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Joseph Jimenez

I do agree with you that the issue they didn't deliver it well but taking it out on your friends and your girlfriend isn't the best way because they do understand Kelly shouldn't get upset that her first time in the field wasn't good she needs training like everyone else Barry, Kara, Oliver and even Clark also Ryan All of them mess up at one point but thanks to training and going back out there all of them got better Diggle being here I guess that's help Kelly become guardian and maybe help with the decision to become Green lantern Brainy should had yes it does become better but it's still take work give some hope I like the suit at least Lena becoming a witch I don't like because the actress Katie McGrath was on a show called meriln so what she going to be like morgana on supergirl why can't she just help as a scientist I don't get it

Brandon Wiesner

This was even more after school special than the one about dumping trash in the ocean. And yeah, for sure the wrong people were being attacked. Kara and Alex were involved in a fight against an interdimensional being. They weren't dismissing Kelly or what she and other people were going through. If anything, they were very supportive, even if they don't experience it for themselves. IDK, this season so far is not feeling like a final season. It's like a filler season.

Patrick - Excelsior

I agree with what's been said. They seemed to want to promote the message they were sending so much that the story and characters were sacrificed. I also agree with you Shan, Why are they making everyone superpowered, it gives me no one to root for. 😉

Luis Garcia

It seems that I'm in general agreement with what everyone else has said about the problems Kelly was talking about. The problems do exist and things should be done about them, but it doesn't really make sense to say that the superheroes should do something about them. Systemic problems aren't really something that superpowered people can change unless they plan to take over as dictators or use mind control or something to that extent. The best they can really do is advocate for their beliefs. On a related note, I think that there are different levels of heroes for different levels of threats. Heroes without superpowers with good combat experience should remain as street level heroes while ones with powers or magic deal with threats in related to magic or powers. Just like it didn't make sense for Team Arrow to go up against Damien Darhk, I don't think it makes sense for Supergirl to against systemic injustice against poor neighborhoods. However, I think Kelly could work as a street level hero and maybe Alex could go in between helping Supergirl and Kelly in the field.