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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cn1coo0eta1tgtk/Stargate%20SG-1%20S06E03%20-%20Descent%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Retro Tom

I was fooled at first by the fake intro. I started saying what the hell is this then started laughing when I realized it was a joke. Good play

Patrick - Excelsior

There's a rational explanation for the U.S. using metric system in specific situations and Old English everywhere else. The population of the US is weird. I don't know how many times I've heard friends say, "I'll die before I use that new fangled metric system, now hand me that 2 liter of coke!". As for Rya'c learning how to fly Death Glider. I pretty sure it was Grand Theft Death Glider (either that or being the son a Jaffa Prime then being raised by another high ranking Jaffa, then trained by Bra'tac its possible at some point he learned from them). LOL Tony, that was funny. Soon as I saw that scientist get ringed aboard, I thought, who is he, ah he's red shirt. Bye bye. Shan, "It was a decent episode." After what you said when you saw title of episode. haha.

The Mad Titan

"Those of us not from Earth got to stick together." "Are you suggesting an alien 👽 conspiracy?" 🤨


So was Jonas testing Teal'c if he was one of "them" ...Or was it the other way around??? Which one do we trust?

The Mad Titan

Teal'c for sure, but Jonas seems like an alright guy. I wonder if he has a brother.


It seems that flying Death Gliders is a standard part of Jaffa training, so I can't see Bra'tac not training him in that at some point.


So... I forgot to comment on the finale and I was sick for the past week, sad face :'( lol Hope you haven't recorded yet :) Still feel like crap and I don't have much to say about this episode except that I love Jonas and please don't be too harsh on him, my boy has some major guilt issues and an inferiority complex lol Fun fact from the wikia: - The scene with Jack and Sam drowning in the corridor was shot at Vancouver's Olympic pool. The set was slowly submerged in the pool, creating the illusion of rising water. - Jack's comment about something going horribly wrong and then having Major Davis come on screen is an in-joke to the fact that Davis only shows up when something goes wrong at the SGC. - Peter DeLuise cameo. - While Jonas and Teal'c are talking on the ship, Teal'c says that this is Jonas' first mission, but at the end of last episode, the team leaves on a mission through the Stargate. - Teal'c's Jaffa mark is backward in the scene where he and Jonas are driving the truck through the rain. Apparently, both actors were shot separately in the same seat (Jonas's seat) the footage for Teal'c was mirrored to give the impression that both actors were side by side.