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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p81tq06lhl4qvob/Stargate%20SG-1%201x21%20-%20Politics%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

Sometimes the video is unavailable to stream as it takes time to process. This means you may have to download it to watch the reaction. Sorry about that!



James jackson

I think the goa'uld pronounciation thing is part that it is a rough word but with Jack at least it feels like an intentional sign of disrespect.


Yeah, clip shows aren't the best. At least they put sort of a interesting spin on it and made it plot relevant, however on the flip side that kinda makes it unskippable too. At the time they wanted to save some money for the finale and get new viewers up to speed (keep in mind it would've been 21 weeks since the start in the good ol' network tv days).

Jake Hodgson

I may be wrong but did the show take a jab at Independence Day (the movie not the day)


Yip, That was definitely a Independence Day pun.

Chris (darkwater)

Of the clip shows out there... this is one of the better ones because it's wrapped in something relevant to the overall story.

Zach Hershman

It's also a tomato / tomahto sort of thing. Some people just pronounce things differently. An example would be the city Louisville. The way people pronounce it is usually based on the region of the U.S. you are from. There are many similar examples around the world.


I agree that the clips were too long and clip shows are annoying, especially when you binge the show. To be fair to them, this was aired at a time where steaming and replay didn't exist, so if you missed an episode, you missed it. So having a clip show helped recap the thing you might have missed. It also helped save money for bigger finales. But unlike a lot of other shows, I think that Stargate do it well, it always serves the story and is never really a useless episode.

Zach Hershman

The Senator wasn’t offended by the gate itself. He was offended that there is a secret program that costs $7.5 billion. He is the top senator of the appropriations committee. It’s his job to confirm it. His issue is he thinks the general public should know.


The senator was offended to the fact that his entire personal belief in god was being put to the challenge to the truth that they are not the only ones in the universe