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Joseph LeRoy

It's so sad to see that when the others turned on loved ones and friends and tried to kill them, Clarke only turned on herself and tried to kill herself. It just shows what she thinks and feels about herself. The amount of self-hatred is truly sad.


1. Froots... You're fucking hilarious... You get told how to pronounce Damocles.. You pronounce it correctly... And then LITERALLY the next sentence you fuck it up again... I LOVE IT! 2. It's even more rediculous when you say they're 20 years more advanced than us... We saw a ship that was propelled by rocket engines or something quite similar ....In absolutely no way shape nor form are rocket engines able to get a ship to another solar system within 75 years.. That's absolutely impossible ....Also... "20 years more advanced than us" doesn't amount to much when it comes to space travel technology ...We still use crappy rocket engines to get us to the moon and those things have been around for a bit over half a century ...Like I said it would take tens of thousands of years to get to the nearest solar system using rocket engines (which is not where The 100 went) ...It would take an entirely new type of propulsion engine (which they didn't have.. Cause they have cryo-pods ...Cryo-pods are a scifi storytelling invention to wave away travel time BECAUSE the ship can't travel fast enough) ...So again.. The 100 took travel time and made it look unbelievable ....But TV Show's gotta TV show I guess /nitpick 3. Apparently the cryo-pods come with a built in tanning bed option... Looks like Abby gained a tan during the travel to Alpha ...Or Sanctum.. As the locals call it 4. You said you missed who Shaw was talking about... Shaw told Raven he met Becca on the day they launched the Eligius ship ....I guess that makes Shaw quite a bit older than Raven ...Talk about an age gap 5. I'm not gonna try to explain how Alpha/Sanctum can be a moon with oxygen on it... People have tried explaining it after that episode of Stargate with the annoying cadet and the light bugs that go through stuff and you obviously forgot ....Let's just say "It is" 6. Yup... Kinda fucked up... Raven just found some happiness and then... Shaw dies... Can she catch a break? 7. Who are these random people locked up in the mess hall with Abby and Octavia??? Why were they brought out of Cryo and Diyoza wasn't?? ....There's not enough people in there to be like "Diyoza was bad so she wasn't brought out" ....Cause there's only like 6 other people in that mess hall ....Where's EVERYONE else??? Why didn't THEY get brought out of cryo?? 8. Octavia you're a dumbass... That is a sliding door ...A sliding door on a frickin spaceship no less... Meaning it's thick as fuck and can be used as an airlock.. They basically say this as well.. The mess hall was used as a room to keep people IN ...Kicking it will only result in a broken foot 9. Good question as to why Murphy got over his crazy phase so easily... Perhaps the show will explain ...But for now I'mma just go with the fact you can't really make someone more crazy than they already are... Take it from me... Talking from experience I can tell you.. You kinda get used to being crazy