it was more likely to find that in historical archives than a word similar to the english word "Stargate" ...The further back into history you go the more likely it would probably be that words start sound similar I suppose... And chapa'ai was probably a word much more commonly used on that planet in the distant past IF the Goa'uld brought them to their planet since it's the Goa'uld word FOR "stargate" 4. Good eye... That girl WAS seen going through those pages backwards ...One COULD however make the assumption that the language in the books this civilization gave the Prometheus crew was written from back to front ....It's not unheard of for certain languages to stray from our usual path of being read from left to right and front to back ....Most likely though the actress was acting "looking something up" 5. The bald dude in 6x20 was staging a coup ...He seized control of that planets military ...Which was an easy thing to do for him since he was in control of said military ....So... No.. He wasn't in charge... He was being a xenophobic dick.. That's all 6. Yeah noooooo... SG-1 nor SG-15 or whichever team would so willingly give up the iris codes to a Goa'uld nobody ....And also you're right... I don't think a blast from a staff weapon would get through the control room window that easily... They'd have made that window blast proof by now given this isn't the first time we've had staff blasts come though (I think) ...But TV show gotta TV show I guess 7. True... They took the whole vision thing too far with having Teal'c run out in the open to save someone in the middle of a battle ...That and having Teal'c get shot... Ooooobviously he wasn't gonna die 8. Yeeeeeeaaahhh... You don't just blurt out your orders and stuff over the radio ...The SGC probably has certain protocol in place to get into contact with their off world teams ...Something to do with secret codes to make sure they're not under alien control ....This episode was stupid 9. Sooooo... Knowing that Jonas had a premonition about the SGC getting attacked after SG-15 send their iris code ...Hammond still decided to keep the blast doors to the control room window all the way the fuck opened??? Another writing fuck-up I feel ...That shit would be closed! 10. The outcome might have been different since before O'neill and Teal'c left again they knew that Jonas saw something went wrong... With that knowledge they started asking questions on the planet which could have changed the course of the future Jonas predicted 11. added during editing... The way Sam explained it to Jonas: "If you could know the position and velocity of every particle in the universe at any given moment you could accurately predict their interactions for the rest of time" ...she follows it up with a contradictory theory that says... "It is impossible to look at a sub-atomic particle and know both where it is and where it's going at the same time.. The more accurately you fix it's position the more uncertain you make it's velocity and vice versa... The best we can do is calculate probabilities" Jonas then says something along the lines of "So then I'm seeing probable futures?" ...To which Sam replies "Maybe" .........So to dumb it down... Jonas only saw possible outcomes... Very accurate outcomes but still only possible ones (and also keep in mind he misjudged the vision he had of Sam)... And I suppose THAT. is why O'neill and them didn't die off-world 12. I didn't really remember this episode and it wasn't until the last 15 minutes that the previous 6 notes came to be... I feel the episode was pointless filler ...Jonas gets powers but then they're taken away again? ....Meh... I guess they just needed some low budget episode to have more money for the season finale 13. The non-interference rule The Ancients have is a very tricky one ....Daniel has been semi-crossing it in the past I suppose only showing up in dreams or hallucinations... Walking some sort of imaginary fine line.. But with 6x22 he really crossed it with just appearing to everyone and their oma ....And I suppose the others finally got fed up with Daniel's attitude and made Oma do something about it ...He probably got a slap on the wrist or something ...Maybe Oma took his favourite white cardigan 14. O'neill: "Obviously we can't match forces with Anubis but apparently the Abydonians are willing to back us on this one" ......How did that not get a laugh out of you??? Imagine being at that meeting between the SGC and the people of Abydos ....Skaa'ra with a straight face: "Don't worry O'neill... My people will keep you safe" ....His people... Who are armed with spears and ride around on space cows most likely ....I find that absolutely hilarious to think about 15. HA! Yeaaaaahh... O'neill says he's seen Daniel ....Teal'c says he's also seen him ....Sam: "Really?!" ....Major Fomo reporting for doody! 16. True... It IS. a bit quick for Hammond to be like "Welp if Daniel said so then the mission is a go" ....For all we know it could be some alien force pretending to be Daniel ...But sure let's just go with it 17. SNORT.. Yeah Ra just had this entire mural where it spoke about the power of Ra and the size of his "domain" .....I can see how easily it can be confused with ....Well... Y'know ..And now I can only picture what you would write in this situation... I picture a mural full of dick figures disguised as hieroglyphs 18. Froots... You can be proud of your community ...With a little intervention here and there from yours truly they managed to refrain from spoiling you ....True... The Ancients are "The Others" Daniel kept talking about ..Ascended beings ...Oma Desala.. Orlin (Dude who put a stargate in Sam's basement ..not a euphemism) ...Ayiana from the Frozen episode.. They are Ancients ...Remember how Ayiana was suffering from a plague at the Antarctic base where she was found frozen in ice? Stargate has a great way of building up their lore over the course of the show.. 6x22 was another high point in the backstory for The Ancients ...The Asgard in The Fifth Race 2x15: "The Ancients moved on from our region of space long ago" ...Now we know where they went.. They ascended 19. You're right.. I do believe it's been stated you need to be a good person to be able to ascend... You got confused but while you were speaking out your confusion.. Daniel explained Anubis learned to ascend and must've tricked The Ancients into letting him.. The others didn't want him so they tried to cast him out but somehow Anubis managed to stay partially ascended.. This is how he's so much more powerful than any Goa'uld.. And how he's still somewhat knowledgeable when it comes to Ancient technology since he probably retained what he learned ....You might ask why doesn't he know about the lost city then? ...As Daniel said.. Ascension doesn't make you all-knowing ...I suppose Anubis never knew about the lost city 20. Anubis's mothership most likely looks different to not only distinguish it from the rest while we see it in space with other motherships.... There's probably also the storywise reason that it's essentially a ship upgraded with Ancient tech capable of destroying a large part of a planets surface 21. Oma did interfere yeah... And for some reason.. A reason not even Daniel is aware of as he stated in the beginning of the episode ...The Ancients let her do what she does ...The people of Abydos are safe thanks to her and in part Daniel too I suppose 22. As I said in voice... This was one of my 3 favourite episodes of Season 6 ....Overall Season 6 is what I believe considered the lowest rated by most people.. Which I suppose you could see as good news ....I'm looking forward to whatever comes next and to be able to discuss it with you after