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The last 5 polls are up for round 2! Tomorrow will begin round 3!


Vote, you have 24 hours before these are deleted.

Patreon exclusive information:

Poll 5-9 winners were:

Merlin - (5 Seasons / 65 episodes - 2008-2012)

Battlestar Galactica - (4 Seasons / 76 episodes - 2004-2009)

Xena: Warrior Princess - (6 Seasons / 134 episodes - 1995-2001)

Castle - (8 Seasons / 173 episodes - 2009-2016)

Vikings - (6 Seasons / 93 episodes - 2013-2020) 


The winners of round 2 will end up in round 3!



Some good winners here, round 3 will be tough! Been wanting to watch Merlin for a very long time.


Xena and battlestar! I need both!!


I have a question. I was wondering if you could maybe start reading comments for the Patreon selections? It could help you remember better since it takes a month to watch the next episode and could build a stronger relationship with those shows.


It already takes up more then enough time to read the weekly comments, plus there's not always comments on the pilot selections. And also some shows aren't selected each month and so there could be a whole lot to go through with potentially having spoilers in there too. So it's not going to happen.

Fredrik IB

I understand the possiblity of spoilers is a problem, but that's the case for comments everywhere. Most of the time i'd hope people wouldn't spoiler. If she actually never reads the patreon selection comments, that's quite weird, seeing as i'd think those comments would be more important to read than on those shows she watches weekly.


I kind of agree, there could be some stuff we would like to talk about with her on specific episodes and tell her what we think about certain stuff. It also would refresh her memory of the previous episode.


I do read the Patron comments. There's just a giant issue of timing. For example, somebody has selected Quantum Leap 1x03 for November. I recorded episode 1+2 FOUR years ago and I were to go back and look at those comments they could contain spoilers for the show. it's a lot harder for people to moderate the comments from an episode from 4 years ago than it is for 2 episodes week by week. This is just one example. Not every selection is from 4 years ago but they are harder to moderate as they are so spread apart.

Fredrik IB

I certainly understand that and in those cases those comments would obviously be less important and of less relevance. I was more referring to those you have consistently done every month now for a couple of years. I remember for example you forgot quite abit about Elias early on in Person of Interest, and even though I don't mind personally, I think your enjoyment will suffer when there are plot elements you forget or are missing. Now I realize that this is just something that will happen with shows on this tier, so I don't really know what my point is lol.


I understand that. I would love for you to read comments for shows you constantly watch like chuck but i understand if it would just be more trouble than its worth. Keep up the great work on reactions