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What's up you guys,

I'd like to run something by you if you don't mind, with my move to a new place I'd like to think I've opened up some more time to be able to record things.

Since there's less of a chance for people to obtain a spot in the "Generosity Pilot Tier", since those spots are often taken for quite some time. And to be clear, there's nothing wrong with that, these people are all wonderful and I appreciate their support immensely, and of course the same goes for everyone else in this community, whether you are new here or have been here since the very beginning. But I was thinking of a way to give more people a shot at selecting their favourite show or movie.

So here's an idea I'd like to hear your opinion on,

A "Temporary Pilot Tier"

1. 5 slots, that are the same price as the "Generosity Pilot Tier" ($30).

2. Same rules that apply to the "Generosity Pilot Tier", Every month you either get to select a show up to 1 hour in length, 2 smaller 25 minute shows or if you save a month you could select something bigger like a movie.

3. This tier would exist as a trial for 3 months, depending on whether or not I feel overwhelmed I'd reserve the solemn right to end the Tier. (after of course whatever has been selected that month has been provided for).


Please note that this is in NO way a done deal, it's just an idea I had that is not fully fleshed out yet, but is to give you guys a little more now that I feel I have some extra time, and it's something I'd really like to hear your opinion on.

Now I know that some of you might think it'd be too much, we've had more than 15 slots in the "Generosity Pilot Tier" before and I had to dial it down because it was overwhelming. Hence why I have added rule 3 to test this out.


Please let me know what you all think of the idea.

Any and all opinions are welcome, please be respectful of everybody's opinions.

Thank you all for your continued support,

And I'll see you in the next one.



Also out of curiosity, would like to know how many of you WANT a pilot spot but cannot get one due to all of the slots being full?

Talon Karrde

Experiments are important so if you feel comfortable trying this you absolutely should.

Luis Garcia

I definitely have wanted a pilot spot since I discovered the tier. I've been trying to check at the beginning and end of every month hoping for a spot to open up. I would love the chance to make selections, even if it's only temporary.

Tom Tattershall

I'm already in the Pilot tier but I'm all for getting more pilots and variety per month if you can handle more. In the interest of more variety, limit the "temporary" pilot tier to 3 or 4 months per patron in that tier to give more people a chance at picking shows. After 1 month or so, they can try to get another slot. I don't know if anyone will like that idea but it would allow more patrons to participate and give more variety in the pilots.

Scarlett Monrow

Maybe raise the price of the tier? Something tells me for that $30 you'll have a line of people with pilots.

Matthew Swisher

I agree with this. If the whole reason for a new pilot tier is because the slots for the current one is full for long periods of time, and you want others to get a shot or have more of a variety of selections, the only way to really fix that would be to limit how long people can be in the temporary pilot tier. And if there are only going to be five slots available, I would honestly recommend that the trial period be one where someone who signs up can only be in that tier for one month for the duration of the trial. After all, if there aren't even 15 people who want to sign up for it, a new tier probably isn't worth creating.


Requests for pilots are a great idea if you are looking for something new to fill a vacant spot in your schedule, but 10/15/20 per month is sure to be overwhelming.


I understand that you don't want to risk alienating those who have been at the $30 Tier forever.


Movie requests could be a good alternative, with everyone at the Generosity Tier making a request, you put them to a vote with a poll, and the top 5 or 10 get reacted to that month.


just spit-balling as usual. :P

Uncle Dino

I would like to prepay for a series. Please hear me out. I want a reaction to "The Nevers". What I offer is $25 an episode or $150 upfront. If you are copyrighted then please keep the money. If you agree to watch at least two episodes and if you don't care for it (much like Carnival Row, thank you by the way for giving the series a chance sorry you didn't care for it) again please keep the money. If you watch the entire 6 episodes, like the show and want to edit them to be shown on YouTube let me know and I will pay $10 per episode for that service. I have only been watching your channel for a few months and really, really enjoy it but I understand you have long term fans. These fans may feel that I am bypassing them by offering money, they would be correct (at least I am honest about it). I understand you may need their blessing so you aren't accused of "selling out". I don't wish to cause you troubles. I enjoy your art. I am willing to pay for that art. Consider it me commissioning a portrait. If you want more money we can negotiate. If you are interested please send me your PayPal information or let me know how you would like me to pay. Also hopefully you understand I would want you to start the series by November and agree to finish by December. Thank you for your hard work. I am almost finished with your Buffyverse reactions and I am looking forward to your reactions to The Boys, Invincible, and all The Netflix Marvel shows especially Jessica Jones and Luke Cage. Please let me know

Christopher simeon

Why don't the temporary 5 be a rotation tier. Which means the same person can not be in it two months in a row


As a long term fan, I would have no problem with this. I think it's an interesting idea actually to be able to pick a full season/short series all at once.

Zach Hershman

I would gladly join this pilot tier. Have wanted to for a few years now. That said, I think there are enough pilots as is. I think you may be able to do more content, but it's possible all the other content will suffer for it. We want you to want to sit down and react to shows. Those reactions are enjoyable. We don't want you to feel like have to or that it is a chore.


Even as a one-off experiment it would be worthwhile I think.

Christopher simeon

How come? Just write down the names of who signs up. Then the month after as long as none of those names are there you do not have a problem. You can even remind everyone at the end of the month


Because there’s more than just a name involved ... there’s money and that would be a hassle for ASR to deal with.


I am against this idea. Your schedule is already very full and in my opinion, it is much better to focus on what is already there instead of wanting to add even more. That the time that remains is spent, for example, on binge-and-release shows, on non-asr related matters or possible quality improvement. And if there is time left, that that does not mean that you should necessarily invest that time in recording reactions, etc. Make enough time for yourself. There is more to life than ASR, so don't forget to enjoy your life.

david borokovsky

How about ruffled pilot tier 15-20$, three selection ruffled each month between all people in the tier You Can select a movie or two episodes

Brandon Wiesner

I see what you're saying but that's why she is thinking about it as an "experiment." Plus, if she pre-emptively thought she was already too overwhelmed, she wouldn't even be considering it.

Nicole Christie

man and they have been there FOReVER its like give others a chance. I know they pay for it but obviously if you have a long line of people waiting for the slot it will get filled again. Do a three month rotation... or something

Luis Garcia

If someone did stick around, she would have to kick them off (I'm not sure if she can do that), or tell them to get off the tier. On top of that she would have to refund them and all this stuff is just an extra hassle. It easier said on our side when we don't see what goes on behind the scenes.