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Frank Tremel

Before I watched season 3, the way people complained about so many different Landons was as if there were 10. There was two that weren't him. The Golam Landon and Malivore. That isn't enough to complain about. Hope and Landon broke up once when Malivore returned. While everyone thinks Hope was selfish that season, I loved her, because I remembered how much Hope has given for this school, even willing to sacrifice Landon to save the Saltzmons when Kai returned. I think she deserved her moment to be selfish and say "I just want to be happy" after everything she's been through. Hope and Landon are the FitzSimmons of Legacies and I will never give up on them.

Zach Hershman

They were giving hints at possibly something happening in the future between Landon and Cleo, Hope and Clark (Ryan?), and maybe even Lizzie and Kaleb. The Finch storyline works for me. It's okay for her to question whether she is strong enough to stick around. It's why Penelope left (I'm still holding out hope that Penelope is off with Caroline looking for a way around the merge. I miss her.) Sadly I'm not sure Finch is going to stick around.


Yeah, Malivore somehow knew Ethan was in earshot of his screams..., he also somehow knew that there was a movie being screened in Mystic Falls... Also, if Landon and Malivore share a mind then how did Landon not know who Cleo was? Or is it that only Malivore can see into Landon's mind and Landon can't see into Malivore's? Or am i missing something?


last weeks comment with the Supergirl Legacies crossover was more like a joke 😂 But I asked myself again why they were mentioning it 😅 I don't know why I liked it so much, maybe because I was hyped because it returned 😅 To shave the werewolfs they would need a full moon and to somehow get them to not attack you. Only Hope could do that, she is the only one who an turn on will + has control when in wolf form.

Zach Hershman

They have mentioned DC comics in the past. The week Crisis on Infinite Earths was airing one of them was reading the Crisis comic. It's a little Easter egg that they occasionally do.


Never knew it was in the week before Crisis. But I've never heard Supergirl in Legacies. These episodes should have originally aired a few month ago, maybe around the time Supergirl was coming back

James jackson

Due to a recording failure with my dvr i get to watch this with you for the first time So i think the main difference between klaus and hope with regards to the hybrid/ tribrid thing is that hope was born with all three in her blood whereas klaus was born to a witch and a wolf and then magically made a vampire and cut off from his witch side. I also do not know if you can be both a wolf and a witch except for hope weve never seen it.


MG straight up had a nightmare about Grodd and they used the CGI model from the Flash))


Thought the show's gonna do my boy Clarke dirty and kill him off. Thank God they didn't. Loved that Hope saved him and they ended up on good terms. I still ship them, but if that's it, I'm glad I got what I got))) He actually called himself Agent Ryan Clarke back in season 1. Why everyone was refering to him by his last name? Weird) I liked Landon and Cleo in the darkness. I liked them in season 3 finale, but that turned out to be Malivore. What was the bleeding tree in Cleo's vision?! Man if Finch is leaving, I'm not gonna believe in any love interest they will whip out for Josie. That bs is becoming a pattern......maybe she should try dating guys, if all the girls always leave her? But then, Landon kinda also left her for Hope in season 2. Maybe she shouldn't date at all(( But all that screentime Finch got, it's f'n wasted if she just up and leaves. Show, lock people in contracts if you plan to use them, please!!! I hope we're not done with Aria as Mal, I dig him, I don't think I will dig Ethan as much. But if we're wrapping up in 4x04 and someone has to die with Malivore inside them....I know Shannan wouldn't mind if it's gonna be Ethan))) Can you imagine if Ethan's death is gonna be the one death that sticks, and we never see him again......like Matt should've died every season after season 1, but that stubborn bastard outlived all the big bads. BTW, I did started TVD from s1e1. God, Matt is insufferable with his Stefan and Elena jealousy! It's too early to say, far too early and it's kinda technically still season 3, but so far I like season 4, I'm hopefull, as always. Legends had a dybbuk. It was a serial killer Mike the Spike possessing dolls in New Orleans, they brought him to the ship and he possessed the puppet of Martin Stein, it was somewhere in the middle of season 4. P.S. I was laughing at your "ReWax" longer and harder than I should have)


