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The Mad Titan

Would you ever spend $170 on a bottle of wine? They kept showing Adilands stomach with parts of the baby poking out. Then finally they showed the face of the creepy baby pushing real hard, like it was going to break on through. Doesn't that just give you the warm fuzzies and make you look forward to being pregnant with little baby shan? At least they finally had an update about Nick's mom. I feel like recently you brought that up. The background story about the scalping was ok, but the side stories with his mom, and then Rosalee and Monroe were better. It's the second half of the season now, feels like things are going start really picking up. After this 2pt story is done at least. I think Wu is under rated. I'd like to see more with him sometime, what do you think?

Patrick - Excelsior

I like this episode. You got Monroe proposing to Rosalee, awesome. More Wesley, uh, I mean Prince Viktor. That's kewl. Juliette communicating with Mommy Grimm. That's nice. Getting an update on her. The Adalind pregnancy is progressing, seems like something weird going on there. Maybe this is just how Hexenbiest have children. Or maybe its because the child is half Royal and half hexenbiest? Or is it the spell Adalind did to restore her powers? Who knows. The monster of week story seems minor but I think that's so we can focus on the other stuff more. As for the hairy coat not looking like human hair, might be from tanning it. I mean a leather jacket doesn't exactly look like a cow either. Wow, Monroe's parents are racist. I agree Rosalee's response seemed a little odd. But, the parents were being very offensive and threatening. Monroe didn't really prepare her for that. He kept telling her it would be fine, so maybe its just the shock of their behavior. ?? It kind of reminds me of an old movie, but I will wait to talk about that after next episode.