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1. HA! You read my note about the whole Ada saying her son (Tony) being a Djin and me going: "I'm a what now" and you went "I'm a what?" ....I got the reference and it made me laugh out loud 2. Yeah!? Why cut off the monsters arm??? She was in the open.. Mary could've easily went for the head instead but I guess that would cut the episode a bit short 3. Oh the monster's weakness is decapitation??? I would not have guessed this ....C'mon.. This HAS to be the first thing a hunter would try if possible! 4. Lata cuts open a severed arm and goo comes out: "Is that what I think it is" ..Me.. Looking at your expression... In your head: "If what you're thinking is gross.. Then yes.. Yes it is" ....Was I close with my guess on what you were thinking? 5. I don't remember ghosts moving on like this on Supernatural... Usually you saw the full body image of the person they once were and then they basically ascended into light ....Here the ghost exited John like he was a light greyish smoke version of a demon exiting a body ......I don't like the new effect 6. So I was wrong about Lata... Her dad didn't die cause of hunting... He prooooobably died cause she killed him? ...Yeah it's nice we get to know a little bit more about these characters each episode at least they don't make the entire episode filler 7. Aight I was about to say the whole Carlos crush thing wasn't gonna be adressed any more but mah dude got a date.. He stood there speechless and still managed to impress his crush.. I am shooketh ....If only that actually worked in real life ...Good on you dude!


I don't have much to say about this episode. It was okay. Mostly I liked finding out more about Lata and the funny parts about Carlos having a huge crush and acting silly. At least they have continued to move the main story along. I do like Monster of the Week. As long as it's interesting and better if they include something about the main story and/or some good character growth stuff. This one had both, but it still didn't much impress me that much. Not sure why. I did want to bring up Jensen's tweet about the previous episode though. I think he felt that finding out that the radio person Roxy was the Big Bad would be a big Reveal for people. I think many people already got clued into that, but actually seeing her appear fully in that episode was revealing. Just chalk it up to Jensen being Jensen, I guess.