1. Can't help but agree.. Both Hope and Jade are pretty as FUCK. 2. Stop scratching your nose.. You'll make it worse.. And then you'll have to wear a clown nose to cover things up ......thinks for a bit....... Y'know what.. Keep scratching.. I need to see this 3. Awwww.. Telling people to watch the edit cause of something I did.. You didn't have to do that.. I'm just helping you out Froot Loop 4. I just vaguely remember the boxing match episode putting an end to The Merge thing.. And thinking that this was no longer a problem now.. So them being so awkward about it in 4x01 felt weird 5. Me... Trynna apply to be a cast member on Legacies??? To become Lizzie??? ...You understand that Lizzie is a girl right? ...And that the actress is actually tall.. Like... I'm taller than you.. But Jenna Boyd is taller than me.. I wouldn't be able to pull that off.. And also... Am I supposed to take over the role completely?? Cause unless she ditches Ethan and hooks up with Hope.. That's a hard pass from me 6. Someone who is immune to Malivore.. Or who has been exposed to him before??? Are we about to see Clark? ...added later... My prediction was spot on.. But then again it was obvious as FUCK. 7. HAHA! The way Jed notes down "No blueprints" when that wasn't really needed and Josie looks at him like "This bish stupid" ...Made me laugh ...I'mma add a "Bruh" to the edit if I can remember to do so... SPOILER ALERT: I remembered!!! 8. Alright I'mma expand on that thought of yours.. We've seen Hope transform into a werewolf several times.. Hope.. I'm imagining (and I really shouldn't be doing that.. cause that's probably weird) only has hair on her head... Where does the hair come from when she has transformed into a wolf? And where does it go when she transforms back into her nekkid self? ...Me thinks that if you shave a werewolf and this werewolf transforms back.. The person will still have their hair... But also poses the question.. Is werewolf hair even real?? Does it disappear if the wolf "disappears"!?! 9. Are Lizzie and Ethan on a date??? I thought they were just working together here... Also.. Yeah.. Dude asked mah gurl a question but didn't even bother to hear her answer.. Fucking douchenozzle.. If you're interested.. Always pay attention! 10. Can we go with Josie and Finch to see Caroline?? That'd be cool.. Thanks 11. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Rewax...... HAHAHA!!!! I legit got tears in my eyes! 12. There's never a good time to just go in and say "Hey I love you"? ...I feel like that can't be accurate.. Seems Lizzie has moved on.. Sadly MG lost his chance to get with the girl of his dreams and got friendzoneded.. Been there.. Done that.. Got the T-shirt.. Wasn't my size.. Tried returning it.. Shop was closed for business.. Kept the T-shirt.. Using it to wipe the tears 13. I mean.. Klaus was a vampire and a werewolf.. But he was not able to use magic as far as I can remember.. Which makes him the hybrid.. Tribrid requires the qualities of all 3 supernatural beings 14. Is this dude for real?!!? Ethan... The FUCK. are you gonna do against this Clarkimodo looking mothertrucker!?!? C'mon dude.. Get real! And get behind Lizzie.. She's got this ...never mind... She got knocked the FUCK. OUT. 15. You about Clarkimodo: "One of his arms is so gigantic" Me: "I wonder why only ONE of his arms would be this gigantic" ...holds tongue... 16. Ehm.... I dunno about you.. But.. That shot of Clarkimodo's face when he got that stuff sucked out of him... Looked like he got something else sucked too 17. Lizzie.. Gurl... Probably don't drink that coffee... We still didn't get an explanation as to where that black sludge went to 18. Playing guitar and being able to speak French... Such good qualities to have in a boyfriend.. Lizzie really needs to sort out her priorities 19. Does Malivore have superhearing?? Is he able to sense douchebaggery in the force?? How DID he know Ethan was there yeah? 20. I believe Finch was trynna tell Josie that she should've told her about the Merge much sooner.. But in a really weird way it came out sounding like she was talking about herself having a 50/50 chance of surviving her 20ies ...added right after... Ah ok you replayed it and got it 21. Ehm... Not that I give a flying FUCK. about what happens to Ethan... But yeah you just mentioned a barrier.. I distinctly remember there being one... How is Malivore even able to reach out?? 22. I'm with you Froots... If they have to kill Ethan to defeat Malivore.. Then whatevs.. Go for it.. VERY.. VEEEERRRYYY acceptable loss